IFRC Global Logistics Service Dubai, 24 March 2014 Global Logistics Service set-up Geneva Beirut Las Palmas Dubai Dakar Panama Nairobi Kuala Lumpur Johannesburg Global Logistics Service Management, Geneva Global Logistics Service, Dubai office Zonal Logistics Unit, Panama Zonal Logistics Unit, Nairobi Zonal Logistics Unit, Kuala Lumpur Logistics hub, Las Palmas Logistics Strategy 2005–2010 Project 1 – Geneva Centralize policy and decentralize operational capability Project 2 Dubai RLU Project 3 KL RLU Project 4 PADRU RLU DR for 5,000 families in 48hrs DR for 5,000 families in 48hrs DR for 5,000 families in 48hrs DR for 15,000 families in 2 weeks DR for 15,000 families in 2 weeks DR for 15,000 families in 2 weeks Project 5 Stock strategy Project 6 IT systems Project 7 Framework Agreements Project 8 Standards Coordination of defined services – better, faster, cheaper Impact of global strategy Indonesia tsunami 04/05 Pakistan earthquake 05/06 Yogyakarta earthquake 06/07 Myanmar cyclone 08 Families receiving full package by 2 months 0 0 42,911 47,723 Days to activate the supply chain from start of disaster 18 10 3 5 Cost to deliver relief package per family at 2 months (CHF) - 824 142 268 Better, faster, cheaper Why did we need a new strategy? Internal External Global Logistics Service delivery Logistics 2015 – strategic objectives Underpinning the delivery of IFRC Strategy 2020 Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 To support the enhancement of National Society logistics capacity To increase the IFRC’s logistics capacity to deliver logistics services for preparedness and operational activities To provide agreed logistics services to pre-selected humanitarian agencies Global logistics services Business managed by GLS Management of vehicle assets Management of warehouse stock assets Support to 60-100 operations per year CHF 25 mln CHF 40-75 mln CHF 150-600 mln GLS contingency stock / F.A. Tent Blanket Tarpaulin Mosquito net Vehicle Household kit Kitchen set Jerry can Shelter kit Hygiene parcel Medical kit Watsan kit Procurement activities Global procurement expenditures 2007-2013 Warehousing 16,486,715 Watsan Supplies 146,964,682 Vehicles/ Parts/ Fuel 73,019,804 Construction 78,121,565 Food/Seeds 92,376,355 IT/ Telecom 14,318,869 Medical Supplies 56,343,727 Transport Air/Road/Sea 61,330,957 Shelter Materials 175,816,105 Relief Supplies 136,158,771 851 mln CHF Humanitarian Procurement Center Since the IFRC GLS European has beenCommission operatingfor as Humanitarian a Humanitarian by the2005 Directorate General Aid Procurement Centre accredited by the Directorate for Aid t Centre by the Directorate General European Commission for General Humanitarian Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO) IFRC GLS has a professional structure specialised in the technical and commercial management of supplies and services necessary for the implementation of humanitarian actions Transportation and insurance Comprehensive insurance cover for goods in transit and in storage Sourcing of world-class transport (air, sea, road) companies and forwarders GLS warehouse activities Storage of goods Insurance of stored goods Inbound-outbound services Customs clearance GLS warehouse standards and resources Warehouse procedures based on best business practices Warehouse manual Established business processes LOGIC - computerized inventory management system Monthly reports Regular physical inventory Professional staff IFRC Global Logistics Service Working with us Service Requester Application Form Service Agreement SA is an agreement signed between a potential user and the Global Logistics Service in Geneva By signing the SA, the user commits to the general terms and conditions stipulated in it and the enclosed annexes, which come to force as the guiding document for respective service delivery How does it work? User expresses interest in GLS services (GLS GVA) Cooperation is discussed, agreed and formalized through SA (GLS GVA) Cost estimate is provided (GLS GVA) Offer is signed (GLS GVA) Service delivered by GLS globally Invoicing as agreed Services GLS has 34 Service Agreements signed with users (NS, externals) and delivered services to the following 26 external agencies: • • • • • B-FAST (BELGIAN FIRST AID & SUPPORT TEAM) CARE INTERNATIONAL CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES (CRS) COMPACT AS CONCERN WORLDWIDE • • • • • MERLIN NORWEGIAN REFUGEE COUNCIL OXFAM SAVE THE CHILDREN SOLIDARITE INTERNATIONALE • • DANISH REFUGEE COUNCIL FIJI NATIONAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT OFFICE (NDMO) HK LOGISTICS PTY LTD IMC (INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS) INTERMON OXFAM IOM KOICA (KOREA INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY) MEDAIR • • • • • • SWEDISH CIVIL CONTINGENCIES AGENCY (MSB) SWISS AGENCY FOR DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION (DEZA) TERRE DES HOMMES UNFPA (UNITED NATIONS POP. FUND) UNHCR UNICEF • WFP • WHO (WPRO) • • • • • • IFRC Global Logistics Service Dubai, 24 March 2014