Hart Hill Nursery School and Children’s Centre Contingency Plan MarIn the event of any emergency the correct procedures in the Contingency Plan must be followed. This policy lists the people who manage incidents at Hart Hill. Home Phone Number Mobile Number Tricia Penfold 01582 526912 07854857112 Bron Martin 01462 639500 07906554460 Kathy Clark 01582 614911 07805 335589 Ruchika Aggarwal 01582 527336 07709424326 Rebecca Smith 01582483875 07949403477 Tara Stock 01582 619412 07776424326 Luton Borough Council Corporate Director Carol Wylde, School Improvement Advisor Anita Torrie Chair of Governors Hazel Bloor LBC Health and Safety Adviser LBC Property Repair Hotline 01582 548400 Out of hours emergency hotline 01582 720703 01480 473323 07786374142 01582 548042 01582 646335 The senior member of staff for co-ordinating an emergency response (the Incident Manager) would normally be the head teacher, deputy headteacher or Care Leader. The responsibilities of the Response Team are listed separately. The Key Holder is Kathy Clark. The Headteacher and deputy headteacher do not have building keys off site. Back Up systems for ICT. The systems are backed up daily 1 Files: Staff files and other records are kept in locked, fire proof metal filing cabinets. Evacuation: In the event of it being necessary to evacuate the whole site a head-count would take place as in a fire drill and all staff and children would be walked to Crawley Green Infant School, telephone number 01582 724267. Risk Assessment for Serious Incidents: Risk Level/Severity Risk Of…. High Med Low Actions taken and Actions Required to Mitigate Effect Risk assessments in place for most activities. Accidents involving death at school Staff will follow the actions in this plan. Staff need to be reminded of the plan. Accidents involving injury away from school Ditto Accidents involving death away from school Ditto Fire (Accidental) Fire risk assessments in place. Staff trained in fire awareness. Fire (Arson) Ditto. Constant vigilance needed. Structural damage to buildings CCTV has helped to reduce vandalism. Building generally in good repair. Must be kept in good repair. Contractor failure We only use contractors recommended by LBC and should continue to do so. Flood (are you by a river) No. Caretaker advises of plumbing repairs needed and they are attended to. Accidents involving injury at school Severe weather We close when snow / ice causes the roads to be dangerous. Systems in place to advise staff and parents. They need to be updated every year. Serious mis-behaviour Behaviour of children is generally good. Loss of key staff Follow this contingency plan. We have a reliable group of contractors who come promptly. We open only 1 classroom in Failure of essential services: water, gas, electricity, heating real emergencies and ask parents to take children home if they can. Health hazards from local businesses within 3km Not aware of potential hazards locally. Letters are sent to parents. Parents need reminding at their New Parents’ meeting. Flight paths over school Flight paths do not run over the school but are close by. Main roads next to school Parents need constant reminders about safe parking. Intruder entering school Security doors in place. Staff need to remain vigilant. Missing pupils Systems in place for reporting. Systems in place for security. Lost and Uncollected children policy Theft/vandalism Vigilance required. Contaminated food/water Hygiene inspections annually. Water tested weekly. Health issues within school: contagious illnesses Contacts Needs to be Done Not Relevant Who is Responsible Information Required In Place Telephone numbers of all staff 24 hours Office manager & HT Contact numbers for all parents Office manager Contact numbers for all school governors HT and clerk to Govs. Contact list of all people, groups, organisations who may visit or use the school who would need to be informed Family Workers Contact list of people and groups used by the school, e.g. contractors, suppliers etc Office manager 3 Access to Resources and Information after an incident: Most information is in fire proof cabinets. Resources and Information Information Required In Place Needs to be Done Not Relevant Who is Responsible Student information: Office manager Medical information relating to pupils and staff both on site and on school outings/visits HT/ SENCO Backup disks of key accounts, records, inventories, confidential information etc Office manager School financial details Office manager Copy of key policies etc HT files, reports, exam results School Premises and Building Issues If a critical incident were to occur that affects the school building itself, emergency services and other contractors may need to gain access to key parts of the school. By identifying key areas and locations of utility supplies and rooms where hazardous materials may be stored the incident can be handled quickly and safely. School Premises and Building Issues Needs to be Done In Place Premises and site plans Caretaker and LBC Locations of gas, water, electric mains (key services) Caretaker Locations of chemical stores, science/technology rooms Caretaker Location of key salvage priorities, e.g. coursework storage, school administration Office Manager Copy of asbestos log/water management (legionnaires) log and fire log Oil tanks/fuel stores Locations of fire doors, emergency exits and Not Relevant Who is Responsible Information Required Office manager / HT and caretaker Caretaker HT emergency lighting Current Procedures Current Procedures Information Required In Place Needs to be Done Not Relevant Who is Responsible Fire Procedures: HT Full site evacuation plans HT ‘Shelter’ procedures HT and Crawley Green Procedures for educational visits DHT Risk assessment for school site HT and Govs Security initiatives on site, i.e. fencing, CCTV HT Procedures for school closure due to severe weather, heating failure etc HT Building evacuation plans Emergency Evacuation Plans: As in fire drill. If we need to evacuate the site Office Manager calls Crawley Green. Staff escort all children to Crawley Green Infant School. Shelter Plans eg if an intruder is on site: There is no alternative warning other than the fire bell which would not be appropriate. Word of mouth would be used – the site is small enough for this. Issue Considerations Activation – What method of alarm can be used? How are you going to make sure that everyone in your building knows that there is an emergency and that they shouldn’t go outside? Word of mouth. Control of pupils/visitors/staff within the building? Can you ‘lockdown’ your facility? We can refuse to open the 3 main doors. What do you do if someone turns up at the door and you’re in lockdown? Call the police. 5 Food and drink? Accommodation Notification to parents? What stocks do you have on site? Enough for a snack for most staff / children. Are they locked up? Available in classrooms/ Yellow room. Can you control the climate of your facility without using a system that draws air in from outside? No Do you have blankets or heaters? No Could occupants sleep on site? With great difficulty. When to notify? ASAP. Would you be able to handle the high number of incoming calls? No – 3 at a time. What if area most at risk is where contact details and phones are kept? Alternative office – HT’s – available. Medication for pupils and staff How will you deal with the requirements that staff, pupils or visitors may have for drugs? Small stock kept on site. How long can ‘shelter’ within the school be sustained? No more than 12 hours. Staff should ensure pupils are moved into classrooms or safe areas Doors should be locked and windows and blinds closed Pupils should be kept seated away from windows and doors. There may be circumstances when it is best to sit on the floor or under desks No one should be allowed out of the classroom or safe area during the lockdown procedure Pupils, should where possible be engaged in a quiet activity or game and should be kept calm Non-Teaching staff should, where possible, assemble in a pre-designated room to form the Incident Response Team If children are outside when the signal for lockdown is given, teachers and supervisors should consider taking them into the nearest hall or building that can be secured. If this is not possible, pupils may be asked to hide, disperse, or take cover if this will ensure their safety The need to communicate with teachers in classrooms – if it is safe to do so ‘runners’ could be used for this task, or two-way radios Devise a signal for giving the ‘all clear’