lecture16.perception and individual decision making.VU

Management, Organizational Policies
& Practices
Lecture 16
Dr. Amna Yousaf
University of Twente, the
Recap Lecture 15
What is personality and personality traits?
Measuring Personality
Determinants of Personality
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Big-Five Personality Traits
Personality Traits and outcomes
Core self-evaluations
Other personality traits
Type A and Type B personality
Proactive Personality
Political Skills
• Person-Job Fit
and Individual Decision Making
Lecture 16
Lecture Outline (1)
What Is Perception, and Why Is It Important?
Factors That Influence Perception
Attribution Theory
Errors and Biases in Attributions
Frequently Used Shortcuts in Judging Others
Selective Perception
Halo Effect
Contrast effect
• Specific Applications in Organizations
Employment Interview
Performance Expectations
Ethnic Profiling
Performance Evaluations
Lecture Outline (2)
The Link Between Perceptions and Individual Decision Making
Assumptions of the Rational Decision-Making Model
The Three Components of Creativity
How Are Decisions Actually Made in Organizations?
Common Biases and Errors
Individual Differences in Decision Making
Organizational Constraints on Decision Making
Cultural Differences in Decision Making
Ethics and Decisions Making
Ways to Improve Decision Making
Toward Reducing Bias and Errors
What Is Perception, and Why Is It
A process by which
individuals organize and
interpret their sensory
impressions in order to
give meaning to their
• People’s behavior is
based on their
perception of what
reality is, not on
reality itself.
• The world as it is
perceived is the world
that is behaviorally
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Factors That
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Person Perception: Making
Judgments About Others
Attribution Theory
When individuals observe
behavior, they attempt to
determine whether it is
internally or externally
Distinctiveness: shows different behaviors in different situations.
Consensus: response is the same as others to same situation.
Consistency: responds in the same way over time.
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Attribution Theory
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Errors and Biases in Attributions
Fundamental Attribution Error
The tendency to underestimate
the influence of external factors
and overestimate the influence
of internal factors when making
judgments about the behavior
of others.
In general, we tend
to blame the person
first, not the
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Errors and Biases in Attributions
Self-Serving Bias
The tendency for individuals to
attribute their own successes
to internal factors while
putting the blame for failures
on external factors.
Thought: When student gets
an “A” on an exam, they
often say they studied hard.
But when they don’t do well,
how does the self serving
bias come into play?
Hint: Whose fault is it usually
when an exam is “tough”?
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Frequently Used Shortcuts in Judging
Selective Perception
People selectively interpret what they see on the
basis of their interests, background, experience,
and attitudes.
Research on 23 business executives
Car colors
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Frequently Used Shortcuts in Judging
Halo Effect
Drawing a general impression about
an individual on the basis of a single
Former CEO of HP
Contrast Effects
Evaluation of a person’s characteristics that
are affected by comparisons with other
people recently encountered who rank higher
or lower on the same characteristics
Job interviews
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Frequently Used Shortcuts in Judging
Judging someone on the
basis of one’s perception of
the group to which that
person belongs. Gender,
age, ethnicity etc
Asian people hardworking
Older people cant learn
Men cant do child care
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Specific Applications in Organizations
• Employment Interview
– Perceptual biases of raters affect the accuracy of
interviewers’ judgments of applicants. Women cant sit late
• Performance Expectations
– Self-fulfilling prophecy (Pygmalion effect): The lower or
higher performance of employees reflects preconceived
leader expectations about employee capabilities.
• Ethnic Profiling
– A form of stereotyping in which a group of individuals is
singled out—typically on the basis of race or ethnicity—for
intensive inquiry, scrutinizing, or investigation.
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Specific Applications in Organizations
• Performance Evaluations
– Appraisals are often the subjective (judgmental)
perceptions of appraisers of another employee’s
job performance.
– Especially where performance is not objective,
selection bias, stereo typing contrast and halo
effect are expected
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The Link Between Perceptions and
Individual Decision Making
A perceived discrepancy
between the current state of
affairs and a desired state.
Choices made from among
alternatives developed from
data perceived as relevant.
Perception of
the decision
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Assumptions of the Rational
Decision-Making Model
Rational DecisionMaking Model
Describes how
individuals should
behave in order to
maximize some
Model Assumptions
• Problem clarity
• Known options
• Clear preferences
• Constant preferences
• No time or cost
• Maximum payoff
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Steps in the Rational Decision-Making
1. Define the problem.
2. Identify the decision criteria.
3. Allocate weights to the criteria.
4. Develop the alternatives.
5. Evaluate the alternatives.
6. Select the best alternative.
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The Three Components of Creativity
The ability to produce
novel and useful ideas.
Model of Creativity
Proposition that individual
creativity requires expertise,
creative-thinking skills, and
intrinsic task motivation.
Source: T.M. Amabile, “Motivating Creativity in Organizations,” California Management Review, Fall 1997, p. 43.
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How Are Decisions Actually Made in
Bounded Rationality
Individuals make decisions by constructing
simplified models that extract the essential
features from problems without capturing
all their complexity.
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Common Biases and Errors
• Overconfidence Bias
– Believing too much in our own ability to make good
• Belief that 100% right is actually only 75 to 80.
• Study in US…
• Anchoring Bias
– Using early, first received information as the basis for
making subsequent judgments.
• Business versus economy
• Anchoring previous salary as negotiation point
• Confirmation Bias
– Using only those facts that support our pre established
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Common Biases and Errors
• Availability Bias
– Using information that is most readily at hand.
• Recent
• Vivid
– Security locks in US
• Winner’s Curse
– Highest bidder pays too much
– Likelihood of “winner’s curse” increases with the number
of people overbidding in auction.
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Common Biases and Errors
• Escalation of Commitment
– In spite of new negative information, commitment actually
• Managers tend to support their prior decisions
• Randomness Error
– Creating meaning out of random events. Superstitious beliefs
such as don’t go out on Friday..
• Hindsight Bias
– Looking back, once the outcome has occurred, and believing
that you could accurately predict the outcome of an event - it
was most likely occurrence.
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• Intuitive Decision Making
– An unconscious process created out of distilled experience.
• Conditions Favoring Intuitive Decision Making
A high level of uncertainty exists
There is little precedent to draw on
Variables are less scientifically predictable
“Facts” are limited
Facts don’t clearly point the way
Analytical data are of little use
Several plausible alternative solutions exist
Time is limited and pressing for the right decision
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Individual Differences in Decision
 Personality
 Aspects of conscientiousness; dutifulness and
achievement striving and escalation of commitment.
 Self Esteem positively related to self serving bias
 Gender
 Rumination: Women tend to analyze decisions more
than men.
Source: A.J. Rowe and J.D. Boulgarides, Managerial Decision Making, (Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1992), p. 29.
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Organizational Constraints on Decision
• Performance Evaluation
– Evaluation criteria influence the choice of actions.
• Reward Systems
– Decision makers make action choices that are favored by
the organization.
• Formal Regulations
– Organizational rules and policies limit the alternative
choices of decision makers.
• System-imposed Time Constraints
– Organizations require decisions by specific deadlines.
• Historical Precedents
– Past decisions influence current decisions.
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Cultural Differences in Decision
Problems selected
Time orientation
Importance of logic and rationality
Belief in the ability of people to solve
• Preference for collective decision making
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Ethics in Decision Making
• Ethical Decision Criteria
– Utilitarianism
• Seeking the greatest good for the greatest number.
– Rights
• Respecting and protecting basic rights of individuals
such as whistleblowers.
– Justice
• Imposing and enforcing rules fairly and impartially.
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Ethics in Decision Making
• Ethics and National Culture
– There are no global ethical standards.
– The ethical principles of global organizations that
reflect and respect local cultural norms are
necessary for high standards and consistent
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Ways to Improve Decision Making
1. Analyze the situation and adjust your decision making
style to fit the situation.
2. Be aware of biases and try to limit their impact.
3. Combine rational analysis with intuition to increase
decision-making effectiveness.
4. Don’t assume that your specific decision style is
appropriate to every situation.
5. Enhance personal creativity by looking for novel
solutions or seeing problems in new ways, and using
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Toward Reducing Bias and Errors
• Focus on goals.
– Clear goals make decision making easier and help to
eliminate options inconsistent with your interests.
• Look for information that disconfirms beliefs.
– Overtly considering ways we could be wrong challenges
our tendencies to think we’re smarter than we actually
• Don’t try to create meaning out of random events.
– Don’t attempt to create meaning out of coincidence.
• Increase your options.
– The number and diversity of alternatives generated
increases the chance of finding an outstanding one.
Source: S.P. Robbins, Decide & Conquer: Making Winning Decisions and Taking Control of Your
Life (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2004), pp. 164–68.
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Chapter Check-Up: Perception
It’s your little sister’s senior Prom night, and she notices
that everyone is wearing the same dress she has on!
Which perceptual shortcut may be occurring?
Escalation of commitment
Representative bias
Availability Bias
Hindsight Bias
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Chapter Check-Up: Perception
It’s your little sister’s senior Prom night, and she notices that everyone is
wearing the same dress she has on! Which perceptual shortcut may be
Escalation of commitment
Representative bias
Availability Bias
Hindsight Bias
Discuss with your neighbor what the answer would be if your sister came
home and said “I just knew that everyone would buy that dress!”
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Chapter Check-Up: Perception
If all of these perceptual shortcuts
happen unconsciously, how can we
keep the stereotypes we have from
interfering with the way we work in
group projects? Identify two specific
things you could do to help prevent
stereotypes from inhibiting effective
group relationships. Discuss with a
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Chapter Check-Up: Decision Making
Michael has just discovered he is double registered for two classes
at the same time and must make a decision about which one to
take this semester. He considers the professor teaching this
semester, the time of the class, and the classes his friends are
taking. He then considers his options for when he can take each
class again, as well as the costs and benefits for taking each this
semester versus later next year. He then makes his decision.
Michael has just engaged in what?
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Chapter Check-Up: Decision Making
In making his decision, Michael forgot to
consider the implications of the color of paint
in the room where each class was being
offered. Given that room color can influence
mood, which can influence performance, why
didn’t Michael consider it?
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Chapter Check-Up: Decision Making
Michael engaged in the
rational decision making model,
and didn’t consider the paint color of the
rooms because he operates under the
confines of
bounded rationality.
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Chapter Checkup: What biases might have
affected Martha Stewart’s judgment?
Discuss with a classmate.
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Thank You
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