Bryant & Stratton College Parma COMM 150: Introduction to Information Literacy and Research Winter Semester Mr. Rossman COMM 150 Portfolio Assignment Professional Plan (For distribution and completion during weeks 6 to 10) COMM 150 Course Outcomes Assessed Upon completion of this course students will be able to: Evaluate how technology can represent findings in a variety of textual and graphic methods that rely on low, medium, and high technology communication platforms. Effectively use public access catalogs, bibliographies, and full-text and bibliographic databases. Identify different information formats and then choose the most appropriate format(s) for each research need. Demonstrate an awareness of political, social, legal, economic, and intellectual property issues relevant to print and electronic resources and successfully avoid plagiarism and copyright infringement. Evaluate information for reliability, validity, accuracy, authority, timeliness, and point of view. Cite bibliographic references in APA format, properly instructing bibliographies and reference lists in research papers and assignments. Investigate personal and professional interests, strengths and skills. Perform research on career development and lifelong learning opportunities. Complete a written career-related research project. Present research findings on career development and lifelong learning through discussion and other oral presentation formats. Employ information literacy skills through the effective use of technology and information resources to accomplish a goal. Assignment 2: Professional Plan is worth 15% of your total grade for the course. Purpose of Assessment Mastery of information literacy skills is essential to success in many careers that offer the promise and potential for personal and professional growth. That is why Bryant & Stratton College created this introductory course. Introduction to Information Literacy and Research (COMM 150) is designed to develop your understanding and development of information literacy skills and the many applications of information literacy within the career path of your choice. After successful completion of the Professional Plan, you will have a piece of evidence for your portfolio of your initial information literacy skills. As you progress through your program of study you will produce more advanced evidence of your information literacy skills. During job interviews you will want to highlight how you used research throughout your program of study to support your ideas and thoughts. The portfolio assignment, the Professional Plan, is described below. After reviewing the requirements for this assignment, think about the question or questions you will have to answer to complete the assignment successfully. As you approach working through the assignment, formulating questions will allow you to clarify the assignment and move forward with greater confidence. Revised 2/19/14 1 Assignment Requirements 1) You are to use the Virtual Library to find four sources that will support your answers below. Remember to use the information literacy skills you gained thus far during your course of study in COMM 150 to help you make judgments on the most appropriate sources to use. You may find the SocIndex with Full Text and the Vocational & Career Collection databases helpful. 2) In addition, you may choose to interview a faculty member or a manager as a source of information that you can use and cite in your assignment. 3) Use the learning’s from the sources chosen from the Virtual Library, interview, class discussions and research, and other coursework in your program of study to help support your answers to the questions below. Be sure to use correct APA style when citing in-text citations and references. 4) Use at least two graphic representations in your plan to depict one or more relevant aspects of careers in your field of study listed below in 5a. One graphic representation must be created by you in MS Excel 2010. Be sure to choose the most appropriate representation for the data you are representing. 5) Compose a descriptive writing that answers the following essential questions: a. What are the responsibilities, tasks, growth trends, salaries, lifelong learning opportunities, and other relevant aspects of three (3) careers in your field of interest? b. What areas from the listing above draw you to this career field and are most important to you? Why? c. What is the content knowledge expertise required for success in your field of interest. Through an interview of faculty, or a manager who supervises similar positions, briefly describe the courses and lifelong certifications that will help you realize future personal and career success. d. As a final note following your reflective narrative think about and address the following question. If you were asked by a student next semester how he/she should approach this assignment (professional plan) to ensure good results, what advise would you give the student? Include it in the paper’s conclusion. You will be asked to share your answer with the class the day the paper is due. Note: Your paper should be, at minimum, a three to four page document (spend approximately one page describing each option), typed and double-spaced. There must be four unique sources from the Virtual Library used and correctly cited using APA format in your final plan to support your answers, an interview, and at minimum two graphic representations. Include the Rubric pages at the end of your report. Due: March 31, 2014 Revised 2/19/14 2 Bryant & Stratton College Rubric for COMM 150 Portfolio Assignment Professional Plan Level 4 Content 60 Level 3 46 45 Level 2 31 The writing fully identifies and details the significant features and details of career positions and paths. The student evaluates four (4) sources, has ensured relevance and reliability, and correctly cites the sources within the assignment and in the “Reference Page”. Text references are appropriately integrated into the assignment. The writing, for the most part, identifies the significant features and details of the career positions and path. Student evaluates four (4) sources; one is not relevant and/or reliable. Minor errors (< 2) are evident in the citation of sources within the assignment and in the “Reference Page”. Text references are appropriately integrated into the assignment and cited in the “Reference Page”. Two graphic representations and an interview are included and represent the most appropriate depiction of information. One or two graphic representations and an interview are included and represent an appropriate depiction of data. 30 Level 1 16 The writing lacks specificity in describing significant features and details of the career positions and path, and the steps for advancement. The student evaluates fewer than three (<3) sources, and demonstrates uncertainty in the evaluation of sources. Consistent errors (>3) occur in the citation of sources within the assignment and in the “Reference Page”. Text references are not consistently integrated into the assignment in an appropriate way. One or two graphic representations and an interview is included; however information is inappropriately expressed. 15 0 The writing is too general in describing the significant features and details of the career positions and path, and does not attempt to describe the steps for advancement. The student evaluates fewer than two (<2) sources, and does not attempt the evaluation of sources. Frequent and consistent errors (>4) occur in the citation of sources within the assignment and in the “Reference Page”. Text references are not appropriately integrated into the assignment. No graphic representations or an interview are included are included. Comments: Level 4 Research/APA Documentation 60 Level 3 46 The paper exhibits an excellent ability to choose, integrate, and document source material in support of the thesis. The writer employs ample appropriate source material to fully support the thesis; integrates it smoothly (as quotes, paraphrases, “borrowed” ideas) and effectively to support his/her own original writing; and thoroughly and correctly documents the sources (in text and in the “Reference Page ” using the APA style. The paper uses sources in a way that evidences thorough understanding of legal and ethical implications. 45 Level 2 31 The paper exhibits an adequate ability to choose, integrate, and document source material in support of the thesis. The source material the writer employs is appropriate, though additional support would strengthen the paper; integration could be smoother or more varied; and documentation of sources is thorough and correct overall, with minor errors in using the APA style. 30 Level 1 16 The paper exhibits a passable ability to choose, integrate, and/or document source material in support of the thesis. There are places in the paper where points are made but not supported with source material; when used, sources are awkwardly integrated and/or poorly or incompletely documented, though no attempt to deliberately plagiarize can be detected. 15 0 The paper exhibits an inability to choose, integrate, and document source material in support of a thesis. Source material is never used or is infrequently and/or inappropriately used; source documentation, if used at all, is sketchy and not in keeping with APA guidelines. OR, plagiarism is evident. The paper uses sources in a way that evidences understanding of legal and ethical implication Comments: Revised 2/19/14 3 Level 4 Grammar/Mechanics/Language/Structure 30 Level 3 23 The assignment is well written according to the rules of Standard English and effectively communicates the writer’s purpose. The assignment is error free for spelling and punctuation. Excellence is demonstrated in sentence construction and use of transitional sentences. The paper is fluent and effortlessly understandable. The pattern of organization is appropriate to the assignment. 22 Level 2 16 The assignment is generally well written according to the rules of Standard English and communicates the writer’s purpose. There are a few errors (1 per page) but the errors do not significantly detract from the reader’s understanding of the writer’s intention. There are a few errors (1 per page) in spelling and punctuation. There are a few errors (1 per page) in grammar as expressed through subject/pronoun/verb agreement. There is evidence of appropriate sentence construction and transitional sentences to connect paragraphs and create meaning within the assignment. The paper has a clearly recognizable introduction, body, and conclusion and uses a pattern of organization appropriate to the assignment. 15 Level 1 8 The assignment generally conforms to the assignment requirements and the writer’s purpose is evident, although more development according to the rules of Standard English is required in order to effectively communicate the writer’s purpose. There are many errors (> 2 per page) in spelling and punctuation. There are many (>2 per page) errors in grammar as expressed through subject/pronoun/verb agreement. There are many errors (> 2 per page) in sentence construction. Transitional sentences to connect paragraphs and create meaning within the assignment are generally absent. Overall, many errors (>2 per page) in the writings interfere with the reader’s understanding of the assignment. The paper, though it has an introduction, body, and conclusion and so is basically “correct” in its structure, is in need of a clear organizational pattern. 7 0 The assignment barely meets the minimum acceptable standards according to the rules of Standard English in order to effectively communicate the writer’s purpose. Frequent errors more than (>3 per page) in spelling and punctuation, frequent errors more than (> 3 per page) in grammar as expressed through subject/pronoun/verb agreement are evident. Sentence construction is minimally acceptable due to frequent appearance greater than (> 3 per page) of sentence fragments. Transitional sentences to connect paragraphs and create meaning within the assignment are absent. Frequent errors greater than (> 3 per page) interfere with the reader’s understanding. Comments: Final Comments: 150-135= A 134-119= B 118-103= C 102- 00= F Revised 2/19/14 Point allocation: 60 pts. to content 30 pts. to mechanics/organization 60 pts. to research 4