Formulas for Loans, Mortgages and Savings accounts

Formulas for Loans, Mortgages
and Savings accounts
Bernard Liengme
January 2012
The interest rates banks charge on credit card
balances is criminal! Somewhere around 26%
• When you borrow money you pay interest; when
you save money you earn interest.
• The interest is computed as a percentage rate
and in normally quoted as a yearly (per annum)
value. It is then called the APR – annual
percentage rate.
• But you are generally charged (or earn) on a
monthly basis
• If rate is the per annum percentage then the
monthly percentage is rate/12
Number of Periods (nper)
• A period is the interval between which you
make a payment on the load (or the bank
deposits earned interest into your account)
• All of our examples will use monthly periods
• If nper is the number of years over which you
will pay of the load then in our formulas we
replace nper by nper * 12.
• The starting amount of a load to distinguish it
from the interest
• Get the spelling right it is NOT principle
• This word does not appear in Excel formulas
Present Value PV
• A $100 bill is worth (surprise!) $100. That is its
present value.
• You have won a prize that pays you $100 a month
for 10 years. What is it worth? Or what is its
present value?
• Its PV is the amount of money someone would
need to invest and get $100 a month for 10 years
leaving nothing in the bank at the end of that
• We have to assume the interest rate remains the
same as today’s value.
Future Value FV
• A $100 bill is worth $100 today and will be
worth $100 in 10 years time (It may not buy as
many pints of beer but it will still have a value
of $100). That is it PV and its FV.
• I deposit $100 in the bank, wait 10 years and
then withdraw it. How much will I get? Or
what will be its future value?
• The catch phrase is the time value of money.
Payment pmt
• You borrow $1,000 from the bank for 1 year.
• Every month you give the bank $86.99
(normally this will be deducted from you
regular bank account automatically)
• After 12 months the loan is paid off
• When you began the loan: PV = 1000, FV = 0,
rate = 8%/12 and nper = 1 * 12. We will see
soon how to compute the payment pmt.
How are these thing related?
• By the money equation shown here
 1 
  fv  0
pv *(1  rate)  pmt *(1  rate * type) * 
• But we will not have to worry about it
Money has a value and a direction
• There is a difference between giving and
receiving money.
• Money received is a credit and we give it a
positive value
• Money paid into the bank is a debit and we
give it a negative sign
Excel formulas
• All the formulas for personal finance use the
terms PV, FV, rate, nper and pmt
• For everything but rate, we can rearrange the
money equation to get just one term on the
 1 
  fv  0
pv * (1  rate)  pmt * (1  rate * type) * 
pmt * (1  rate * type)  1  rate)  1 
pv  
 (1  rate)nper
(1  rate)
• Present value =PV(rate,nper, pmt, [fv],[type])
• Arguments in brackets [] can be omitted when
• My prize gives me $100 each month for 10
years, what is its PV? If the rate is 8% pa then
we compute the present value with:
What if I will also get $500 at the end
of the 10 years?
=PV(8%/12,10*12,100, 500)
And the answer is
• Open the workbook Finance and on the PV
worksheet note the way we do the
calculations. Why are the two PV values
shown in red?
• Because it someone went to the bank to set
up a price like this they would have to give
money to the bank. Money would flow away
from them.
• Future value =FV(rate, nper, pmt, [pv],[type])
• I deposit $100 each month into a saving account. The
interest rate is 8% pa.
• PV = 0 since the saving account had nothing in it before the
first payment. What formula should I use to find how much
I can expect after 3 years?
Why is pv given the value -100 with a negative sign?
See worksheet FV
• Payment: =PMT(rate, nper, pv, [fv], [type])
• I borrow $1,000 at 8% pa and pay off the loan
in 12 monthly installments. How much must I
• See worksheet PMT
Number of Periods
• I plan to save $250 each month until I have
$100,000. Assuming the APR is 8%, how many
monthly payments must I make?
• Number of periods
=NPER(rate, pmt, pv, fv, type)
• Rate=APR/12; PMT = -250 (note the negative)
• PV = 0, FV = 100,000, type = 0 (end of month)
• Worksheet NPER
• Rate is found with
• When the syntax is shown like this the bold
arguments are required and the others are
optional – in the other form we used [] for
optional arguments
• The money equation cannot be solved for rate, so
Excel uses a ‘trial-and-error’ method like
GoalSeek. Hence the guess argument: it
sometimes helps to give Excel a start!
Rate (cont)
• I plan to save $400 each month for 25 years to
give myself a pension. If my target is $500,000
what must the APR be during this time?
• The answer is 9.65% which is unlikely at the
present time. See worksheet Rate
• Where as PMT computes the payment on a
loan, IPMT computes the interest part of this
payment and PPMT computes how much
went to paying down the principal.
• See worksheet IPMT