Map and Timeline Skills 6.1.spi.2 I can identify what an archaeologist studies. I can identify what an anthropologist studies. I can identify what a geologist studies. I can identify the job of a historian. Map and Timeline Skills 6.3.spi.1 I can use a compass rose to find locations on a world map. I can use the map key to read a map. I can use the scale of a map to determine distance between locations. I can distinguish the difference between latitude and longitude line on a map. I can find locations using latitude and longitude. I can identify the 7 continents. I can locate the 7 continents by their hemisphere and their relation to other continents. I can identify the 5 oceans. I can locate the oceans by their location in relation to the continents and hemispheres. Map and Timeline Skills 6.3.spi.5 I can interpret information represented on a political map. I can interpret information represented on a resource map. I can interpret information represented on a product map. I can interpret information represented on a physical map. I can interpret information represented on a climate map. I can interpret information represented on a vegetation map. Map and Timeline Skills 6.3.spi.2 I can restate the definition of geographic forms in my own words. I can identify the definition of the basic geographic forms. I can locate basic geographic forms on a map. Map and Timeline Skills 6.3.spi.6 I can determine what a bar graph is and identify the various parts (title, x-axis, y-axis, contrast of bars). I can determine what a circle graph is and identify the various parts (title, key, pieces) I can determine what a line graph is and identify the various parts (title, line, rise and fall of line) Map and Timeline Skills 6.5.spi.6. recognize I can identify the definition for the various time periods (BCE, AD, centuries, decades, prehistoric, historic) I can use a timeline to show my understanding of BCE, AD, centuries, decades, prehistoric time, and historic time. Mesopotamia 6.1.spi.1 I can define culture and list aspects of a society that make up a culture. I can list the components of a Mesopotamian society that make up their culture (language, common values, traditions, government, art forms, literature, and lifestyle). Mesopotamia 6.1.spi.3. I can explain that prior to Abraham, Mesopotamian people were primarily a polytheistic people. I can identify the characteristics Judaism and Abraham as the founder. I can explain the part that Moses played in the deliverance of the Jewish people from Egypt. I can analyze how the beliefs of the Jews affected events in Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia 6.1.spi.4. I can identify the Epic of Gilgamesh as a Mesopotamian epic. I can discuss characteristics of Mesopotamian culture that are portrayed in the epic. Mesopotamia 6.1.spi.6. I can explain why Mesopotamian city-states settled next to the Tigris and Euphrates. Mesopotamia 6.1.spi.7 I can explain that cuneiform was a type of writing that used wedge-shaped symbols. I can identify how Mesopotamia used cuneiform in their everyday life. Mesopotamia 6.1.spi.8 I can explain how the Jewish religion spread because of the Diaspora Mesopotamia 6.2.spi.1 I can define the term barter. I can explain that Mesopotamians attained what they needed through a surplus and bartering. Mesopotamia 6.2.spi.3. I can explain the lifestyle of the hunter gatherers and how this forced them to constantly migrate. I can explain how the discovery of agriculture led to surplus, specialization, artisans, large villages, permanent shelters, and the domestication of plants and animals. Mesopotamia 6.2.spi.4 I can understand and explain why Mesopotamian cities formed between the Tigris and the Euphrates. I can list the specific benefits of settling next to rivers. Mesopotamia 6.3.spi.3 I can find and label Mesopotamia on a world map. Mesopotamia 6.3.spi.4 I can understand and explain why Mesopotamian cities formed between the Tigris and the Euphrates. I can list the specific benefits of settling next to rivers. Mesopotamia 6.3.spi.5. I can analyze a variety of maps to better understand Mesopotamia (resources, citystates, etc. ) Mesopotamia 6.3.spi.6 I can interpret a graph that shows the growth of populations after the agricultural revolution. I can interpret characteristics of a complex village. Mesopotamia 6.4.spi.1 6.4.spi.2. I can explain the informal family based government used by the nomads. I can explain why there was a need for formal governments began to arise during the Agricultural revolution. I can explain that the first governments grew out of a need to solve problems within civilizations. I can explain the role of a priest in Mesopotamian cities as both a leader of government and religion. I can explain how villages grew into cities and then citystates. I can explain why Mesopotamian city-states began to have kings for protection and guidance and that a king is the head of a monarchy. Mesopotamia 6.4.spi.3 I can identify Hammurabi as a Babylonian king and that Babylon is in Mesopotamia. I can explain that Hammurabi created a code of law by looking at all the existing laws in the empire and putting them together in one set of laws. I can explain the importance of Hammurabi writing the laws on a pillar in the city, and how this was different from previous codes of law. Mesopotamia 6.5.spi.1 I can place significant Mesopotmian events in time sequence on a timeline. Mesopotamia 6.5.spi.2. I can define the terms nomads, hunter gatherers, and agriculture. I can describe the lifestyle of a nomad. I can describe the lifestyle of a farmer after the agricultural revolution and how it was so different from that of a nomad. Mesopotamia 6.5.spi.4. I can explain that cuneiform was a type of writing that used wedge-shaped symbols. I can identify how Mesopotamia used cuneiform in their everyday life. Mesopotamia 6.5.spi.5. I can explain the importance of the agricultural revolution. I can explain how the development of tools made life different for Mesopotamians. I can explain the importance of the Mesopotamian writing system. I can identify the wheel, irrigation and the plow as Mesopotamian inventions and why they were so important to the farmers. Mesopotamia 6.5.spi.7 I can place Mesopotamian events on a timeline and recognize the time period as being “Early Civilizations” Mesopotamia 6.5.spi.8. I can list cultural characteristics of Mesopotamia after reading the Epic of Gilgamesh. I can recognize artifacts from a complex village. Mesopotamia 6.5.spi.11. I can define economy, social class, and political authority. I can explain how Mesopotamia’s economy revolved around agriculture. I can explain the different levels of the Mesopotamian (Sumer) social classes. I can explain that Mesopotamia divided into city-states for political reasons. I can identify the common religious practices in Mesopotamia. I can explain that they priests and kings were the head of the government and religion, and that this religious leadership gave them power over the people. Mesopotamia 6.5.spi.12. I can explain how climate change led to the development of the agricultural revolution. I can explain why nomads began to look for other food sources through farming. I can explain how a desire for more land and wealth influenced a Mesopotamian city-states and surrounding areas. Mesopotamia 6.5.spi.13 I can explain the importance of the agricultural revolution. Mesopotamia 6.5.spi.17 I can identify the Sumerians as being polytheistic. I can identify their four main gods as being sky, wind, hills, and water. Egypt 6.1.spi.1 I can list the components of a Egyptian society that make up their culture (language, common values, traditions, government, art forms, literature, and lifestyle). I can discuss the importance of monuments and statues as a part of Egyptian culture. Egypt 6.1.spi.6 I can explain why the Egyptian civilizations settled next to the Nile. I can explain how the Sahara impacted Egyptian society Egypt 6.1.spi.7 I can explain that hieroglyphics were a type of writing that used pictures to represent words and sounds. I can identify how Egypt used hieroglyphics in their everyday life. Egypt 6.2.spi.1. I can explain the importance of trade in the Egyptian Economy. Egypt 6.2.spi.4. I can understand and explain why Egyptian cities formed around the Nile river. I can list the specific benefits of settling next to the Nile. Egypt 6.3.spi.3 I can find and label Egypt on a world map. Egypt 6.3.spi.4 I can explain why the Egyptian civilizations settled next to the Nile. I can explain how the Sahara impacted Egyptian society. Egypt 6.3.spi.5 I can analyze a variety of maps to better understand Egypt (resources, trade, boundaries, etc. ) Egypt 6.4.spi.1 I can discuss and explain the term empire. I can identify an Egyptian Pharaoh as the head of a Monarchy. Egypt 6.4.spi.4. I can discuss what life would be like and the roles of individuals in various levels of the Egyptian class system. Egypt 6.5.spi.1 I can place significant Egyptian events in time sequence on a timeline. I can use a timeline to discuss events from multiple civilizations that occurred at the same time. Egypt 6.5.spi.2 I can identify Egypt as an agricultural community. I can describe the lifestyle of a farmer in Egypt and how his practices compare the life of famers in Mesopotamia in regard to the tools used. Egypt 6.5.spi.3 I can describe the characteristics of Egyptian artifacts. I can look at a variety of artifacts and distinguish which belong to the Egyptians. Egypt 6.5.spi.4. I can explain that hieroglyphics were a type of writing that used pictures to represent words and sounds. I can identify how Egyptians used hieroglyphics in their everyday life. Egypt 6.5.spi.5 I can identify specific tools that were developed for the purpose of fishing and trading on the Nile. I can compare and contrast Mesopotamian irrigation methods with the methods of the Egyptians. I can list significant advances in Egyptian science and technology. Egypt 6.5.spi.7. I can place Egyptian events on a timeline and recognize the time period as being “Early Civilizations” Egypt 6.5.spi.8. I can list cultural characteristics about Egyptian’s belief in afterlife after reading an expert from the Book of the Dead. Egypt 6.5.spi.11 I can explain the significance of trade to the Egyptian civilization. I can explain how life was different for people in the different levels of the Egyptian social pyramid. I can discuss how the Egyptian mythologies influenced their everyday lives. I can identify how their beliefs about the afterlife played a significant role in their burial practices. I can explain the pharaoh’s role as the head of the government and the religion. Egypt 6.5.spi.12. I can explain how a desire for more land and wealth influenced Egyptian pharaoh and led to the growth and change within the civilization. I can explain how Egypt changed as they were conquered by other civilizations. Egypt 6.5.spi.15. I can see how the development of tools in Mesopotamia helped in the Egyptian civilization. Egypt 6.5.spi.17. I can discuss how the Egyptian mythologies influenced their everyday lives. I can identify the how their beliefs about the afterlife played a significant role in their burial practices. I can explain the pharaohs role as the head of the government and the religion. Egypt 6.6.spi.2 I can explain the important role that Ramses II played in history. India 6.1.spi.1 I can list the components of Indian society that make up their culture (language, common values, traditions, government, art forms, literature, and lifestyle). India 6.1.spi.3. I can identify the characteristics Hinduism. I can identify the characteristics Buddhism and Siddhartha Gautama as their founder. India 6.1.spi.4. I can define the word epic. I can recognize that the Mahabharata and the Ramayana as Sanskrit epic works of the ancient Indian civilizations. I can explain the significance of the BhagavadGita on Indian’s beliefs and culture. India 6.1.spi.6 I can explain why the Harappan civilizations settled in the Indus River Valley. I can explain how the Himalayas and the Hindu Kush mountain ranges impacted Indian society. India 6.1.spi.7. I can explain that Sanskrit in an Indo-European language was the writing that was used by the Indus Valley civilizations. I can identify how Sanskrit was used in their everyday life India 6.2.spi.1. I can explain the importance of trade in the Indian civilizations. India 6.2.spi.4 I can understand and explain why civilizations formed in the Indus River Valley and the Ganges River Valley. I can list the specific benefits of settling next to the Indus River. India 6.3.spi.3. I can find and label India and the Indus river on a world map. India 6.3.spi.4 I can explain why civilizations settled next to the Indus river. I can explain how the Himalayas and the Hindu Kush mountain ranges impacted Indian society. India 6.3.spi.5. I can analyze a variety of maps to better understand the Indian civilizations (resources, locations, etc. ) India 6.3.spi.6. I can interpret a graph that shows the growth of Buddhism and Hinduism throughout India India 6.4.spi.1 I can identify the Indian kings and emperors as the head of a monarchy. India 6.4.spi.4 I can discuss what life would be like and the roles of individuals in various levels of the Indian caste system. India 6.4.spi.5. I can compare the lives of various levels of the caste system. India 6.5.spi.1 I can place significant Indian events in time sequence on a timeline. I can use a timeline to discuss events from multiple civilizations that occurred at the same time. India 6.5.spi.2. I can identify India as an agricultural community India 6.5.spi.5. I can discuss the significance of the advancements of Harappan civilizations. (planned cities, sewer systems, etc.) I can list significant advances in Indian science and technology. (number system, pi, etc.) India 6.5.spi.7. I can place Indian events on a timeline and recognize the time period as being “Early Civilizations” India 6.5.spi.8. I can explain the significance of the BhagavadGita on Indian’s beliefs and culture. India 6.5.spi.11. I can explain how the Aryan social class system led to the Indian caste system. I can discuss what life would be like and the roles of individuals in various levels of the Indian caste system. I can discuss and explain how their strong belief system influenced every aspect their daily lives. I can list the characteristics of the Indian political system India 6.5.spi.12. I can explain how the Aryan belief system led to Hinduism. I can explain how the new way of Buddhist thinking influenced changes in the culture of India. I can theorize that the Indus River changed course, therefore causing a culture to decline. I can explain how the Indian culture would grow under nomads India 6.5.spi.15. I can see how the Indian civilizations based some of their new accomplishment on the accomplishments of other civilizations India 6.6.spi.3. I can explain the significance of Buddha’s new way of thinking and how it affected the Indian people. China 6.1.spi.1 I can list the components of Chinese society that make up their culture (language, common values, traditions, government, art forms, literature, and lifestyle). China 6.1.spi.3. I can identify the characteristics Buddhism and Siddhartha Gautama as their founder. China 6.1.spi.6 I can explain why the Chinese civilizations settled in the Huang He River valley. I can explain how the Himalayas, and various deserts played a significant role in China’s early abilities to trade with other civilizations. China 6.1.spi.8 I can explain how the silk roads contributed to the spread of relation and culture. China 6.2.spi.1. I can explain the importance of silk roads and trade in the later Chinese civilizations China 6.2.spi.2. I can trace the silk roads across a map of Eurasia China 6.2.spi.4 I can understand and explain why civilizations formed on the Huang He River I can list the specific benefits of settling next to the rivers in China. China 6.3.spi.3. I can find and label China on a world map. China 6.3.spi.4 I can explain why the Chinese civilizations settled in the Huang He River valley. I can explain how the Himalayas, and various deserts played a significant role in China’s early abilities to trade with other civilizations. China 6.3.spi.5 I can analyze a variety of maps to better understand China (silk roads, boundaries, physical features, resources, etc. ) China 6.4.spi.1 I can identify the role of the emperor in the dynasties of China. China 6.5.spi.1 I can place significant Chinese events in time sequence on a timeline. I can use a timeline to discuss events from multiple civilizations that occurred at the same time China 6.5.spi.2. I can identify China as an agricultural community China 6.5.spi.5 I can list significant advances in Chinese science and technology (advanced plow, wheelbarrow, horse harness, watermill, paper, silk, etc.). China 6.5.spi.7. I can place Chinese events on a timeline and recognize the time period as being “Early Civilizations” China 6.5.spi.8. I can explain the significance of the Analects of Confucius on Indian’s beliefs and culture. China 6.5.spi.11. I can explain how the various Indian belief systems impacted their daily lives (Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism) China 6.5.spi.12. I can compare and contrast the Chinese civilization before and after the silk roads were formed. China 6.5.spi.15. I can discuss how many future accomplishments will be built on Chinese inventions. China 6.6.spi.3 I can explain the significance of Buddha’s new way of thinking and how it affected the Chinese people. Greece 6.1.spi.1 I can list the components of Greek society that make up their culture (language, common values, traditions, government, art forms, literature, and lifestyle). Greece 6.1.spi.4. I can identify the Iliad and the Odyssey as begin written by Homer. I can discuss and list ways in which they represent Greek culture. Greece 6.1.spi.6. I can identify the importance of the water routes on the Greek culture and economy. Greece 6.1.spi.8 I can explain how the conquests of Alexander the Great impacted the culture of all of the lands that he reached. Greece 6.2.spi.1 I can explain the importance of trade in the Greek economy Greece 6.2.spi.2 I can identify the importance of the Mediterranean and Persian trade routes for the Greeks. Greece 6.2.spi.5. I can discuss the importance of trade on the Greek economy. Greece 6.3.spi.5. I can analyze a variety of maps to better understand the Classical Period (trade and resources, Alexander the Great expansion, boundaries, etc. ) Greece 6.3.spi.6 I can use a graph or map to explain the conquests of Alexander the Great. Greece 6.4.spi.1 I can discuss and explain the characteristics of the direct democracy that formed in Athens. I can identify the other types of government that were common in Greece I can identify an Egyptian Pharaoh as the head of a Monarchy. Greece 6.4.spi.2. I can explain how the geography of Greece led to the development of different city-states Greece 6.4.spi.4. I can discuss what life would be like and the roles of individuals as a citizen of a Greek citystate. Greece 6.4.spi.5. I can list differences and similarities between lives of citizens of different city-states throughout Greece. Greece 6.5.spi.1 I can place significant Greek events in time sequence on a timeline. I can use a timeline to discuss events from multiple civilizations that occurred at the same time. Greece 6.5.spi.3 I can describe the characteristics of Greek artifacts. I can look at a variety of artifacts and distinguish which belong to the Greeks. Greece 6.5.spi.5 I can discuss the importance of the alphabet on writing systems. I can identify Greek technological advances (catapult, compound pulley, etc.) Greece 6.5.spi.7. I can recognize that Greek advancements are considered to be in the Classical time period. I can recognize that Greek advancements are considered to be in the Classical time period. Greece 6.5.spi.8. I can list cultural characteristics about Greek lifestyle by reading and discussing Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey Greece 6.5.spi.11 I can explain the significance of trade to the Greek civilization. I can explain how life was different for people in the different governmental systems of the Greek city-states. I can discuss how the Greek mythologies influenced their everyday lives. I can explain the importance of festivals on the Greek city-states. Greece 6.5.spi.12. I can discuss how a change in political power caused significant changes throughout the city-states. I can explain how the conquests of Alexander the Great created a new culture group. I can explain how the ideas of Socrates and Aristotle created a new way of thinking. Greece 6.5.spi.15. I can see how the development of tools in previously studied civilizations led to the advancement of Greek civilizations. I can explain how the Athenian Democracy was an important piece for democracies that would come later. Greece 6.5.spi.17. I can discuss how the Greek mythologies influenced their everyday lives. I can identify the prominent gods and goddesses and their roles in the Greek mythology. Greece 6.6.spi.2 I can explain what Alexander the Great accomplished that made him famous in history. I can discuss how his conquests changed and influenced the culture of his conquered regions. I can discuss the teachings of Socrates and Aristotle and how their philosophies were a new way of thinking. Rome 6.1.spi.1 I can list the components of Roman society that make up their culture (language, common values, traditions, government, art forms, literature, and lifestyle). Rome 6.1.spi.8. I can explain how the conquests of Roman Emperors impacted the cultures of all of the lands that it reached. (Christianity, language, government) Rome 6.2.spi.1. I can explain the importance of trade in the Roman economy Rome 6.2.spi.2 I can identify the importance of the Mediterranean trade routes for the Romans. Persian?? Rome 6.2.spi.5 I can discuss the importance of trade on the Roman economy. Rome 6.3.spi.5 I can analyze a variety of maps to better understand the Roman Empire (trade and resources, boundaries of empire, growth and decline of empire, growth of church, etc. ) Rome 6.3.spi.6. I can use a graph or map to explain the conquests of the Roman Empire. I can use a graph or a map to discuss and explain the growth of the Christian Church throughout the empire. Rome 6.4.spi.1 I can discuss and explain the characteristics of the Republic of Rome and how it was different from previous democratic governments. I can explain how the government changed after the Republic changed after the reign of Julius Caesar. Rome 6.4.spi.3. I can see how the development of the Justinian Code was influential in future written laws. Rome 6.4.spi.4. I can discuss what life would be like and the roles of individuals as a citizen of Rome. Rome 6.4.spi.5 I can discuss how life in the Republic of Rome differed from living in other societies. Rome 6.5.spi.1 I can place significant Roman events in time sequence on a timeline. I can use a timeline to discuss events from multiple civilizations that occurred at the same time. Rome 6.5.spi.3. I can describe the characteristics of Roman artifacts. I can look at a variety of artifacts and distinguish which belong to the Romans. Rome 6.5.spi.5. I can discuss the importance of the alphabet on writing systems. I can identify Roman technological advances (aqueducts, architecture, etc.) Rome 6.5.spi.10. I can discuss and explain how the Roman languages led to the development of current languages. Rome 6.5.spi.11. I can explain the significance of trade to the Roman civilization. I can discuss how the Roman mythologies influenced their everyday lives. I can explain the roles of various citizens within the Republic. Rome 6.5.spi.12. I can explain how an expansion mindset affected the Roman Empire. I can explain how the various changes in leadership affected the Empire. I can discuss the growth of the Christian church and how it affected the Roman Empire. Rome 6.5.spi.15. I can see how the development of tools in previously studied civilizations led to the advancement of Roman civilizations. I can explain how the Roman Republic was an important piece for democracies that would come later. Rome 6.5.spi.17. I can discuss how the Roman mythologies influenced their everyday lives. I can identify the prominent gods and goddesses and their roles in the Roman mythology. Rome 6.6.spi.1 I can list ways in which the Christians have impacted world history. 6.6.spi.2. recognize the impact of individuals on world history (i.e., Charlemagne, Joan of Arc, William the Conqueror, Ramses II, Julius Caesar, Socrates, Aristotle, Marco Polo, Alexander the Great, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, Martin Luther, and Johannes Gutenberg). I can explain the events surrounding the assassination of Julius Caesar and how it affected the Roman Empire. Medieval Europe 6.1.spi.1 I can list the components of Medieval European society that make up their culture (language, common values, traditions, government, art forms, literature, and lifestyle). I can list and discuss the basic components of the Muslim culture (beliefs, common values, founders, traditions, etc.) Medieval Europe 6.1.spi.3. I can list the major beliefs of Islam and identify Mohamed as its founder Medieval Europe 6.3.spi.5. I can analyze a variety of maps to better understand Medieval Europe (boundaries, crusades, etc. ) Medieval Europe 6.4.spi.1 I can discuss and explain how and why the power of the monarchy changed throughout the period of Medieval Europe. Medieval Europe 6.4.spi.3 I can identify what the Magna Carta was, who signed it, and why the people decided that it was needed. I can see how the development of the Magna Carta was influential in future written laws. Medieval Europe 6.4.spi.4. I can discuss what life would be like and the roles of individuals in the feudal system of Medieval Europe. I can describe a day in the life of various levels of people living on a manor. Medieval Europe 6.4.spi.5. I can discuss how life in feudal system differed greatly from living in other societies. Medieval Europe 6.5.spi.1 I can place significant Medieval European events in time sequence on a timeline. I can use a timeline to discuss events from multiple civilizations that occurred at the same time. Medieval Europe 6.5.spi.3 I can describe the characteristics of medieval artifacts. I can look at a variety of artifacts and distinguish which belong to Medieval Europe. Medieval Europe 6.5.spi.11. I can explain the decline in education and trade influenced European society. I can explain the importance of the Roman catholic church on Medieval Europe. I can describe the various roles of individuals living in the feudal system. Medieval Europe 6.5.spi.12. I can explain how unreliable food sources and fear of war brought about various aspects of Medieval Europe (knights, manor life, etc.) I can discuss how the crusades affected all of Europe and Asia. I can describe the effects of the plague on Medieval Europe. Medieval Europe 6.5.spi.15. I can see how the development of the Roman Catholic church was the head of all decisions made in Medieval Europe Medieval Europe 6.6.spi.1 I can identify where the Mongolians were and the role they played in the Black Death. I can list ways in which the Christians have impacted world history. I can list ways in which the Muslims have impacted world history. I can compare the views of the Muslims and the Christians. I can explain how these similarities and differences led to the Crusades. I can explain the impact the crusades had on various groups involved. Medieval Europe 6.6.spi.2. I can identify who Charlemagne was and the impact that he had on the Roman Catholic Church. I can explain the importance of the Hundred Years war and the crucial roles of William the Conqueror and Joan of Arc. I can explain the events surrounding the Inquisition and the parts played by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Medieval Europe 6.6.spi.3 I can describe the impact that William of Normandy (William the Conqueror) had on the English Monarchy. I can describe the impact that Joan of Arc had on the Hundred Years War and why it was so significant. Renaissance and Reformation 6.1.spi.1 I can list the components of Renaissance Europe that make up their culture (language, common values, traditions, government, art forms, literature, and lifestyle). I can list significant works of literate and art along with their authors. Renaissance and Reformation 6.1.spi.8 I can list ways that trade and exploration led to the spread and diffusion of cultures. Renaissance and Reformation 6.2.spi.2. I can explain the renewed importance on trade during the Renaissance and how it affected the economy of Europe. I can explain how the emphasis on trade led to a desire to find ocean routes to India and other part of Asia. Renaissance and Reformation 6.2.spi.5. I can explain the importance of trade in Renaissance Europe Renaissance and Reformation 6.2.spi.6 I can explain how the greater need for trade led to exploration for new trade routes resulted in the discovery of new lands. Renaissance and Reformation 6.3.spi.5. I can analyze a variety of maps to better understand the Renaissance (trade routes, resources, etc. ) Renaissance and Reformation 6.3.spi.6 I can use information from maps and graphs to analyze the renewed importance on trade and how that led to the exploration of new waterways and lands. Renaissance and Reformation 6.4.spi.1 I can discuss and explain how and why the power of the monarchy changed throughout the period of Renaissance Europe. Renaissance and Reformation 6.4.spi.4 I can discuss what life would be like and the roles of individuals in the class system of Europe. I can describe a day in the life of various individuals in Europe. Renaissance and Reformation 6.4.spi.5. I can discuss how life in Europe differed greatly from living in other societies Renaissance and Reformation 6.5.spi.1 I can place significant Renaissance events in time sequence on a timeline. I can use a timeline to discuss events from multiple civilizations that occurred at the same time. Renaissance and Reformation 6.5.spi.3. I can describe the characteristics of Renaissance art. I can look at a variety of artifacts and distinguish which belong to the Renaissance. Renaissance and Reformation 6.5.spi.5. I can explain why there was an outpouring of new advances during the Renaissance. I can list some of the major advances during the Renaissance (art, architecture, science, printing press, algebra, mapmaking, astronomy, etc.) Renaissance and Reformation 6.5.spi.7. I can place events on a timeline and recognize the time period as being the Renaissance Renaissance and Reformation 6.5.spi.12 I can explain the affect humanist thinking had on Europe. I can explain how humanist led to a change in thinking regarding the Catholic Church. I can discuss the impact that Martin Luther’s new ideas reformed the Christian church. Renaissance and Reformation 6.5.spi.13. I can identify how many of the advancements in technology and ideas that we have were first thought of by people during the Renaissance. Renaissance and Reformation 6.5.spi.14 I can explain how people’s way of thinking changed during the Renaissance. I can explain how this shifting in thinking impacted science, philosophy, and art. Renaissance and Reformation 6.5.spi.15. I can explain how many of the advanced ideas and thinking that we have today began because of accomplishments during the Renaissance. Renaissance and Reformation 6.6.spi.1 I can explain the affect that Vikings had on trade in Europe. I can explain the impact that inventors and scientists had on the world. I can explain the impact that merchants, traders, and explorers had on spreading culture across the world Renaissance and Reformation 6.6.spi.2. I can identify the impact that Marco Polo had on trade throughout out Europe. I can discuss and explain how the ideas of Martin Luther started the Reformation and forever changed the Christian church. I can explain the monumental impact that Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press had on the spread of the Reformation. Renaissance and Reformation 6.6.spi.3. I can describe the impact Martin Luther and the Reformation had on the Christian Church. Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.1.spi.1 I can list the components of various regional civilizations (Review Renaissance Europe, Asian, American, etc.). Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.1.spi.5. I can compare and contrast cultural characteristics of Native Americans, African Civilizations, and other civilizations Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.1.spi.8. I can list ways that trade and exploration led to the spread and diffusion of cultures Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.2.spi.1 I can explain that trade was a way of life for Europe and the Americas Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.2.spi.2. I can explain the importance of the Colombian Exchange. I can identify major trade items in African civilizations (slaves, salt, gold, etc.) Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.2.spi.5. I can explain the importance of trade and expansion on Europe (wealth, power, territories, etc). Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.2.spi.6 I can explain how the greater need for trade led to exploration for new trade routes resulted in the discovery of new lands Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.3.spi.5 I can analyze a variety of maps to better understand the Age of Exploration (resources, Columbian exchange, Explorers routes, etc. ) Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.4.spi.1 I can discuss what life would be like for members of various American tribes. Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.4.spi.5 I can discuss how life in was different for American tribes in comparison to European individuals Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.5.spi.1 I can place the major explorers journeys on a timeline (Columbus, Magellan, Cortes, etc.) Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.5.spi.4. I can recognize Native American writing forms. Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.5.spi.5 I can list some of the major advances during the Age of Exploration (ships, maps, etc.) Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.5.spi.12 I can explain the effect that various explorers had on the American Civilizations. I can explain the role that diseases played in the Spanish’s ability to conquer Central America. Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.5.spi.13 I can identify how advancements in exploration affected history Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.5.spi.16 I can use examples to explain how civilizations began in various ways (conquering, settling, expansion, etc.) Exploration and the American Civilizations 6.6.spi.1 I can explain the impact explorers had on spreading culture across the world. I can explain the significance of the discovery of the Americas.