
Writing Persuasive Pieces
Pass the Salt
Research has shown that people who live in busy, industrial nations spend more time at work and less
time at home. Apart from the stress this lifestyle can cause, it can lead to other health risks as well.
People who do not have the time to prepare healthy, home cooked meals usually eat food that has been
processed, frozen, or otherwise preserved. The number one item used in food preservation is sodium.
Busy, working people are consuming large amounts of sodium, which is affecting their health.
Doctors have determined that the average healthy person should consume around 1500 milligrams of
sodium a day. Studies have shown that people who eat fast food or preserved food on a regular basis
consume far more than this healthy number. For instance, one meal that has been processed and
preserved in this method can contain as much as one and a third times the average daily recommendation.
That comes to almost 2000 milligrams of sodium in one meal alone. If a person eats three of these meals
in a day, that is 6000 milligrams of sodium, or four times, the average daily recommendation.
In the body, sodium controls the elasticity of cell membranes and helps the body regulate fluids. Low
sodium levels mean that a person’s body has trouble retaining water, which can cause a dangerous drop in
blood pressure. High sodium levels means that the body retains too much water, which can cause high
blood pressure. High blood pressure leads to heart failure. High sodium levels also can cause kidney and
renal failure. Busy people who eat unhealthy meals that are high in sodium are slowly killing themselves.
The food packaging industry drastically needs to reduce the levels of sodium they add to foods. The
time for action is now. If these companies cannot take direct action, then it is the duty of the
government to demand stricter limitations on sodium additives and harsher punishments and fines for
violators. The health of our society and our labor force depends upon it.
1. What evidence does the author give to support the statement that processed foods have
unhealthy levels of sodium?
A. A normal, healthy person should consume around 500 milligrams of sodium a day.
B. People who live in industrial nations spend too much time at work and less at home.
C. One preserved meal can contain one and a third times the recommended daily sodium.
D. Low levels of sodium in the body can lead to a dangerous drop in blood pressure.
Writing for Audience and Purpose
James' grandmother is in the hospital having surgery, so he has been excused from school for a few days.
The situation is very serious, and he is really upset. Tony is a friend of James, and he wants to write him
a note to offer his support. Read the following notes and answer the question.
Note A
Hey, James,
Too bad that your grandma's sick. You promised you'd play baseball with me on Saturday, but now I bet
you can't come, right? Figures. Seems like you always have something else going on. I don't think you even
like baseball. Maybe you should give that mitt back that I loaned you if you aren't even going to use it.
See you sometime.
Note B
Hi, James,
I heard your grandma is in the hospital. I'm so sorry to hear she's sick. I met her once at that school
picnic, and she was so nice to me. I'm sure she's going to be fine, so try not to worry. Let me know if you
need me to bring you your homework.
Your friend,
Note C
Dear James:
I have been informed that your grandmother is suffering from an unknown illness and is currently
convalescing at St. Peter's Hospital. This letter is meant to offer my sincere condolences and to express
my wish that she recover swiftly so that you may return to school and resume your studies.
Tony Davidson
Note D
Dear James,
I'm so jealous that you get to stay home from school. Are you at the hospital seeing your grandma?
That must be really boring. You don't even know her that well, do you? And wasn't she just in the hospital
over Christmas break? Man, she sure gets sick a lot. See you at the baseball diamond on Saturday.
2. Which of the notes would be most appropriate for Tony to write?
A. note B
B. note C
C. note A
D. note D
Writing Organization
Weight Bias May Harm Obese Children
by Amy Norton
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The stigma that society attaches to obesity can cause children
immediate and possibly lasting harm, according to a research review. Overweight children and
teens are commonly teased or ostracized by their peers and sometimes treated differently by
teachers and even parents. This, the review shows, can lead to low self-esteem, poor school
performance, avoidance of physical activity and, in the most serious cases, depression and suicide.
Research has long demonstrated the weight bias that heavy children face. In a classic 1961 study,
640 subjects between 10 and 11 years old were shown six pictures of other children their age:
one child was overweight; one was normal-weight; and four had some form of physical disability.
When the study participants were asked to rank the children in the order of whom they would
like to be friends with, they ranked the overweight child last.
Much less is known about the long-term consequences of such weight bias. But studies show that
victimized children and teens have higher risks of eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, and
physical health problems, such as high blood pressure, the review found. They may also avoid
exercise because of teasing.
Many studies since then have confirmed the extent of weight bias among children and adults
alike, according to the review, published in the journal Psychological Bulletin. Some studies found
that a sizable number of teachers harbor negative views of overweight students, seeing them as
"untidy" or less likely to succeed than their thinner peers.
All of this means that weight teasing needs to be taken seriously. People should be aware of how
their own attitudes and comments—including critical remarks about their own bodies—shape
others’ self-esteem. With the rate of childhood obesity growing, it's important that obesity
prevention efforts do not increase the stigma attached to being overweight.
3. The author wants to add the following line to the story.
Parents, schools, and peers should focus on the benefits of healthy eating and exercise and
not on attaining a certain body shape.
The best place to insert this sentence is
A. at the end of paragraph 5.
B. at the end of paragraph 2.
C. at the end of paragraph 3.
D. at the end of paragraph 4.
Revise Writing
(1) The Rocky Mountains of north America extend from central New Mexico to northern Alaska. (2)
The mountains are approximately 65 million years old, which is young from a geological perspective. (3)
Since the last great Ice Age, the mountains have been home to ancient and modern peoples. (4) These
mountains had their start long ago when the plates of the earth's crust collided and folded upon each
other repeatedly. (5) Through the centuries, geological processes then shaped and formed the terrain
into the marvelous spectacle we see today.
(6) Many of the geological changes happened on the surface of the planet. (7) Other geological
changes took place deep within the earth's interior. (8) Millions of years ago, magma from deep within the
earth's core reached the surface and erupted as volcanoes. (9) This geological activity continues today.
(10) The most visible sign can be found in Yellowstone National Park. (11) Large reservoirs of molten rock
below the surface fuel the park's famous geysers. (12) Less visible are the constant forces of erosion,
which continue too mold and carve the mountains into wondrous and incredible sights.
(13) The three main life zones in the mountains are the montane, the subalpine, and the alpine. (14)
The montane ecosystem is found in elevations ranging between 5,600 feet to 9,500 feet. (15) This region
contains tall pine forests, groves of quaking aspen, and grassy hillsides. (16) Trees in the subalpine region
do not grow as tall, due in large part to the harsher climate. (17) Short and deformed trees called
krummholz grow at the top of the subalpine, resulting from continuous exposure to fierce and freezing
winds. (18) At the highest mountain elevation is the alpine tundra ecosystem, which exist at elevations of
11,000 feet and above. (19) This zone is easily defined by the absence of trees because it exists above
tree line (the altitude where trees cease to grow). (20) The weather and climate is extremely severe at
this level, and only the hardiest of plants and animals are able to survive.
4. Which of the following corrections should be made to sentence 18?
A. Change above to below.
B. Change exist to exists.
C. Change the comma to a colon.
D. Change is to are.
Edit Writing
(1) Bodie wondered why his phone which was always in the same position every day he went to work
was moved to the left side of his desk. (2) He was always careful to place his phone on the right side of
his coffee mug; his pen tray to the left; and his desk calendar to the left of his pen tray. (3) Today,
however, his phone was clearly out of place. (4) He moved it back next to his Company coffee cup, but as
he did, he accidentally knocked over the mug. (5) That's when he noticed it. (6) The mug was not his
either. (7) Sure, it looked like the one the Meldman and Sons gave him to celebrate his five-year
anniversary with the company, but the curve of the handle was different. (8) His mug's handle was
shaped like a distorted ear—like Mr. Spock's ears from Star Trek—but this one was shaped like a
perfect "c." (9) He poked his head up from his cube like a mole to see if he was being watched, and that's
when it occurred to him: they thought he was the mole.
(10) Over the last few weeks, confidential Meldman and Sons client information had been leaked from
there offices. (11) People around the office had suspected it was Blume since many of Blume's client's
were cashing in left and right. (12) That also meant that Blume was cashing in, and his buying a brand-new
porsche did not help matters any. (13) But the rearranging of Bodie's desk meant that someone thought
he was the mole.
(14) Bodie couldn't imagine how they could think him to be the mole? (15) He had been a model
employee for five years and had the mug to prove it. (16) Then, he noticed a whirring coming from his
area in the distance, he saw a video monitor moving to his direction. (17) Immediately, he shrunk back
down into his cube.
adapted from "The Double Life of Bodie Brawn" by c.safos
5. What change, if any, should be made to sentence 12?
A. Do not capitalize Blume.
B. Make no change.
C. Capitalize porsche.
D. Capitalize brand-new.
6. Which of the following sentences is capitalized correctly?
A. Amalita chose to take French for her foreign language, since she already knew how to speak Spanish and German.
B. Amalita chose to take French for her foreign Language, since she already knew how to Speak spanish and german.
C. Amalita chose to take french for her Foreign Language, since she already knew how to speak Spanish and german.
D. Amalita chose to take french for her Foreign Language, since she already knew how to speak spanish and german.
7. Tracy's nosy friend Rodney was looking over her shoulder as she began to write her essay. He
whispered to Tracy that she had misspelled a word in the first line of her paper. This was Tracy's
first sentence:
My boisterous and rowdy neighbor Grady has to be the most mischievious youngster I've ever
had the opportunity to know.
Which word did Tracy misspell?
A. mischievious
B. neighbor
C. boisterous
D. opportunity
The Choice
by Jordan D.
(1) It's 11:47 p.m.
Alone in my room I feel the pressure. Questions from my teachers and family pulsate in my head;
What's your plan? Have you chosen a college? Why don't you care? I try to respond, but can't. Why
don't you say anything? Come on Luke, you must have some idea of where you want to go. The other
seniors in your class have already applied to colleges. You can't waste any more time. You've got to do
(3) 12:01 a.m. Darkness obscures the world. Ive never been this lost before. Every day my friends and
family ask me about the future. Ive no idea what to tell them. I do know what they want to hear. They
want me to say that I'm excited about college and life. In other words, they want me to lie.
(4) Even if I go to college, what then? Will I be stuck in a dull job for the next 50 years? Will I be
forced to spend my days scavenging for money? Will life pass me by like a falling star?
(5) Outside, the sky is dark with no moon in sight. For a moment, my head is calm. Then, from deep in
my thoughts, the question surfaces and takes control. It's haunting quality has a hold on me. I can feel
myself giving in to it. All I can do is look for an answer.
8. In paragraph 4
A. the comma after "college" should be deleted.
B. there should be a hyphen connecting "50" and "years."
C. the question marks should all be changed to exclamation marks.
D. there are no punctuation errors.
Using Parts of Speech
Our team just had its _______ season ever.
Choose the correct word to complete this sentence.
A. bad
B. worse
C. worst
Complete Sentences
(1) According to legend, the founding of Rome began with twin brothers. (2) They were named Romulus
and Remus. (3) They were believed to be the descendents of Aeneas, a Trojan hero and a survivor of the
Trojan War. (4) The brothers were entrusted with the task of building a city, but they could not decide
on a location. (5) Romulus wanted to build the city on the Palatine Hill. (6) While Remus wanted to build on
the Aventine Hill. (7) To solve this problem, they decided to trust in signs given by the gods; however,
each claimed that the signs were in his favor. (8) Because of this, a dispute broke out between the
brothers, resulting in the death of Remus. (9) Therefore, Romulus named the city after of himself.
10. What is the best way to revise sentences 5 and 6 to make one complex sentence?
A. Romulus wanted to build the city on the Palatine Hill while Remus wanted to build on the Aventine Hill.
B. Romulus wanted to build the city on the Palatine Hill; while Remus wanted to build on the Aventine Hill.
C. Romulus wanted to build the city on the Palatine Hill; while, Remus wanted to build on the Aventine Hill.
D. Romulus wanted to build the city on the Palatine Hill, while Remus wanted to build on the Aventine Hill.
Writing Informational Pieces
11. Your instructor asks you to write an essay about a well-known artist. You have chosen to write
about Andy Warhol. In your research, you come across the passage above, which is taken from an
encyclopedia. What is the best way to classify this passage?
A. a quote
B. a secondary source
C. a primary source
D. a work of fiction
Writing Persuasive Pieces
Pass the Salt
Research has shown that people who live in busy, industrial nations spend more time at work and less
time at home. Apart from the stress this lifestyle can cause, it can lead to other health risks as well.
People who do not have the time to prepare healthy, home cooked meals usually eat food that has been
processed, frozen, or otherwise preserved. The number one item used in food preservation is sodium.
Busy, working people are consuming large amounts of sodium, which is affecting their health.
Doctors have determined that the average healthy person should consume around 1500 milligrams of
sodium a day. Studies have shown that people who eat fast food or preserved food on a regular basis
consume far more than this healthy number. For instance, one meal that has been processed and
preserved in this method can contain as much as one and a third times the average daily recommendation.
That comes to almost 2000 milligrams of sodium in one meal alone. If a person eats three of these meals
in a day, that is 6000 milligrams of sodium, or four times, the average daily recommendation.
In the body, sodium controls the elasticity of cell membranes and helps the body regulate fluids. Low
sodium levels mean that a person’s body has trouble retaining water, which can cause a dangerous drop in
blood pressure. High sodium levels means that the body retains too much water, which can cause high
blood pressure. High blood pressure leads to heart failure. High sodium levels also can cause kidney and
renal failure. Busy people who eat unhealthy meals that are high in sodium are slowly killing themselves.
The food packaging industry drastically needs to reduce the levels of sodium they add to foods. The
time for action is now. If these companies cannot take direct action, then it is the duty of the
government to demand stricter limitations on sodium additives and harsher punishments and fines for
violators. The health of our society and our labor force depends upon it.
12. What is the controlling idea of this article?
A. High sodium levels in food are unhealthy for most people.
B. People are just irresponsible in what they choose to eat.
C. Sodium is a poison and has no redeeming qualities.
D. People eat too much food and should be told to eat less.
Writing for Audience and Purpose
The hard drive on Peter's computer just crashed, and he is terrified that he has lost much of the
schoolwork he had on it. He borrows his neighbor's computer to type a short emergency note to his
"techie" friend, Sylvia, hoping she can help him fix the computer. Read the following emails and answer
the question.
Email A
Help! I was right in the middle of typing up my essay for Mr. Silberman's lit class, and Wham! I got one of
those messages with the little "bomb" next to it, and then everything went black. The whole machine is
dead in the water and I'm frantic! Are you out there and can you help? If you can save me this time, I'll
be forever in your debt.
Email B
Hello! I hope you're having a good day. You know, I was just working on that paper for Silberman, the one
for his lit class? Well, you'll never guess what happened. One of those silly little "bomb" messages popped
up. And after that? Nothing. Now I can't get the darned thing to work. Oh well. You know, if you're not
doing anything later, would you mind taking a look at it? I'd be grateful. Thanks.
Email C
Hello, Miss Longman,
It seems I have a computer problem. I have been diligently working on my essay for Mr. Silberman, my
literature teacher. Today, just as I was completing the second page, the machine ceased to work, for no
apparent reason. This is most distressing, and it grieves me to write it. Please evaluate your workload for
the coming week and let me know if you have the time and energy to review my situation.
Email D
Computers are the funniest things—one day they work and the next day they don't. Just today I was
smack in the middle of an assignment and "kerpluey," there went my hard drive. You just can't rely on
those darned machines. I know you're a pro at fixing these things, so if you get a sec, drop on by. Maybe
we can put our heads together.
13. Which of the emails reflects the most appropriate style and voice to use?
A. email A
B. email B
C. email C
D. email D
Writing Organization
Weight Bias May Harm Obese Children
by Amy Norton
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The stigma that society attaches to obesity can cause children
immediate and possibly lasting harm, according to a research review. Overweight children and
teens are commonly teased or ostracized by their peers and sometimes treated differently by
teachers and even parents. This, the review shows, can lead to low self-esteem, poor school
performance, avoidance of physical activity and, in the most serious cases, depression and suicide.
Research has long demonstrated the weight bias that heavy children face. In a classic 1961 study,
640 subjects between 10 and 11 years old were shown six pictures of other children their age:
one child was overweight; one was normal-weight; and four had some form of physical disability.
When the study participants were asked to rank the children in the order of whom they would
like to be friends with, they ranked the overweight child last.
Much less is known about the long-term consequences of such weight bias. But studies show that
victimized children and teens have higher risks of eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, and
physical health problems, such as high blood pressure, the review found. They may also avoid
exercise because of teasing.
Many studies since then have confirmed the extent of weight bias among children and adults
alike, according to the review, published in the journal Psychological Bulletin. Some studies found
that a sizable number of teachers harbor negative views of overweight students, seeing them as
"untidy" or less likely to succeed than their thinner peers.
All of this means that weight teasing needs to be taken seriously. People should be aware of how
their own attitudes and comments—including critical remarks about their own bodies—shape
others’ self-esteem. With the rate of childhood obesity growing, it's important that obesity
prevention efforts do not increase the stigma attached to being overweight.
14. Which sentence could be added to the end of paragraph 4 to best support the information in that
A. Some children tend to eat more when they're depressed; therefore, they gain weight when they're teased by peers.
B. Other research found that overweight children often report teasing from family members, including parents.
C. Another study finds that eighty-seven percent of parents are kind and supportive of their overweight children.
D. Many psychologists read the Psychological Bulletin for its intriguing research reviews and analyses.
Revise Writing
(1) The Rocky Mountains of north America extend from central New Mexico to northern Alaska. (2)
The mountains are approximately 65 million years old, which is young from a geological perspective. (3)
Since the last great Ice Age, the mountains have been home to ancient and modern peoples. (4) These
mountains had their start long ago when the plates of the earth's crust collided and folded upon each
other repeatedly. (5) Through the centuries, geological processes then shaped and formed the terrain
into the marvelous spectacle we see today.
(6) Many of the geological changes happened on the surface of the planet. (7) Other geological
changes took place deep within the earth's interior. (8) Millions of years ago, magma from deep within the
earth's core reached the surface and erupted as volcanoes. (9) This geological activity continues today.
(10) The most visible sign can be found in Yellowstone National Park. (11) Large reservoirs of molten rock
below the surface fuel the park's famous geysers. (12) Less visible are the constant forces of erosion,
which continue too mold and carve the mountains into wondrous and incredible sights.
(13) The three main life zones in the mountains are the montane, the subalpine, and the alpine. (14)
The montane ecosystem is found in elevations ranging between 5,600 feet to 9,500 feet. (15) This region
contains tall pine forests, groves of quaking aspen, and grassy hillsides. (16) Trees in the subalpine region
do not grow as tall, due in large part to the harsher climate. (17) Short and deformed trees called
krummholz grow at the top of the subalpine, resulting from continuous exposure to fierce and freezing
winds. (18) At the highest mountain elevation is the alpine tundra ecosystem, which exist at elevations of
11,000 feet and above. (19) This zone is easily defined by the absence of trees because it exists above
tree line (the altitude where trees cease to grow). (20) The weather and climate is extremely severe at
this level, and only the hardiest of plants and animals are able to survive.
15. Which of the following corrections should be made in sentence 1?
A. Change north to North.
B. Change northern to Northern.
C. Change central to Central.
D. Change Mountains to mountains.
Edit Writing
(1) Bodie wondered why his phone which was always in the same position every day he went to work
was moved to the left side of his desk. (2) He was always careful to place his phone on the right side of
his coffee mug; his pen tray to the left; and his desk calendar to the left of his pen tray. (3) Today,
however, his phone was clearly out of place. (4) He moved it back next to his Company coffee cup, but as
he did, he accidentally knocked over the mug. (5) That's when he noticed it. (6) The mug was not his
either. (7) Sure, it looked like the one the Meldman and Sons gave him to celebrate his five-year
anniversary with the company, but the curve of the handle was different. (8) His mug's handle was
shaped like a distorted ear—like Mr. Spock's ears from Star Trek—but this one was shaped like a
perfect "c." (9) He poked his head up from his cube like a mole to see if he was being watched, and that's
when it occurred to him: they thought he was the mole.
(10) Over the last few weeks, confidential Meldman and Sons client information had been leaked from
there offices. (11) People around the office had suspected it was Blume since many of Blume's client's
were cashing in left and right. (12) That also meant that Blume was cashing in, and his buying a brand-new
porsche did not help matters any. (13) But the rearranging of Bodie's desk meant that someone thought
he was the mole.
(14) Bodie couldn't imagine how they could think him to be the mole? (15) He had been a model
employee for five years and had the mug to prove it. (16) Then, he noticed a whirring coming from his
area in the distance, he saw a video monitor moving to his direction. (17) Immediately, he shrunk back
down into his cube.
adapted from "The Double Life of Bodie Brawn" by c.safos
16. What change, if any, should be made to sentence 14?
A. Replace the question mark with a period.
B. Capitalize the word mole.
C. Remove the apostrophe from couldn't.
D. Make no change.
(1) The film Adaptation, which is written by Charlie Kaufman and his imaginary brother Donald, is a
strange mixture of fact and Fiction. (2) It is the kind of film that can only be directed by spike jonze,
who has made a career directing films and videos that mix the real with the imaginary. (3) Adaptation is a
fictionalized story about Kaufman’s attempt to write a screenplay based on Susan Orlean’s book the
orchid thief.
(4) The viewer can look at Adaptation as an extension of the ideas Kaufman and Jonze explore in their
film being John Malkovich. (5) In that film, the characters are allowed to experience fame for a few
minutes at a time. (6) In Adaptation, the characters learn about the pressure and problems that are part
of living life in the spotlight. (7) In the end, they destroy themselves by trying to live up to other people’s
17. Which of the following words or phrases, if any, in sentence 3, contains a capitalization error?
A. Orlean's
B. screenplay
C. the orchid thief
D. fictionalized
18. Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?
A. purfect
B. establish
C. promote
D. domestic
The Choice
by Jordan D.
(1) It's 11:47 p.m.
Alone in my room I feel the pressure. Questions from my teachers and family pulsate in my head;
What's your plan? Have you chosen a college? Why don't you care? I try to respond, but can't. Why
don't you say anything? Come on Luke, you must have some idea of where you want to go. The other
seniors in your class have already applied to colleges. You can't waste any more time. You've got to do
(3) 12:01 a.m. Darkness obscures the world. Ive never been this lost before. Every day my friends and
family ask me about the future. Ive no idea what to tell them. I do know what they want to hear. They
want me to say that I'm excited about college and life. In other words, they want me to lie.
(4) Even if I go to college, what then? Will I be stuck in a dull job for the next 50 years? Will I be
forced to spend my days scavenging for money? Will life pass me by like a falling star?
(5) Outside, the sky is dark with no moon in sight. For a moment, my head is calm. Then, from deep in
my thoughts, the question surfaces and takes control. It's haunting quality has a hold on me. I can feel
myself giving in to it. All I can do is look for an answer.
19. Which of the following punctuation errors occurs in paragraph 5?
A. The word “it's” should not have an apostrophe.
B. There should be an exclamation point after "my head is calm."
C. A question mark should follow "look for an answer."
D. The phrase "moon in sight" should be hyphenated.
Using Parts of Speech
20. How should the sentence below be correctly written?
Gina tells me yesterday, "I often think about writing short stories or novels someday."
A. change writing to wrote
B. change tells to told
C. change tells to have told
D. change think to will think
Complete Sentences
(1) According to legend, the founding of Rome began with twin brothers. (2) They were named Romulus
and Remus. (3) They were believed to be the descendents of Aeneas, a Trojan hero and a survivor of the
Trojan War. (4) The brothers were entrusted with the task of building a city, but they could not decide
on a location. (5) Romulus wanted to build the city on the Palatine Hill. (6) While Remus wanted to build on
the Aventine Hill. (7) To solve this problem, they decided to trust in signs given by the gods; however,
each claimed that the signs were in his favor. (8) Because of this, a dispute broke out between the
brothers, resulting in the death of Remus. (9) Therefore, Romulus named the city after of himself.
21. In the passage, sentence 4 is an example of a
A. compound-complex sentence.
B. compound sentence.
C. complex sentence.
D. simple sentence.
Writing Informational Pieces
22. Your instructor asks you to write an essay about a well-known artist. He or she requires you to
include in your essay one primary source and one secondary source. Which of the following would
be your best choice for the primary source?
A. an article about the artist from an online magazine
B. a movie about the artist's life
C. a journal in which the artist wrote about his or her life
D. an entry about the artist from an encyclopedia
Writing Persuasive Pieces
Recycling the Way We Think
by Donna Simms
For years, this school has been wasteful. From the banners for the football games to the printer
paper we toss when we mess up on an essay to the coke can we smash and toss in the garbage, we waste
too much. If, for a year, we were to save and stack all the paper and aluminum cans we throw away, we
could probably stand on a stack the size of a skyscraper. The school needs a recycling program.
A recycling program would teach students the importance of recycling. Many students who would not
normally recycle at home might start recycling at home if they were made to recycle at school. If people
realized how they could benefit from recycling at home, they would be amazed. This could only further
help the environment as people would be recycling at home and at school.
People who are against a recycling program will say that it costs the school money. They are correct.
It does cost money. What they fail to understand is that it brings in money as well. Look on the sides of
most soft drink cans, and you'll see that recycling plants pay money for each can they receive. Think of
the ways the school could use the money. The money the school makes from the program could pay for
the costs it takes to start the program.
Recycling also teaches students to be responsible. Many adults say that kids are selfish. They say kids
don't think about their futures. Recycling could show these adults they are wrong. Students who recycle
see how their actions affect their futures and the Earth's future. This means they are thinking about
everyone's future. When people recycle they are helping the environment. They are thinking about more
than themselves.
23. Why does Donna include the following sentences?
"People who are against a recycling program will say that it costs the school money. They are
correct. It does cost money."
A. to address the arguments of the opposing side
B. to persuade students to raise money with an auction
C. to suggest that the school should not recycle
D. to show that students will have to pay for the program
Writing for Audience and Purpose
Keith is applying for an internship at an accounting firm. He is in the process of writing his résumé. Over
the summer, he worked part-time at a movie theater. Read the following job descriptions and answer the
Job Description A
Prepared food in the concession stand. Responsibilities included following proper food-handling
procedures and making sure the area was clean. Didn't really like this job because it was kind of dirty,
but they promoted me to cashier at the box office, which was much better. Duties at the box office
included accurately maintaining the cash drawer while serving customers in an efficient and courteous
Job Description B
Worked there over the summer because my friends worked there too. Made popcorn and hotdogs at the
concession stand. I really like popcorn. Had a great time because my friends and I got to goof off a lot
when we weren't busy. Also, I got to go to as many free movies as I wanted.
Job Description C
Prepared food in the concession stand. Responsibilities included following proper food-handling
procedures and making sure the area was clean. Promoted to cashier at the box office. Duties at the box
office included accurately maintaining the cash drawer while serving customers in an efficient and
courteous manner.
Job Description D
Executive chef of the concession stand. Enhanced the movie-going experience by preparing scrumptious
treats for the guests. Promoted to finance manager of the box office. Was responsible for all of the
money at the movie theater.
24. Which of the job descriptions would be most appropriate for his résumé?
A. job description C
B. job description D
C. job description B
D. job description A
Writing Organization
Weight Bias May Harm Obese Children
by Amy Norton
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The stigma that society attaches to obesity can cause children
immediate and possibly lasting harm, according to a research review. Overweight children and
teens are commonly teased or ostracized by their peers and sometimes treated differently by
teachers and even parents. This, the review shows, can lead to low self-esteem, poor school
performance, avoidance of physical activity and, in the most serious cases, depression and suicide.
Research has long demonstrated the weight bias that heavy children face. In a classic 1961 study,
640 subjects between 10 and 11 years old were shown six pictures of other children their age:
one child was overweight; one was normal-weight; and four had some form of physical disability.
When the study participants were asked to rank the children in the order of whom they would
like to be friends with, they ranked the overweight child last.
Much less is known about the long-term consequences of such weight bias. But studies show that
victimized children and teens have higher risks of eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, and
physical health problems, such as high blood pressure, the review found. They may also avoid
exercise because of teasing.
Many studies since then have confirmed the extent of weight bias among children and adults
alike, according to the review, published in the journal Psychological Bulletin. Some studies found
that a sizable number of teachers harbor negative views of overweight students, seeing them as
"untidy" or less likely to succeed than their thinner peers.
All of this means that weight teasing needs to be taken seriously. People should be aware of how
their own attitudes and comments—including critical remarks about their own bodies—shape
others’ self-esteem. With the rate of childhood obesity growing, it's important that obesity
prevention efforts do not increase the stigma attached to being overweight.
Copyright 2007 Reuters. Reprinted with permission from Reuters. Reuters content is the
intellectual property of Reuters or its third party content providers. Any copying, republication
or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of
Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in
reliance thereon. Reuters and the Reuters Sphere Logo are registered trademarks of the Reuters
group of companies around the world. For additional information about Reuters content and
services, please visit Reuters website at www.reuters.com.
25. What is the most effective way to improve the organization of the article?
A. Move paragraph 2 to after paragraph 5.
B. Move paragraph 4 to after paragraph 2.
C. Move paragraph 5 to after paragraph 1.
D. Move paragraph 3 to before paragraph 1.
Revise Writing
(1) The Rocky Mountains of north America extend from central New Mexico to northern Alaska. (2)
The mountains are approximately 65 million years old, which is young from a geological perspective. (3)
Since the last great Ice Age, the mountains have been home to ancient and modern peoples. (4) These
mountains had their start long ago when the plates of the earth's crust collided and folded upon each
other repeatedly. (5) Through the centuries, geological processes then shaped and formed the terrain
into the marvelous spectacle we see today.
(6) Many of the geological changes happened on the surface of the planet. (7) Other geological
changes took place deep within the earth's interior. (8) Millions of years ago, magma from deep within the
earth's core reached the surface and erupted as volcanoes. (9) This geological activity continues today.
(10) The most visible sign can be found in Yellowstone National Park. (11) Large reservoirs of molten rock
below the surface fuel the park's famous geysers. (12) Less visible are the constant forces of erosion,
which continue too mold and carve the mountains into wondrous and incredible sights.
(13) The three main life zones in the mountains are the montane, the subalpine, and the alpine. (14)
The montane ecosystem is found in elevations ranging between 5,600 feet to 9,500 feet. (15) This region
contains tall pine forests, groves of quaking aspen, and grassy hillsides. (16) Trees in the subalpine region
do not grow as tall, due in large part to the harsher climate. (17) Short and deformed trees called
krummholz grow at the top of the subalpine, resulting from continuous exposure to fierce and freezing
winds. (18) At the highest mountain elevation is the alpine tundra ecosystem, which exist at elevations of
11,000 feet and above. (19) This zone is easily defined by the absence of trees because it exists above
tree line (the altitude where trees cease to grow). (20) The weather and climate is extremely severe at
this level, and only the hardiest of plants and animals are able to survive.
26. Which of the following is the best way to combine sentences 6 and 7?
A. Many of the geological changes happened on the surface of the planet; others taking place deep within the interior.
B. Many of the geological changes happened on the surface of the planet, but others took place deep within the interior.
C. Many of the geological changes happened on the surface of the planet; but others took place deep within the interior.
D. Many of the geological changes happened on the surface of the planet, others took place deep within the interior.
Edit Writing
(1) Bodie wondered why his phone which was always in the same position every day he went to work
was moved to the left side of his desk. (2) He was always careful to place his phone on the right side of
his coffee mug; his pen tray to the left; and his desk calendar to the left of his pen tray. (3) Today,
however, his phone was clearly out of place. (4) He moved it back next to his Company coffee cup, but as
he did, he accidentally knocked over the mug. (5) That's when he noticed it. (6) The mug was not his
either. (7) Sure, it looked like the one the Meldman and Sons gave him to celebrate his five-year
anniversary with the company, but the curve of the handle was different. (8) His mug's handle was
shaped like a distorted ear—like Mr. Spock's ears from Star Trek—but this one was shaped like a
perfect "c." (9) He poked his head up from his cube like a mole to see if he was being watched, and that's
when it occurred to him: they thought he was the mole.
(10) Over the last few weeks, confidential Meldman and Sons client information had been leaked from
there offices. (11) People around the office had suspected it was Blume since many of Blume's client's
were cashing in left and right. (12) That also meant that Blume was cashing in, and his buying a brand-new
porsche did not help matters any. (13) But the rearranging of Bodie's desk meant that someone thought
he was the mole.
(14) Bodie couldn't imagine how they could think him to be the mole? (15) He had been a model
employee for five years and had the mug to prove it. (16) Then, he noticed a whirring coming from his
area in the distance, he saw a video monitor moving to his direction. (17) Immediately, he shrunk back
down into his cube.
adapted from "The Double Life of Bodie Brawn" by c.safos
27. What change, if any, should be made to sentence 10?
A. Replace there with their.
B. Replace the comma after weeks with a semicolon.
C. Replace leaked with leak.
D. Make no change.
(1) The film Adaptation, which is written by Charlie Kaufman and his imaginary brother Donald, is a
strange mixture of fact and Fiction. (2) It is the kind of film that can only be directed by spike jonze,
who has made a career directing films and videos that mix the real with the imaginary. (3) Adaptation is a
fictionalized story about Kaufman’s attempt to write a screenplay based on Susan Orlean’s book the
orchid thief.
(4) The viewer can look at Adaptation as an extension of the ideas Kaufman and Jonze explore in their
film being John Malkovich. (5) In that film, the characters are allowed to experience fame for a few
minutes at a time. (6) In Adaptation, the characters learn about the pressure and problems that are part
of living life in the spotlight. (7) In the end, they destroy themselves by trying to live up to other people’s
28. Which of the following words in sentence 1 has a capitalization error?
A. Adaptation
B. Fiction
C. film
D. brother
Adam's proudest moment happened when he participated in the honor guard ceremony at his
brother's promotion to Leiutenant Colonel.
How should the sentence be changed to correct the spelling?
A. change participated to particapated
B. change ceremony to ceramony
C. change happened to happenned
D. change Leiutenant to Lieutenant
The Choice
by Jordan D.
(1) It's 11:47 p.m.
Alone in my room I feel the pressure. Questions from my teachers and family pulsate in my head;
What's your plan? Have you chosen a college? Why don't you care? I try to respond, but can't. Why
don't you say anything? Come on Luke, you must have some idea of where you want to go. The other
seniors in your class have already applied to colleges. You can't waste any more time. You've got to do
(3) 12:01 a.m. Darkness obscures the world. Ive never been this lost before. Every day my friends and
family ask me about the future. Ive no idea what to tell them. I do know what they want to hear. They
want me to say that I'm excited about college and life. In other words, they want me to lie.
(4) Even if I go to college, what then? Will I be stuck in a dull job for the next 50 years? Will I be
forced to spend my days scavenging for money? Will life pass me by like a falling star?
(5) Outside, the sky is dark with no moon in sight. For a moment, my head is calm. Then, from deep in
my thoughts, the question surfaces and takes control. It's haunting quality has a hold on me. I can feel
myself giving in to it. All I can do is look for an answer.
30. The following punctuation error occurs in paragraph 2.
A. There should be a question mark after "You've got to do something."
B. The semi-colon after "head" should be changed to a colon.
C. There should be a hyphen connecting "other" and "seniors."
D. The word "can't" should not have an apostrophe.