Three Parts to a Conclusion CLAIM

Happy Friday!!!
Go Panthers!
September 5, 2014
Today’s Objective and Agenda
• Obj: BTEC.SWBAT: Master the CER; have a good understanding
of “What is Life” (living/nonliving) by reading and analyzing the
Characteristics of Life.
• Agenda:
– Go over conclusions and CER
– Correct Ad Test
– Start What is Life
– Reading
Three Parts to a Conclusion
• A statement about the solution to a problem
• A response to a question
• An answer to a problem
• Relevant data or facts that supports the claim
• Observations that support the claim
• Describes the scientific reason why it happened
Does Carbon Dioxide contribute to global warming?
28.2 Celsius
Carbon Dioxide
32.4 Celsius
Yes, it does. You can see in my data table that the
temperatures are different.
Does Carbon Dioxide contribute to global warming?
28.2 Celsius
Carbon Dioxide
32.4 Celsius
Carbon Dioxide contributes to global warming. The
container with the air has a lower temperature than
the container with carbon dioxide. So, you can see
that it does contribute.
Does Carbon Dioxide contribute to global warming?
28.2 Celsius
Carbon Dioxide
32.4 Celsius
Carbon dioxide does contribute to global warming. The
temperature in the container with air is 28.2 degrees
Celsius and the temperature in the container with
Carbon Dioxide is 32.4 degrees Celsius. The container
with Carbon Dioxide is 4.2 degrees higher than air.
Carbon dioxide is a warmer gas than regular air, so that
is why this occurs.
Does Carbon Dioxide contribute to global warming?
28.2 Celsius
Carbon Dioxide
32.4 Celsius
Carbon dioxide does contribute to global warming. The
temperature in the container with air is 28.2 degrees Celsius
and the temperature in the container with Carbon Dioxide is
32.4 degrees Celsius. The container with Carbon Dioxide is
4.2 degrees higher than air. When the heat from the sun
hits the earth, it is reflected back into the atmosphere.
Carbon Dioxide traps this heat from escaping into space,
therefore increasing the temperature of Earth.
Which event was
most likely the
cause of the
changes in
species diversity
in this
Write a
conclusion using
the CER format
to answer the
above question.
In your notebook, write & answer this question:
What does it mean to be alive?
We will define the seven characteristics of life.
How to “mark the text”
1. # the paragraphs
2. Circle vocabulary
3. Highlight definitions
4. Underline facts
Write a paragraph
that describes the
commonalties of
all these things
making sure to
explain WHY they
have those things
in common. Be
specific and
provide examples.
Photo by Theuerkauf