Lab 3: Codes, Meaning, Copying DNA Instructions for the parts of living things Why the instructions for you are stored as hydrogen interactions between ringy things DNA Why care about DNA? DNA • It’s in all living things • Interface between chemistry and ‘life’ • Easily understood molecule • doesn’t ‘do’ anything • Structure is based on H-bonding • Structure IS function DNA • So what does it mean to be “living” Things to do today: • Make leap from Chemistry to Biology: how can you get ‘you’ from C, H, O, N and P (finish next week) • Describe HOW/WHY A goes with T and G with C (and ‘not’ G with T) • Discuss what took ‘them’ so long • Mutations happen ALL THE TIME! • Begin investigation into genetic diseases DNA Why Does A “go with” T? • Party hats on• Starting point: – – – – BLUE hats – L hand out, palm down GREEN hats – L hand out, palm out (shake) YELLOW hats – L hand out, palm up RED hats – L hand out, palm out (shake) • START with a strand of GGGTT ,‘right hand’ on neighbor’s shoulder • Make a matching strand (dbl-stranded DNA) • Why do bases go together? • Each strand ‘count off’ from their L to R, how do the two directions compare? Gua = Green Cyt = Red Ade = Blue Thy = Yellow • Separate strands; who partners with whom? What external info do we need to re-create the missing strand? • Restart; RED hat turns hand palm up (put on purple hat) • it’s undergone chemical change… replicate &…? GGGTT Gua = Green Cyt = Red Ade = Blue Thy = Yellow DNA • Why do atoms make bonds? DNA • Why do atoms make bonds? • What types of ‘bonds’ are there? DNA • Why do atoms make bonds? • What types of ‘bonds’ are there? • Not all atoms play fair DNA • Hydrogen bond/interaction DNA • Hydrogen bond/interaction • When H bonds with ‘O’ or ‘N’ DNA • Hydrogen bond/interaction • When H bonds with ‘O’ or ‘N’ •Based on electronegativity DNA • Hydrogen bond/interaction • When H bonds with ‘O’ or ‘N’ •Based on electronegativity • Why not Carbon-Hydrogen? DNA • Hydrogen bond/interaction • When H bonds with ‘O’ or ‘N’ • H-Bond Donors DNA • Hydrogen bond/interaction • When H bonds with ‘O’ or ‘N’ • H-Bond Donors • Positive charge (Hydrogen) DNA • Hydrogen bond/interaction • When H bonds with ‘O’ or ‘N’ • H-Bond Donors • Positive charge (Hydrogen) • H-Bond Acceptors DNA • Hydrogen bond/interaction • When H bonds with ‘O’ or ‘N’ • H-Bond Donors • Positive charge (Hydrogen) • H-Bond Acceptors • Negative charge (O, N) Oregano Garlic Basil Salt Guanine Cytosine Thymine Adenine Things you already ‘know’ • Pyrimidine (single ring), Purine (double) – PUR As Gold – Big base = little name Take a look at the models • Each group gets GC or AT pair. Investigate. • Superimposability of GC, CG, AT, TA pairs • High crimes and misdemeanors Anatomy of a basepair Ornaments -NH2 =O -H -OH =NH Make your own GC or AT Hydrogen bonds form between G-C pairs and A-T pairs. Hydrogen bonds Sugar-phosphate backbone 5 3 Guanine Cytosine Adenine Thymine DNA contains thymine, whereas RNA contains uracil Freeman, Biological Science, 4.6b 3 5 BasePairer Rubric is available via web page Basepairer • Go to the ‘Lab03_DNA’ folder • Launch ‘BasePairer’ • DON’T log in, that’s for homework • Write your names on the paper I hand out; return it at end of class or zero credit • Basepairer group = genetic disease group • make a note of your group name & genetic disease in your lab notebook Bad things happen to good bases Bad things happen to Good Bases Chargaff’s Rules didn’t lead to structure WHY? %A %T %G %C Mycobacterium Yeast 15.1 31.3 14.6 32.9 34.9 18.7 35.4 17.1 Wheat Sea Urchin Marine Crab Turtle Rat Human 27.3 32.8 47.3 29.7 28.6 30.9 27.1 32.1 47.3 27.9 28.4 29.4 22.7 17.7 2.7 22 21.4 19.9 22.8 17.3 2.7 21.3 21.5 19.8 Bad things happen to Good Bases Tautomers Bad things happen to Good Bases Tautomers Genetic Disease • Spans the next month – – – – SYMPTOMS AND DISTRIBUTION DNA mutation, amino acid change Probable influence on protein structure Then you’ll share your findings with the class • Lets you apply your learning and thinking to an actual disease Genetic Disease • Write your names on the paper I hand • • out; return it at end of class or zero credit Make note or your group name and disease in your lab notebook What is most important is that you think well and integrate what you are learning; being ‘right’ is secondary * Letters and underlines only. CAN BE SEEN BY ME! Genetic Diseases Due Today!!! Part 1 of assignment Turned in to me with all group members’ names on it. Genetic Diseases • An example: hemoglobin/sickle cell anemia – Sufferers: one in 12 African Americans has the TRAIT; overall, 1/5000 Americans suffer – Common in areas with malaria – symptoms: shortened lifespan (48-52), see next slide A few thoughts • “Google” is a great search engine – Use quotes if needed – Advanced search – ‘scholar’ • Wikipedia – User contributions • Anybody can have a web page Homework • Examining DNA/Intro Translation Assessor • Transcribe & Translate (Vocab) •Basepairer –Group assignment (1/group) –Written portion to Dropbox •Quiz next week –Emphasizes next week’s lab –Study today’s material, too