Job Skills Math Syllabus - Long Beach School District

Long Beach High School
Course Syllabus - Job Skills Math I, II, III, IV
1st Semester
2015-2016 School Year
Name: Melanie Hymel
Phone Number: (228) 863-6945
Email Address:
Room Number: J57
Tutoring: Available upon request
Course Description: The purpose of this class is to help prepare your child for the
world of work, independently manage their personal finances, and reinforce basic math
skills needed for everyday life.
Required Materials:
3 Ring Binder
Loose leaf paper
5 Dividers
Course Requirements:
Attend class regularly without tardiness.
Be prepared with a pencil and complete all assignments.
Put forth his/her best effort.
Have a personal responsibility to his/her’s own grades, education, and future.
Grading Policy:
Daily Work 50%
Bell Ringer 10%
Daily Work: Consists of any work done in class or work turned in as homework.
Homework will consists of any work that is not completed during class time or work that
is given at the end of class.
Tests: They will be worth 40% of the student’s final grade. A review is always given or
done with the students the day before the test. It is each student’s responsibility to
make sure they are prepared. There will be a midterm and final exam in this class.
Bell Ringer: This will be given each day at the beginning of class. It should take no
more than 5 minutes to complete and will be picked up at the end of each week.
*All work, tests, bell ringers, etc… should be made up if a student is absent. It is
each student’s responsibility to get his/her work and turn it in, in a timely manner;
failure to do so will result in a zero for that assignment.
The following is the grading scale at Long Beach High School:
100 - 90
89 - 80
79 - 70
69 - 64
63 and below
Course Policies: The following rules have been established to ensure that every
student has the opportunity to learn and to do his/her best without being distracted by
disruptive students. Moreover, time spent disciplining a student, is time loss to other
students in the classroom.
Be inside the classroom before the tardy bell rings.
Bring all materials necessary to complete assignments.
Show respect for others.
Do not eat in class; only water is allowed.
Verbal Warning
Punish Work
After school detention along with a phone call home to the parent/guardian.
Office referral
Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives: The following are a list of objectives that
students are required to learn, participate in, and/or gain knowledge of by the end of this
class. Keep in mind, these are just a few of the objectives, and students are certainly
not limited to the following:
1. Money Skills
2. Measurement
3. Personal Finance
4. Budgeting
5. Time and Calendar Skills
6. Basic Pre-Algebra Concepts
7. Basic Geometric Concepts
8. Debt
9. Insurance
10. Careers
11. Taxes
Acknowledgement Statement
I have received and read the above syllabus for Learning Strategies.
Parent/Guardian’s Name: _______________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________
Student’s Name: _______________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________