Uploaded by Danielle Tutongillette

Health Education Syllabus - Danielle Tutongillette

The School of Danielle Tutongillette
Health Syllabus
Teacher: Danielle Tutongillette
Email: dtutongi@mail.brandman.edu
Room: 101
Course Description:
The Health Education Course encompasses six comprehensive health strands and focuses on the
application and mastery of developing health-enhancing skills. Health instruction is addressed in
a way that allows students to obtain, interpret, and apply basic health information to their daily
lives. In order to be health-literate, students are encouraged to become self-directed learners
while establishing a basic understanding of health promotion and disease prevention. The
maturation of the student, intensity of instruction, and level of integration of content across the
high school curriculum influences the impact of this course.
Course Standards:
The standards of the course are guided by the California Health Education Content Standards and
the National Health Education Standards. The six standard areas are as follows:
1. Nutrition and Physical Activity
4. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
2. Growth, Development, and Sexual
5. Mental, Emotional, and Social
3. Injury Prevention and Safety
6. Personal and Community Health
Office Hours:
Students can come and speak to me 1 hour before the first bell and one hour after the last bell
rings Monday – Thursday. If students are unable to come during those times, they can schedule
with me an appointment during lunch period.
Class Expectations:
 Be on time.
 Be prepared.
 Active participation is required.
Class Rules:
1. Be Responsible.
2. Be Respectful.
3. No food/drink/gum/candy.
Work from bell to bell.
Please remain seated.
Do not do anything that will get you
into trouble.
1. Verbal/Non-Verbal Warning
2. Student Teacher Discussion
3. Parent Contact (PC)
Absence Policy:
If you are unable to attend class for whatever reason, please email me and I will plan for you so
that no time is lost.
Academic Honesty Policy:
It is very important that parents and students understand the expectations for academic
honesty. All student work should be the work of that student. No copying or plagiarism is
acceptable. If quoting others in academic material, students must cite their sources. Give credit
where credit is due. All students must follow individual teacher test rules for what is
allowable. This ensures that a student’s success is based on honesty. (Hilbert Middle School)
Class Requirements and Materials:
 3 Ring Binder preferably 1”
 College ruled paper
 8 Divider Tabs
Pencils only (NO PENS!)
$20 donation (CPR materials)
Most assignments will be graded by a rubric grading system which will be posted in the
classroom. Students are expected to work diligently to complete all assignments at school.
10% - Class participation
35% - Projects & Presentations
10% - Unit Review Activities
10% - Notebook Grade
35% - Written Exams
The grades reported may be interpreted as follows:
A – Mark of distinction
B – Very creditable work
C – Average work
D – Below average work
F – Failing; no credit
By signing below I acknowledge that I understand the syllabus and the requirements of the
course. Also, I am giving permission to contact me through email or phone.
By signing below I acknowledge that I understand the syllabus and the requirements of the