AP Chemistry


Ms. Abbey Zinsser

Email: azinsser@tustin.k12.ca.us

AP Chemistry Syllabus 2015-16

Tustin High School


Chemistry: The Central Science, AP Edition, Brown, LeMay, Bursten, 11 th Ed. (2009), Prentice


Course Description:

AP chemistry is a rigorous and intense program designed to mimic a 1 st year college general chemistry class. As such, participation in AP chemistry requires students to be self-motivated learners and dedicated to the coursework and process involved in becoming a successful student. Students will learn the relevance of chemical concepts in relation to the real world while developing a deeper understanding of the molecular and atomic fundamentals driving our chemical world. This course is designed around 6 Big Ideas and 7 Science Practices as designated by the College Board.

Big Ideas


Structure of matter


Properties of matter – characteristics, states, and forces of attraction


Chemical reactions


Rates of chemical reactions





Science Practices (The student can…)


Use representations and models to communicate scientific phenomena and solve scientific problems


Use mathematics appropriately


Engage in scientific questions to extend thinking or to guide investigations within the context of the AP course


Plan and implement data collection strategies in relation to a particular scientific question.


Perform data analysis and evaluation of evidence


Work with scientific explanations and theories.


Connect and relate knowledge across various scales, concepts and representations in and across domains.

In addition to the summer assignment that reviews & reinforces topics covered in 1 st year chemistry, this course will include the additional topics listed below.

Chemical reactions

Kinetics and rates of reaction




Quantum mechanics & periodicity


States of Matter

Class structure will be a combination of:

Directed teacher instruction & class discussions

AP problem practice, homework assignments, and individual and group projects & presentations

Laboratory curriculum which includes structured labs, guided inquiry, and formal lab reports.


Grading Scale

Your AP chemistry grade will be a weighted average of your performance in several categories as listed below. Note, arguments pertaining to changing grades based on your AP exam score will not be validated since the AP exam is not a measure of your performance as a student throughout the year.

Weight Category

45% Test + quizzes

25% Labs + projects

20% Homework + classwork












10% Semester final 60% — 69%

Below 60%




In order to have a fulfilling and successful chemistry experience it is highly recommended that each student come prepared with the following materials by the second week of school.

3-ring binder with loose leaf paper to keep notes, homework, vocabulary and lab handouts/reports

Scientific calculator

Blue/black pen and a pencil

Red or green pen, used for in-class corrections


School-issued laptop


We will cover the textbook at a rate of approximately 1 chapter every 5 – 8 school days. This accelerated pace makes it imperative that each student remain focused and motivated to consistently work on all assignments.

Homework assignments will consist of: o AP free response questions o Topic specific worksheets o Qualitative review packets o Textbook problems

Unit exams are timed based on College board guidelines and will consist of o 20 – 45 multiple choice questions o 2 – 4 FRQs based on released AP chemistry exam questions.

A few things to remember:


If I can’t read it I can’t grade it…sloppy work, no name and/or title will result in a zero.


ABSENT WORK – write “Absent” on the top of any assignment turned in late due to an absence

No points will be deducted for excused absent work


LATE WORK – assignments will be collected at the beginning of the period, if not then it’s late.

Late work can be turned in up until the unit exam to

A maximum of 50% of the assigned points can be earned




Exhibit unusually high levels of commitment, motivation, and academic maturity

Claim most of the responsibility for his or her own learning

Follow the prescribed AP Chemistry course outline

Perform at a level consistent with a 1 st yr college course, not introductory high school chemistry

Attain an understanding of fundamentals and a competence in dealing with chemical problems

Express chemistry concepts both verbally and in writing with clarity and logic

Perform in-depth chemical calculations and mathematical formulations of chemical principles

Perform meaningful laboratory work by planning and preparing for it in advance

Demonstrate laboratory conduct consistent with safe laboratory procedures

Outside of Class

Commit to at least 5 hours per week of individual study outside of the classroom

Complete supplementary reading, problem sets, laboratory reports, and projects

Prepare for and take the AP Chemistry exam

Participate in review sessions outside of class time.

Attendance Policy

I will strictly adhere to the attendance and tardy policies of Tustin High School. All students are responsible for knowing and following the rules.

Absences o Students with “Excused Absences” may make up assignments for full credit. o Tests and assignments given before an absence are expected to be completed the day you

return to school. o It is up to the STUDENT, not the TEACHER, to track and turn in missed work from an absence. o Laboratory exercises are made up during tutorial or at designated times within 1-2 weeks.

This is not an unlimited time frame and postponement on your part can result in a zero. o Unexcused absences will result in a zero on assignments collected the day of the absence(s)


I expect all of my students to be in their seat when the bell rings with all of the required materials.

Students must always have respect for their instructor, their classmates, themselves and materials in the classroom.

Cellphones should be out of sight If a cellphone is out, I will take it and return it at the end of the period. If a cellphone is out on a regular basis, I will take it, a referral will be written and will

 need to be picked up by a parent in the office.

No food allowed at any time. This is a lab class after all.

Students must adhere to all school and classroom rules. Students who choose not to follow classroom rules will receive consequences.


Academic Integrity

Student collaboration is encouraged on all activities in this class. We are a team and we learn together! However, participating in academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, copying, emailing answers, sharing work electronically, cheating, is a serious offense and will result in a zero on that assignment and a parent phone call for all students involved. Such repeated behaviors will result in detentions, referrals, possible failure/removal from class, and district consequences. Please review the THS academic honesty policy.


25% of class time will be spent investigating our chemical world through structured lab experiences as well as guided inquiry exercises designed to challenge students into applying their chemical knowledge.

Laboratory experiences are an integral part of the development of a successful AP chemistry student. As such, many of our lab experiments will be hands-on inquiry-based activities designed to introduce basic chemistry topics that mimic an introductory chemistry laboratory curriculum as well as enhance and extend your understanding of the principles and concepts introduced throughout the year.

Students will learn to …

Work in collaboratively in pairs or as individuals to perform indicated laboratory exercises

Think analytically and to reduce problems to identifiable, answerable questions

Understand problems expressed as experimental question

Design and carry out experiments that answer questions

Manipulate data acquired during an experiment – perhaps even to guide progress

Make conclusions and evaluate the quality and validity of such conclusions

Propose further questions for study

Communicate accurately and meaningfully their scientific thoughts related to observations, discussion questions, and conclusions

Complete and submit a formal lab report for select laboratory exercise

Always follow laboratory safety rules as given in the Student Safety Contract to the best of your

ability. Safety is the number one priority in this class.



You are responsible for knowing and obeying all safety rules as laid out in our Lab Safety



All accidents and medical problems (e.g. epilepsy, fainting spells) must be reported immediately to the teacher to ensure not only your safety but the safety of all students.


Unauthorized work in the lab may be cause for dismissal from the lab and result in a zero.


You are responsible for maintaining and cleaning all equipment used in the lab environment.

Failure to do so will result in a lower lab participation grade.


If a lab exercise is missed due to an excused absence you must schedule a makeup lab within 1 week of returning to school.


Note to parents and students: Never be afraid to ask me for help if you are struggling with the content or any aspect of the class or just need something clarified. I WILL make special time for those students who ask for it. I am here to help you and I want you to succeed. This means that at the first sign of trouble I strongly recommend you approach me and we can make sure your chemistry experience is a wonderful and rewarding one.

Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs) define the most essential traits that our students should have by the time they graduate from Tustin High School. ESLRs represent not only what students should know, but also how they will approach their learning, and how they will relate their knowledge to the world around them.

Think critically across the curriculum through:

Effectively communicate:

 integrating WICOR strategies

 creating and developing high quality products

 analyzing multiple sources

 using a wide range of media and technology

 by taking personal, social, and civic responsibility

 fostering positive interactions with our diverse population

Advance literacy:

 while innovating, discovering, and taking risks

 through synthesis and analysis of a rigorous curriculum

 by exploring cultural, scientific, global, and visual competencies

Manage time and resources effectively by:

 prioritizing, planning and achieving results using real-world tools balancing physical and mental fitness

The Constitution of the State of California requires that we provide a public education to you free of charge. Your right to a free education is for all school/educational activities, whether curricular or extracurricular, and whether you get a grade for the activity or class. Subject to certain exceptions, your right to a free public education means that we cannot require you or your family to purchase materials, supplies, equipment or uniforms for any school activity, nor can we require you or your family to pay security deposits for access, participation, materials, or equipment. Under certain circumstances, students involved in extracurricular programs, clubs and/or sports may be required to attend fundraising events held by the program, sport or club just as you may be required to attend any other event put on by that program, club or sport. However, you will not be required to raise funds as a condition of participation.


AP Chemistry SYLLABUS AGREEMENT 2015-2016

Tustin High School

Please complete and return…


I have read and discussed the course requirements and classroom rules with my parents/guardians. I understand and agree by all the information and rules set forth in these pages.

______________________________________ ________________________________________

Print Student Name Student Signature

____________ ______________

Period Date


I have read and discussed the course requirements and classroom rules with my student. I understand and agree that my student’s success requires my support. To stay involved in my child’s education, I have included my email and/or phone (or the best way to contact me) below:

______________________________________ ________________________________________

Print Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature

______________________________________ _______________________________________

Language Spoken at Home Phone Number (circle one: cell, home, or work)


Parent/Guardian’s email (if applicable)

