Genetics, it’s not just Spiderman and X-men! GLE: 1.2.7 Students will be able to understand that organisms pass on information in their life cycle and that an organisms characteristics are determined by both genetic and environmental influences It’s not just this… • X men? …….. Or this! Pre-Unit Activity: Genetics • Draw genetics – 5 minutes What is Genetics? • Genetics = the science of heredity. • Heredity = characteristics passed on from parent to offspring (we’ll get more specific later in the semester). So what are some traits that can be passed on from parent to offspring? So what are some traits that can be passed on from parent to offspring? • • • • Eye color Hair color Talents Personality Genetics…just a lot of words…break it down • Gene…tics! • Gene = units of heredity – Contained within each DNA molecule What is Genetics (cont.) • From a textbook: • = “The discipline has a rich history and involves investigations of molecules, cells, organisms, and populations, using many different experimental approaches. Not only does genetic information play a significant role during evolution, its expression influences the functioning of individuals at all levels. Genetics thus unifies the study of biology and has had a profound impact on human affairs.” • HOLY CAMOLY? What does that all mean? – TO READ YOUR TEXTBOOK, GO SLOW AND BREAK IT DOWN History! • Most significant scientific findings were obtained in the 19th century (that’s the 1800’s folks). • But what led up to that…. History: Prehistoric Times • Domestication of animals to serve various roles. – What are some examples? History: Prehistoric Times • Cultivation of plants. – Examples? History: Prehistoric Times • So… – Human awareness of heredity was thus apparent during prehistoric times. History: The Greek Influence • Hippocrates and Aristotle (400 - 300 BCE) – More attention directed to heredity – Relation to humans – Mostly related to sperm and egg 1600 - 1850: The Dawn of Modern Biology • Charles Darwin • Gregor Mendel • William Harvey – Theory of epigenesis = an organism is derived from substance present in the egg, which differentiate into adult structures during embryonic development 1600 - 1850: The Dawn of Modern Biology Gregor Mendel: • Austrian monk • born 1822 • While in monastery was put in charge of the garden • grew peas and other vegetables • observed different traits in peas: – some tall and other short – some smooth and others wrinkled Charles Darwin and Evolution • Born in England • His father (a doctor) saw no future for a naturalist so sent Charles to study medicine. • Joined the Clergy and received his B.A. and joined a survey ship to be the, “conversation companion” to the captain. • H.M.S. Beagle (1831-1836) • At the same time of Darwin, Alfred Russel Wallace similar theories. Charles Darwin and Evolution • 1859 published the book-length statement of evolutionary theory, “The Origin of Species.” – “The laws governing inheritance are quite unknown; no one can say why the same peculiarity in different individuals of the same species, and in individuals of different species, is sometimes inherited and sometimes not so; why the child often reverts in certain characters to its grandfather or grandmother or other much more remote ancestor” Charles Darwin and Evolution • Geological, geographical, and biological observations convinced him that existing species arose by descent with modifications from other ancestral species. • Theory of Natural Selection ACTIVITY (In groups of 2) • CREATE A STORYBOOK! (10 PAGES) • USING THE WORDS PROVIDED, CREATE A STORYBOOK. USE APPROPRIATE DEFINITIONS. ACTIVITY • USING THE WORDS (plus 3 more): – – – – – – – – Genetics Heredity Darwin Hippocrates Aristotle Mendel Harvey Domestication ACTIVITY 1. Come up with a list of traits: – The group with the longest list will get extra credit! ACTIVITY 1. Come up with a list of traits: – The group with the longest list will get extra credit! 2. Label which traits are: – – – Genetic Environmental Combination ACTIVITY - group 1. Cheetah! 1. Read articles about the cheetah and the related genetic issues for the species 2. Provide facts to the class about the articles • Take notes on the facts GLE: 1.2.7 Students will be able to understand that organisms pass on information in their life cycle and that an organisms characteristics are determined by both genetic and environmental influences Genetics in your world! Advances in Agriculture and Medicine from Genetics! • Plants (results in more food): – Improved in 4 major ways: • • • • Enhanced potential of more growth Increased resistance to pests & predators Increased nutritional amounts Combination of traits from 2 strains – Ex) Cauliflower/broccoli, rye/wheat, apple/pear Advances cont… • Livestock - SUPER Animals! – Domestication of animals – Artificial insemination – Selective Breeding procedures: • Chickens grow faster • Produce higher quality eggs • More meat per animal Advances Cont. • Medical Discoveries – Cancer is a cell level genetic disorder – Genetic counseling for couples – Immunogenetics makes transplants and transfusions possible – DNA techniques to manipulate cloning – Human genome project! Make notes of: • Important concept: – History of genetics – Advances in Agriculture and Medicine • Important words: – Genetics – Gene – Heredity ACTIVITY (In groups of 2) • IN GROUPS TAKE 15 MINUTES AND REWRITE / SUMMARIZE THE HISTORY IN YOUR OWN WORDS