Plan de cours- Français I

Madame Ervin-Yougoné
Bienvenue au cours de Français!!
Please read the following with your student and sign and return the last page. Merci!
Chers parents,
Welcome to a new and exciting year at Cedar Creek High School. My name is Madame Dwan
Ervin-Yougoné and I will be your student’s French teacher. I would like to introduce myself to
you and let you know about the experience your son or daughter will have while in my class.
Qui suis-je? Who am I?
First of all, a bit about me: This is my second year at CCHS. I received my bachelor’s
degree in French from Texas State University- San Marcos, completing my senior year abroad at
the University of Bordeaux in Bordeaux, France. I have been to France many times and have
visited several other European countries since the age of sixteen. I bring many wonderful
anecdotes and adventures to the classroom that I hope will encourage your student to
experience the marvels of traveling abroad while they are still young.
Le cours de Français French Class
Learning a second language can be a challenging task for many students. By definition, it
is a whole new language with new words, rules, and syntaxes. Constant review, practice, and
exploration will ultimately lead to success in this class. I do assign at least two homework tasks
per week. The students will be creating their own reference manual in their binders through
daily entrance tasks, notes, homework and enrichment activities provided to them. The
notebook will be graded for neatness and organization. Their “classeurs” or binders need to
come home each night and be reviewed for at least 15-20 minutes.
Madame Ervin-Yougoné
Les attentes de la salle de classe Classroom Expectations
Students are to respect themselves, the teacher, and their classmates at all times. No
inappropriate language or gestures will be permitted.
Students are expected to come to class prepared. This includes coming to class with all
necessary materials each day.
Unexcused tardies will not be tolerated. Be on time to class.
No food or drink (with exception of water) is permitted inside the classroom. This
includes gum.
Any and all use of online translators is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Students found using
online translators for any assignment WILL RECEIVE A ZERO for this assignment.
Students are encouraged to rely upon their own knowledge of the target language and
the resources recommended and provided to them by me, their teacher.
Les nécessitiés pour ce cours Materials Needed For This Class These items will be used daily!
1. 3-ring binder in which to keep materials (worksheets, returned work, tests, quizzes, notes,
etc.) Binders are to be taken home and brought back to school every day!
2. Pen and pencil (blue or black, nothing else will be accepted)
3. Paper
4. Highlighters (any color)
5. Composition notebook
6. Spiral notebook
7. Standard Weight sheet protectors
Les matériaux préconisés Highly Recommended Materials
Larousse Student Dictionary English/French French/English (ISBN-13: 978-2035420558)
Madame Ervin-Yougoné
Notes Grading
60% Major Grades (Summative
*Tests and Projects- 35%
40% Daily Grades (Formative Assessments)
*Homework & written work-20%
*Oral participation & listening-20%
Devoirs Homework
Homework and other classroom assignments prepared outside of class are due at the beginning
of the class period. Students with 3 or more missing assignments will be assigned afternoon
detention and given make-up work to be completed. Notez bien: missed detentions will result
in an immediate academic referral to the administrative team.
Travail Récupéré Make up work
If an absence is excused, missed work may be made up. Students will have as many days as they
were absent plus one day to complete make up work. District policy on make-up work will be
Madame Ervin-Yougoné
Plan de cours- Français I Course outline
Preliminary lessons
Students will learn: how to greet, say good-bye, find out a person’s name, order food, become
familiar with the French calendar, and tell the time (numbers 1-30).
Chapter 1
Topics: Describing people; numbers 31-69
Students will learn: the singular forms of definite and indefinite articles; agreement of
adjectives; present singular forms of the verbs ‘être’ and ‘avoir’; making a sentence negative.
Chapter 2
Topics: School; class subjects; numbers 70-100
Students will learn: the plural forms of nouns, articles, and adjectives; present plural forms of
‘être’ and ‘avoir’; tu and vous.
Chapter 3
Topics: The school day; school supplies; numbers 100-1000.
Students will learn: the present tense of –er verbs; negative indefinite articles.
Chapter 4
Topics: Members of the family; birthdays; houses; apartments; the rooms of a house.
Students will learn: possessive adjectives; singular and plural adjectives.
Chapter 5
Topics: Going to a café; names of food; eating utensils; going to a restaurant; meals.
Students will learn: Present tense of ‘aller’; aller + infinitive; contractions with à and de;
present tense of ‘prendre’.
Chapter 6
Topics: Types of food; shopping for food; open-air market; supermarkets.
Students will learn: Present tense of faire; the partitive and the definite article; negative form
of the partitive; present tense of ‘pouvoir’ and ‘vouloir’.
Chapter 7
Topics: Clothing; shopping for clothes; sizes and colors.
Students will learn: Present tense of ‘mettre’; comparative adjectives; present tense of ‘voir’
and ‘croire’.
Madame Ervin-Yougoné
Chapter 8
Topics: The airport; on board an airplane.
Students will learn: Present tense of –ir verbs; quel and tout; ‘sortir’, ‘partir’, ‘dormir’, and
Chapter 9
Topics: The train station; on the train
Students will learn: Present tense of –re verbs; demonstrative adjectives; ‘dire’, ‘écrire’, and
Chapter 10
Topics: Soccer, basketball, volleyball, bicycling, running.
Students will learn: Passé composé of regular verbs; qui, qu’est-ce que, quoi; present tense of
boire, devoir, and recevoir.
Chapter 11
Topics: Summer weather and activities; spring; autumn; winter weather and activities.
Students will learn: Passé composé of irregular verbs; negative statements passé composé with
Chapter 12
Topics: Daily routine; the kitchen; watching television.
Students will learn: Reflexive verbs in the present; reflexive verbs in the passé composé.
Chapter 13
Topics: Going to the movies; going to the theatre; going to the museum.
Students will learn: Present tense of ‘savoir’ and ‘connaître’; indirect object pronouns; direct
object pronouns.
Chapter 14
Topics: Minor illness; parts of the body; the doctor’s office; the pharmacy.
Students will learn: Pronouns lui and leur; present tense of souffrir and ouvrir; commands; the
pronoun en.
Madame Ervin-Yougoné
Plan de cours- Français II
Chapter 1
Topics: Going to the movies, the theater, and the museum.
Students will learn: Present tense of ‘savoir’ and ‘connaître’; direct object pronouns.
Chapter 2
Topics: Minor illness; parts of the body; the doctor’s office; the pharmacy.
Students will learn: Indirect object pronouns; present tense of ‘souffrir’ and ‘ouvrir’;
commands; the pronoun “en”.
Chapter 3
Topics: Computers; fax machines; telephones; making telephone calls.
Students will learn: Forming and using the imperfect.
Chapter 4
Topics: The train station; riding in a train; the airport; flying in an airplane.
Students will learn: The imperfect versus the passé composé; telling a story in the past tense;
present tense of venir; prepositions with geographic names.
Chapter 5
Topics: The bank; exchanging money; managing money; the post office; mailing letters.
Students will learn: relative pronouns; past participle agreement; reciprocal actions; negative
Chapter 6
Topics: The kitchen; types of food; recipes; preparing food.
Students will learn: Forming the future tense; two pronouns in the same sentence-“me, te,
nous, vous; faire + infinitive.
Chapter 7
Topics: Traveling by car; trucks and motorcycles; reading a map; driving on the highway.
Students will learn: the conditional; the future and conditional of irregular verbs; “si” clauses;
two pronouns in the same sentence- “le, la, les”.
Chapter 8
Topics: Accidents; the emergency room; parts of the body; the doctor’s office; surgery.
Students will learn: Interrogative and relative pronouns; commands with pronouns; the
superlative of adjectives; expressing belief.
Madame Ervin-Yougoné
Chapter 9
Topics: Checking into a hotel; the hotel room; the bathroom; checking out of a hotel.
Students will learn: Passé compose of être and avoir; the pronoun “y”; pronoun + “en”;
formation of adverbs.
Chapter 10
Topics: The subway; the bus
Students will learn: Questions; verb + infinitive; expressing time
Chapter 11
Topics: The city; parking in the city; the country; farm animals
Students will learn: ‘Lequel’ and ‘celui-la’; present tense of ‘suivre’, ‘conduire’, ‘vivre’; infinitive
after prepositions.
Chapter 12
Topics: Bastille Day; Carnival; Christmas; Hanukah; the New Year; Marriage.
Students will learn: The subjunctive; the subjunctive with wishes and commands.
Chapter 13
Topics: Parts of the body; manners; emotions; introductions.
Students will learn: Expressing opinion with the subjunctive; irregularities in forming the
subjunctive; expressing emotions with the subjunctive.
Chapter 14
Topics: Professions; trades; finding a job; the workplace.
Students will learn: Expressing doubt with the subjunctive; infinitive versus subjunctive; the
subjunctive in relative prepositions.
Madame Ervin-Yougoné
Plan de cours- Français III
Introduction générale a l'histoire de France
Topics : French Revolution, ‘La Marseillaise’, Regions of France
Les causes et les conséquences de la révolution ; Faits divers sur les 22 régions de France
métropolitaines; Hymne national de France
Chapitre 1
Topics: Summer and winter activities; camping; taking vacations; travel by train, car, plane;
Culture: ‘Vive les Vacance’ vocabulaire; passé composé, avoir et être
Conversation: ‘Un Voyage d’affaire’ vocabulaire
Journalisme: ‘La météo’, ‘La Tunisie’ vocabulaire; Le subjonctif des verbes réguliers et irréguliers
Chapitre 2
Topics: Everyday life of young people in France; shopping
Culture: ‘Jeunes, qui êtes-vous?’ vocabulaire; L’interrogation
Conversation: ‘Au centre commercial’ vocabulaire; les expressions négatives; l’imparfait
Journalisme: ‘Parlez-vous le djeun’s?’ vocabulaire; ‘Tous féministes?’ vocabulaire; Le subjonctif
Chapitre 3
Topics: Leisure activities in French speaking countries; cultural events in France
Culture: ‘Les loisirs, le temps et l’argent’ vocabulaire; l’imparfait vs. passé composé
Conversation: ‘On va au théâtre?’ vocabulaire; le comparative vs. le superlatif
Journalisme: ‘’Les Native’ vocabulaire; ‘Les loisirs utiles’ vocabulaire; Le subjonctif
Chapitre 4
Topics: North and West Africa
Culture: ‘Groupes culturels francophones’ vocabulaire; les prépositions
Conversation: ‘Une grande fête’ vocabulaire; le futur et le conditionnel
Journalisme: ‘Le français, la langue de culture’ vocabulaire; ‘Les homes bleus’ vocabulaire;
Le subjonctif; ‘depuis’
Chapitre 5
Topics: French media; the police and firefighters; social problems and petty crime
Culture: ‘La presse et les médias’ vocabulaire’ les COD et les COI
Conversation: ‘Au commissariat’ vocabulaire; les CO avec l’impératif
Journalisme: ‘Le gros titre’ vocabulaire; ‘Un mort dans un incendie’ vocabulaire; le subjonctif
après des conjonctions
Madame Ervin-Yougoné
Chapitre 6
Topics: French customs
Culture: ‘Les passages de la vie’ vocabulaire; le partitif; ‘en’
Conversation: ‘Un mariage’ et ‘Un enterrement’ vocabulaire; ‘qui’ et ‘que’; ‘dont’
Journalisme: ‘Le carnet du jour’ vocabulaire; le plus-que-parfait; le conditionnel passé;
propositions avec ‘si’
Chapitre 7
Topics: Public health; exercise; going to the doctor’s office; nutrition
Culture: ‘La santé et la forme’ vocabulaire; les verbes réfléchis; les verbes réfléchis au p.c.
Conversation: ‘En plein forme’ vocabulaire; ‘qui’, ‘que’ et ‘quoi’
Journalisme: ‘L’oreille’ vocabulaire; les pronoms interrogatifs, démonstratifs, et possessifs
Chapitre 8
Topics: French heritage
Culture: ‘Hier et aujourd’hui’ vocabulaire; le faire causatif
Conversation: ‘Visite à la Grande Arche’ vocabulaire; l’infinitif passé
Journalisme: ‘Festivals en France’ vocabulaire; les prépositions avec les pronoms relatifs; le
futur antérieur; le participe présent et le gérondif
Madame Ervin-Yougoné
I have read and understand all of the information on these pages. I agree to abide by the
guidelines in this document and to keep this syllabus in the front of my French binder for the
duration on the school year.
Autographe de l’ élève (student signature) & date
Autographe du parent (parent signature) & date