Welcome to Environmental Science 2010-11 I will do my best to make this your BEST class:) Many projects, labs, guest speakers, movies, and field trips are included in this adventure... so hang on tight and keep up with the work! Our goal is to PASS the AP test & the IB SL exam. LABS: are fun and important. You will work in groups but each member will turn in their own write up. Missed labs can only be made up by a 3-5 page research paper...so please don’t miss labs. If you leave your lab area dirty, you will lose points in your lab write up. Some labs you pick your partners, some labs I do. MAKE-UPS: late work is penalized 50% until the deadline; after that it’s a Zero. NOTEBOOKS: Save everything for your AP EXAM or IB EXAM. GRADES: Everything you do is worth points for you. The scale is: 100-90% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D 0-59% = uh oh! Grades are online. Please use your Zangle password to access grades. ASSIGNMENTS: a list of assignments & information will be posted on the school website. Go to www.cnusd.k12.ca.us/cehs & click on Teacher Page to view the website. PROJECTS: 1st Semester: SCIENCE PROJECT 2nd Semester: Scavenger hunt final CLASSROOM RULES 1. Failure to show up on time will cost you 5 points each time. District Policy followed. 2. Respect…3 types on test... 3. At the end of the period you are expected to return and stay in your seat after cleaning up lab or finishing an assignment. Push in your chairs as well at the bell. 4. Passes: 8 Passes/semester; 5 points each extra credit if not used. FIELD TRIPS: a) Nuclear plant? b) tide-pools c) windmill plant d) Catalina e) Long beach marine aquarium f) Joshua tree g) water treatment plant I have read and understood expectations of this class. If I have any questions, I will feel free to contact Mr. Kaura at (951) 739-5670, x-3830 or kaurachs@hotmail.com. ______________________Student _____________________ (parent/guardian) AP EXAM 100 multiple choice questions in 90 minutes 4 essay questions in 90 minutes (22 min/essay) No calculators IB EXAM Paper 1: Short answer questions (30%); no multiple choice Paper 2: Part A- Data based question: analyze data & then short answers Part B- 1 essay question from choice of 3 questions (50%); calculator required Internal Assessment: Lab write ups (20%) Internal Assessment (IA) I will tell you which labs will be used for IA. There are 3 criteria that will be assessed at least twice (probably more since I turn in your highest two marks). That means a minimum of 6 labs will be used for this portion of your grade. The 3 criteria are: Planning (Pl) Data collection & processing (DCP) Discussion, evaluation & conclusion (DEC) Each criteria is worth 6 points; 3 criteria, so 3x6=18 points. Assessing them twice, so 2x18=36 points possible. There are also up to 6 points possible for Personal Skills (PS) which I award at the end of the year, only once. These points are based on your work ethic and work quality. They are added towards your IA grade, bringing the total out of 42 points.