United States History Final Second Semester Study Guide After creating a list of people and terms for each historical era, draw a timeline inserting each showing cause and effect relationships. Foreign Policy 1870-1920 People (who, significance) Emilio Aguinaldo, Sanford Dole, John Hay, William Randolph Hearst, Jose Marti, William McKinley, Joseph Pulitzer, Teddy Roosevelt Terms/Events (cause, define/describe, significance, controversy) American imperialism, Boxer Rebellion, Panama Canal, Platt Amendment, Roughriders, Spanish-American War, Treaty of Paris, USS Maine, War in the Philippines Big Ideas What led to the Spanish-American War? What ended the Spanish-American War and its impact? Progressive Era People (who, significance) Jane Addams, Eugene B. Debs, W.E.B. Dubois, Robert Lafollette, Upton Sinclair, William Taft, Ida Tarbell, Fredrick Taylor, Booker T. Washington, Ida B. Wells, Terms/Events (cause, define/describe, significance, controversy) 17-19th Amendment, Coal Strike 1902, Progressive Movement, Sherman Anti-trust Act, Suffragettes Big Questions: What were the causes of the Progressive Movement? What were characteristics of the Progressive Movement which are lasting legacies today? World War I People (who, significance) Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Woodrow Wilson Terms (cause, define/describe, significance, controversy) First Battle of the Somme, flu epidemic, Fourteen Points, Lusitania, Schliefflen Plan, Treaty of Versailles, Triple Alliance, Triple Entente, Victory Gardens, Zimmerman note, WWI Big Questions: What were the causes of WWI in general and for the United States involvement? How did WWI end? What was the impact of Wilson’s Fourteen Points? The Twenties and the Great Depression 1920-1940 People (who, significance) William Jennings Bryan, Charlie Chaplin, Calvin Coolidge, Clarence Darrow, William Harding, Herbert Hoover, John Maynard Keynes, Vladimir Lenin, John L. Lewis, Charles Lindbergh, FDR, Babe Ruth, John T Scopes, Sacco and Vanzetti Terms (cause, define/describe, significance, controversy) Black Tuesday, Dawes Plan, Dust Bowl, flappers, fundamentalists, Great Depression, Harlem Renaissance, Jazz Age, Ku Klux Klan, Lost Generation, nativism, New Deal (10 programs), Red Scare, Scopes Trial, Social Security, Teapot Dome Scandal, Young Plan Big Questions: What were the characteristics of the Roaring Twenties? How did the 1920’s lead to the Great Depression? What were the characteristics of the Great Depression? How did Hoover and FDR deal with the Great Depression? World War II People (who, significance) FDR, Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin Terms (cause,define, significance, controversy) appeasement, Atlantic Charter, Battle of the Atlantic, Battle of Britain, Battle of the Bulge, Battle of Stalingrad, blitzkrieg, D-Day, Japanese-internment camps, inflation, isolationism, Hiroshima, Lend-Lease Act, Manhattan Project, Neutrality Act of 1939, Nuremberg Trials, Pearl Harbor, Rosie the Riveter, Third Reich, totalitarian state, Tuskegee Airmen, War in the Pacific, Weimar Republic, Yalta Conference Big Questions What were the causes of WWII in general and American involvement? How did WWII impact the United States social and economic conditions? Postwar-Cold War People (who, significance) Harry Truman, Douglas MacArthur, Rosenbergs Terms (define, significance, controversy) Berlin Airlift, containment, GI bill, iron curtain, Levittown NY, Marshall Plan, NATO, Truman Doctrine, Soviet Bloc, Soviet Union, Warsaw Pact Big Question How did the end of WWII lead to the battle of the superpowers? The Fifties and the Sixties People (who, significance) Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Baines Johnson, JFK, Joseph McCarthy, Malcolm X Terms (define, significance, controversy) 38th Parallel, Bay of Pigs, Berlin Wall, Brown v. Board of Education, beatniks, Civil Rights Act 1964, Cuban Missle Crisis, Election 1968, Great Society, Jim Crow laws, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Little Rock, Korean War, Montgomery bus boycott, Plessy v. Ferguson, Selma, U-2 spyplane Big Questions How did the Cold War play out across the world in various wars? How did the social domestic history evolve in each decade? Vietnam People (who, significance) John Foster Dulles, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Henry Kissinger, Robert S. McNamara, Ho chi Minh, Richard Nixon, William Westmoreland Terms (define, significance, controversy) Geneva Accords, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Kent State, SEATO, Tet Offensive, Viet Cong, Watergate Big Questions How did America get involved in Vietnam? In what ways did the Vietnam War influence American culture/politics at home? United States History Second Semester Final Study Guide 2013-2014