Welcome to the School of Business and Economics


Welcome to the School of Business and


Information from the Programme Coordinator

What will happen today?

Kalmar ESS / EHVS /


• Course start – time for that

• Programme Coordinator contact information

Placement and function of the faculty’s administrative office

Opening hours for the reception and phone hours

• ekonomihogskolan@lnu.se

Get your studies started – the practical bits

Obtain a student account

Register your programme and course

Course and programme starts

Swipe card

Syllabus and reading list


Printing, copying and scanning

Written exams


Interruption of studies



The semester and course periods for Autumn 2014 and Spring 2015

Semester – Autumn:

September 1, 2014 – January 18, 2015

Period 1: Mo. September 1, 2014 – We. October 1, 2014 w. 36-40 (23 work days)

Period 2: Th. October 2, 2014 – Su. November 2, 2014 w. 40-44 (22 work days)

Period 3: Mo. November 3, 2014 – Tu. December 2, 2014 w. 45-49 (22 work days)

Period 4: We. December 3, 2014 – Su. December 21,

2014 and

We. January 7, 2015 – Su. January 18,

2015 w. 49-03 (13+8= 21 work days)

Semester – Spring: January 19, 2015 – June 7, 2015

Period 1: Mo. January 19, 2015 - Su. February

22, 2015 w. 04-08 (25 work days)

Period 2: Mo. February 23, 2015 - We. March 25,

2015 w.09-13 (23 work days)

Period 3: Th. March 26, 2015 - Su. May 3, 2015 w.13-18 (24 work days)

Period 4: Mo. May 4, 2015 - Su. June 7, 2015 w.19-23 (24 work days)

Examinations on a course:

Ask the course coordinator how the course will be assessed

There are different types of examinations

The examination forms are regulated in the syllabus for each course

The collection of tests for the course shows what parts constitute the examination for that course

Ladok via the Internet (LPW) – this is where you find the collection of tests as well as your results

Written examinations

For written exams, the LAST day to sign up is the Tuesday in the week before the week the exam takes place !

Late sign up is NOT possible in any way!

You must present a valid ID card at the written exam in order to be allowed to take the exam

A student should be offered at least five opportunities to take an exam, after that the course may change

The grading scale for each test is either

Fail/Pass (U/G) or Fail/Pass/Pass with

Distinction and soon an A-F scale

If you miss the exam

Sign up for the re-exam

Complement one of the assignments

If you wait too long to get an assignment assessed, the course may have changed and you might have to retake the entire course

CSN also has demands that you must perform if you collect student financing

There are entry requirements for courses and semesters within the programme

Usually there are dates in August to retake exams

Plan your studies – look at the Examination Schedule

Annan typ av examination:

Hemtentamen: Att i skriftlig form behandla ett antal uppgifter med stöd av och hänvisning till kurslitteraturen.

Klara instruktioner ges av kursansvarig.

Paper/Case: Mindre eller större uppgift som skrivs i form av avsnitt uppdelat på metod, resultat, diskussion, referenser mm. Klara instruktioner ges av kursansvarig


En ”minitenta” som fungerar som ett förtest innan en större examinationsuppgift.

Uppsats och opponentskap: För att bli klar till

Kandidatexamen krävs att man skriver en uppsats om 15 högskolepoäng. Här finns särskilda riktlinjer beslutade som styr hur det går till och hur uppsatsen ska se ut.

Riktlinjer för examensarbete

Rättsäker examination

• På Linnéuniversitetet finns ” lokala regler för examinationer på grundnivå och avancerad nivå ” beslutat av Rektor.

Regelsystem som beskriver ansvar och rättigheter för dig som student och examinator vid examination – läs igenom detta dokument!

• Notera vad som gäller för omexamination, komplettering, tenta på annan ort, meddelande om betyg och provresultat, omprövning av betyg mm.

Betygssättning vid Ekonomihögskolan:

Målrelaterad betygssättning innebär att:

• Prestationen bedöms i förhållande till målen

• Förutbestämda transparanta betygskriterier

• Hela gruppen kan i princip få ett visst betyg

Relativ betygssättning innebär att:

• Prestationen bedöms/rangordnas i förhållande till andras prestationer

(i gruppen)

• Endast några kan få högsta betyg respektive lägsta

• Enligt en förutbestämd fördelning (t ex normalfördeln.)

Programme syllabus and course syllabus

The programme syllabus regulates the objectives, structure, content and degrees for the programme.

The course syllabus regulates each course in regards to content, objectives, examinations, literature, etc. It also always contains the requirements you need to fulfil in order to be registered to the course.

Always go through the syllabus before the start of each course

You find the programme courses and course codes here: (klipp in hyperlänken till just ditt program….

Where is what – find your way around

Map of Linnaeus University in

Kalmar http://lnu.se/polopoly_fs/1.88499!Kar


Map of Linnaeus University in Växjö http://lnu.se/polopoly_fs/1.88498!Kar


The functions of the Info Kiosk: http://ekonomihogskolan.lnu.se/infok iosk/index.htm


Log in at Lnu.se/student

The courses you are registered to appear in the middle of the screen

This is where you find your schedule


You can also search for your schedule in TimeEdit

• https://se.timeedit.net/web/lnu/db1/sche ma2/

Choose Timetables Kalmar or Växjö

• Choose ”course” in the scrollbar and write the course code in the search bar, e.g. 1FE850

The schedule should be available about

4 weeks before a course starts.

Check your schedule in the morning!

If something is cancelled, our administrators try to post a note about this.

Student account and E-mail

Go in to lnu.se/ny-student and click

”Obtain a student account”

You will need a student account in order to be able to:

Log on to computers

Register you courses within the programme

Sign up for exams

Have access to course material

Get access to E-mail, etc.

If you already have a student account at

Linnaeus University, you do not need to obtain a new one.



All information from us will be sent to your student E-mail address

Register your course and programme

You must register yourself to each new course

You must register for the programme each new semester (even if you are on exchange)

The registration period is the week before the course starts and the week of the course start

• You need to be registered in order to sign up for exams

If you miss registering before it closes you must contact the reception desk or Email ekonomihogskolan@lnu.se

Study Advisors at the School of Business and


The study advisors answer questions regarding education and work, what the entry requirements are for the education you are interest in, or show you where you can find the information you need.

Lena-Maria Aronsson

Study Advisor in Kalmar

Telephone: 0480-49 71 84

E-mail: lena-maria.aronsson@lnu.se

Bengt Persson

Study Advisor in Växjö

Telephone: 0470-70 85 79

Telephone hours: Tuesday 13.00–14.30,

Friday 10.00–11.30

E-mail: bengt.c.persson@lnu.se

Student Welfare Office

The Student Welfare Office is available both in Kalmar and Växjö for students at

Linnaeus University. We are working proactively with lifestyle issues and we are offering counselling and coaching.

Contact person Kalmar and Växjö

Maria Larsson

E-mail: maria.larsson@lnu.se

Telephone: 0480-44 60 95 .

Please see this address for more information : http://lnu.se/student-at-lnu/support-and-service/studentwelfare-office?l=en

Studying with disability

We are here to help you!

Dan Fogby – coordinator for the

School of Business and

Economics in Kalmar


Anna Nymark – coordinator for the

School of Business and

Economics in Växjö


All disabilities are individual and affect the opportunity to study in different ways. That is why all pedagogical assistance is individually adapted.

It is important that you get in touch with a coordinator for students with disabilities as soon as possible even when you are still at the stage of considering what to study.

This is because it can sometimes take time to plan the provision of the help and support you need. In order to be provided with assistance you need to have a medical certificate from a doctor, psychologist or approved assessor for reading and writing difficulties/dyslexia.

Academic misconduct

The examiner for a course is obliged to report suspected cheating to the

Disciplinary Board

Exam invigilators will report to the examiner if a student interacts with another student during a written exam or if a student brings prohibited material to a written exam

Theses/Degree projects and other papers are examined using software that check for plagiarism

Avoid cheating and plagiarising

Studying at a university demands that you as a student learn how to:

• analyse on your own and present your own ideas, knowledge and conclusions.

• use references and quote other texts correctly in order to respect other writers’ texts and the copyright protecting them.

Avoid cheating and plagiarising

When you restructure or summarize a text, state the source in the text and in the list of references.

If you want to present an extract exactly as it is published, copy it exactly and place the text within quotation marks. State the source by the quote and in the list of references.

Learn the correct method of referencing from literature on methodology or from other sources, and also look at the course literature to see examples of how it is done in those.

Also see http://lnu.se/the-university library/academic-studies-workshop?l=en

More on cheating and plagiarising

If you feel uncertain how this works?

Go through the University Library’s

Anti-Plagiarism Tutorial Refero and other resources found at: http://bi.lnu.se/Refero_eng/1intro.php

http://lnu.se/the-university library/search-and-writing-help-?l=en

Quality control and student influence

Programme council and programme coordinator (2 student representatives are selected from each class)

Continuous evaluation takes place on course level as well as in the programme council

A course evaluation is done after a course is finished – always take the time to fill out the evaluations!

If you experience problems during a course - always contact the course coordinator for that course and/or the programme coordinator

Programme council – what does it mean?

2-5 representatives from each class/programme

Meetings about twice per semester

Course evaluations


Sounding board

Exchange of experiences between classes/programmes

Social interaction and networking

Experience in meeting techniques

Degree diploma after finished studies

What will be your degree after you have finished your studies?

What courses are obligatory in order to achieve that programme degree?

Is there an electable semester or is exchange studies a possibility?



Daiva Balciunate-Håkansson – Kalmar

Anna Lindahl – Växjö


International experience

For you who want to go on exchange: http://lnu.se/student-at-lnu/study-abroad?l=en

The University Library (UB)

Ekonomihögskolans kontaktpersoner på UB:

Eva Forssell, UB Kalmar

Telephone: 0480-44 62 23

E-mail: eva.forssell@lnu.se

Mattias Rieloff, UB Växjö

Telephone: 0470-76 74 88

E-mail: mattias.rieloff@lnu.se

What can the library help you with:

Search and writing help

Anti-plagiarism Tutorial

Self Tuition guide

• Web guide
