Crystal Ball 3rd semester | BSS 1 Installation Crystal Ball INTRODUCTION This is a guide on how to install Crystal Ball as a 3rd semester student. Oracle Crystal Ball is one of the leading spread sheet based programs for modeling, prognosis, simulation and optimization. It gives you unique insight in the critical factors affecting risk. With Crystal Ball you are able to make the right tactical decisions to reach your goals and competitive advantages within even the most unsecure market condition. It is also used to generate and gather various numbers from different statistical allocations. The program is using the interface in Excel as a plug-in. LICENSE You get the license by buying the book Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets in HVB and then collect the license at HVB. You use the license from HVB to get a username and serial number for Crystal Ball from Oracle’s website. INSTALLATION 1. Download the programme from or 2. To get username and serial number go to 3. First pic chapter 10, then Subscription Content, and now you can Register. ________________ Crystal Ball 3rd semester | BSS 4. Here you can enter your license from HVB. 5. When you have registered you can find your username and serial number for Crystal Ball. 2 ________________ Crystal Ball 3rd semester | BSS 3 TROUBLESHOOTING This is only for 3rd semester students (not master students using Crystal Ball) HVB might not be able to help with the installation ________________