
The Whirl Around
By: Adria O’Neal
Andre Merino
Brett Stroube
Our project’s goal was to make a
rollercoaster that would run for up to 15
Our ball was already supplied thanks to the
fall engineering fair. The tape and box were
items we already had. But we had to buy
the wooden dowels.
Other expenses were the cost of knife, glue,
and construction paper for the track.
Our first step is to release a ball from the
highest point down a series of ramps.
Then it lands in a cup at the end of ride.
There are pieces of tape attached to the
track to create friction so ball can run
without to traveling too fast. There is also a
little door attached to one of the sides.
There is a drop at the end that releases the
ball to the cup.
Stored Energy
As you know the main two energies that
occur are Kinetic and Potential Energy due
to gravity.
There is also some friction forces applied to
ride which causes some energy to be loss.
The building of the project took 5 hours of work by
all three team members.
Original design was not as easy to apply.
We encountered some problems including:
The loop was not constructed due to the lack of right
material and fear that we did not have the velocity to get
ball through loop.
Time trials were constantly varying.
We are glad we ended up with a final product!!!!