ICTs in Education: An Evaluation of the Dublin Inner City Schools’ Computerization (DISC) Project (from a Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) perspective Elizabeth Quinn BA, MA, MSc, MPhil, MBPsS Trinity College Dublin, IRELAND This Thesis completed at Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, IRELAND, 2012 4th Congress of the International Society for Cultural and Activity Research Inventing the Future Sydney, Australia. 29 September to 3th October 2014 What is DISC? 2 Aims and Objectives of DISC Aim: • to integrate use of innovative technology in schools Objectives: • To help teachers meet the ICT requirements of the Primary School Curriculum and Secondary School Curriculum • provide an added dimension to the use of ICT in secondary schools 3 Purpose of this Research Evaluate the effectiveness of DISC – Were objectives met? – Should Managed Learning Environment (MLE) be rolled out? – Suggestions for future? Why evaluate? – Varied levels of commitment and use of ICT – Was technology used innovatively? – Curriculum implemented using ICT? – Teacher training/skills - underdeveloped 4 Theoretical Framework Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) (Source: Engeström 1987, p. 78) (Engestrom (1987) 5 Why use Cultural Historical Activity Theory? • “Theoretical lens and analytical tool”(Barab, 2004, p. 30) • “seeks to analyse development within practical social activities” • Activity: Central to AT Focuses on “practice of group of users” rather than individuals • Encourages use of variety of research methods (Sannino, Daniels and Gutierrez 2009, p. 1) • (Bodker 1989, p.173) 6 Questions for Researchers to ask 7 Activity The use of Information Computer Technology in 38 primary and secondary schools in the Dublin Inner City Schools Computerization project sponsored by Hewlett Packard 8 Subjects • DISC staff • Schools (38) in disadvantaged areas • Teaching staff • • • • Principals ICT coordinators IT postholders Teachers Pupils: Primary - 4-12yrs, Secondary 12-18yrs 9 Tools • ICT AND MLE PROJECTS - PCs, Laptops, Smart Boards • ICT PROJECTS • • • • • • • Lego technology Mp3 players/recorders Animation software Video making/Multimedia (Photostory and Powerpoint) Games Development (Game Maker) Podcasting 3-D (Sketch up) • MLE PROJECT – Learning Northern Ireland platform 10 Division of Labour DISC Students ICT coordinators School Teachers 11 Community DISC Principals/ Board Students Teachers ICT coordinators 12 Rules and Regulations 13 Mixed methods approach Questionnaires 47% response rate • Teacher background • ICT facilities/use • Teachers’ ICT – qualifications – experiences – training • DISC programme Case Study – 6 schools Interviews (20) teachers/DISC Focus Groups (3) - age 9, 11, 15)) Classroom Observations (3 class groups) 14 Findings– main issues 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Teacher motivation/beliefs Teacher Training Influence of Principal and School Policies Technical support/hardware replacement ICT coordinator role Students’ interaction Government policy/administration DISC staff support/DISC objectives MLE pilot 15 1. Teacher motivation/beliefs ‘Making a difference’ “Our mission in the school is to equip these kids to go out and make something of their lives” (Principal, PP 2) ‘Pupil engagement’ focus Little research on ‘outcomes’ + ‘disadvantage’ (Blackmore, Hardcastle & Bamblett, 2003) Whiteboard as ‘glorified blackboard’ (Karasavvidis 2009) Teacher age/ICT experience not major factor Traditional/constructivist approach? Policy can influence teacher change (Hermans et al. 2008) (Drent & Meelissen, 2008) 16 2. Teacher Training “They really want to integrate IT into teacher training to be part of the daily life. I think continuous teacher training – like I think in any job... You don’t qualify, graduate, and that’s it, that’s your education cap in. Like that day is gone” [Interview, T2, Ps 3] Lack of training -pedagogical use of ICT 53% did not receive ICT training pre-service 72% - ICT did not prepare for teaching 81% - some ICT training – post (mostly DISC) Key issue (Meisalo 2010) ; Too skills-focused (Hew and Brush , 2007 in Vanderlinde and van Braak, 2010, p. 545) subject specific (OECD - Enocchsson, 2010) 17 3. Principal/School Policy influence Teachers – Principal’s attitude crucial “If the Principal isn’t in favour, you can forget it”(ICT coord, PS3) School ICT Policy/DES support “the Department always expected us to have plans and they didn’t have a plan” …were giving money willy nilly” (Principal, PP 1) “fractured delivery of digital technologies” (Marshall and Anderson, 2008, p. 474) Driving change -teacher co-operation (Vanderlinde et al 2009; Vanderlinde and van Braak 2010) “We are expecting everybody to try and engage with some kind of project once in the year” (Principal, PP2) “…a lot of it depends on teachers’ own personal interests” (Principal, PS2) 18 4. Technical support/hardware Lack of Technical Support the major issue – Resources don’t include it – Other jurisdictions provide it • NI (C2K), Flemish schools (DOE 2002) • Contradictory – adequate/not enough • “Department certainly has never really supported IT” (Principal, P1) • Inequality between disadvantaged schools – funding/resources access differed - PRINCIPAL 19 5. ICT co-ordinator role “I was never trained for that…we don’t know what we are doing” (ICT coord, P4) – Reduced to technicians – not qualified – Pedagogical role/teacher support more appropriate – ICT role – takes too much time (Vanderlinde et al 2009; Lai and Pratt 2004) “the curriculum is so overloaded already that you don’t want any more” (Teacher, P4) 20 6. Students’ interaction - DISC/ICT Enjoyment of technology – social aspect? Graham Nuthall (Brophy, 2006, p.529)– interaction/aimless discourse ˃ cognitive learning experiences Students don’t identify with DISC programme Absenteeism NOT improved (43% teachers) – stated DISC objective! Contradiction? Fuchs & Woesmann, 2004 – mere availability of ICT a distraction from learning Hepp et al 2004 ;Merrienboer and Brand-Gruwel, 2005 – ICT may motivate 21 7. Government Policy “get the DES and NCTE to really see that IT is hugely, massively in schools at the moment. Like everything goes through ICT” (ICT coord, P4) Perceived lack of interest/support/planning-DES Curriculum Relevant Material? Policy-other countries? (Ottestad, 2010) - heavy investment not translating into practice 22 8. DISC support • • • • • • • ICT Projects Coordinator widely praised DISC programme – saving school money (ICT coord) Schools concerned about DISC terminating Timing of projects – limited by school year Schools - admit they have not engaged enough Schools engaged with other projects/orgs DISC emphasis on Primary sector perceived 23 Interface 9. MLE– main issues – difficult to navigate (DB*), Passwords issue – Confusing terminology – DB, NewsDesk, Forum Content – NewsDesk – very useful + enjoyed – Not Curriculum-relevant - stated objective – Social and collaborative aspect – THE TRIP – Research enjoyable – all ages Technical difficulties – broadband/access Teachers - lack of collaboration/motivation 24 Were objectives met? • DISC, Teachers, students – different objectives • Original objectives • not readily identifiable • DISC staff – unclear • Curriculum implementation – no clear targets – ICT use – for its own sake? • Why not? – DISC staff – lack of engagement by teachers – Teachers - curriculum/time/resources – Major issues outside DISC control – DES 25 Research findings - Overall 1. Lack of Co-ordination – all levels – – – – Infrastructure Equipment Training Plans 2. Lack of Vision and Planning – Haphazard provision of equipment and money – No plan 26 Reflection on Research Process • Terms of Reference – extensive (influenced design) • Business emphasis (versus academic) – Influenced Methods used – Writing style • • • • Integrating Activity Theory Timeline Being ‘embedded’ – boundary difficulties HP + DISC termination– deskspace 27 Reflections on Research Process (2) • Parents’ views – not included • Student usability – not focused on • Policymakers/teacher training colleges limitation • Teachers or student focus – which? • Activity Theory – could have been more central? 28 29 Recommendations for future 1. DISC staff – full-time 2. ICT Policy - all schools 3. Teacher training –small groups/subject specific 4. Technical support services 5. Reduce number of schools 6. Primary emphasis only 7. Redesign LNI format/interface 8. Facilitate school groups for support 9. Forum for ICT Co-ordinators 10. MLE for Teachers 30 Thank you for your attention Any Questions? Elizabeth Quinn Trinity College Dublin quinneliz@gmail.com quinne12@tcd.ie 31 Abbreviations AT CHAT CLiC DES DISC DIT DOE HP ICT ISO LNI MLE NI OECD ROI SDT VLE Activity Theory Cultural Historical Activity Theory Computers in Learning Communities Department of Education and Skills (Republic of Ireland) Dublin Inner-City Schools Computerization Dublin Institute of Technology Department of Education (Finland) Hewlett Packard Information and Communication Technology International Standards Organization LearningNI (Learning Northern Ireland) Managed Learning Environment Northern Ireland Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Republic of Ireland Special Duties Teacher Virtual Learning Environment AT frameworks applied to ICT research designing learning environments (Jonassen & Rahrer-Murphy, 1999) e-learning content (Mwanza & Engestrom, 2005) Evaluating impact of digital technologies in an Australian Primary School (Romeo & Walker, 2002) Evaluating ICT in Singapore Schools (Lim&Hang, 2003) UK Higher Education (Issrof &Scanlon, 2002) ICT-based research projects (Bottino, Chiappini, Forcheri, & Molfino, 1999) use of PDA’s (Scanlon, Jones, & Waycott, 2005) interpretation of graphs by scientists (Roth & Lee, 2004). 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