Topic Web Summer 2 - Mesne Lea Primary School

Early Years Medium Term Planning
Class: Nursery
Term: Summer 2 Topic: Farm/ Travel
Communication and Language/Literacy
To listen to others one to one in small groups, when the
conversation interests him/her.
To begin to understand ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions.
To use talk to connect ideas, explain what is happening
and anticipate what might happen next, recall and relive
past experiences.
To build up vocabulary that reflects the breadth of
his/her own experience.
To question why things happen and gives explanations.
Asks e.g. who, what, when, how.
To recognise numerals 1 to 5/10
To count objects to 10, and beginning to count beyond 10
To show an interest in representing numbers
To use positional language
To use shapes appropriately for tasks
To begin to use mathematical names for ‘solid’ 3D shapes
and ‘flat’ 2D shapes and mathematical terms to describe
We will introduce lots of new vocabulary- names of animals and
their young. Some of the books we will be looking at are- Farmer
Duck and Naughty Bus. We will be discussing all the mischievious
things ‘Naughty Bus’ gets up to and questioning why and how he
has got stuck. We will have lots of circle time sessions in
preparation for reception.
We will be preparing for sports day and playing racing games-who’s
1st, 2nd, 3rd? We will be writing our numbers lots this term in
preparation for reception. We will be watching different types of
transport near school and creating a bar chart to represent what
we have seen. We will also use tally charts to record our findings.
Physical Development
Understanding The World
To hold the pencil near the point between first two
fingers and thumb and uses it with good control
To begin to copy some letters, e.g. letters from own
To travel with confidence and skill around, under,
over and through balancing and climbing equipment.
To observe the effects of activity on his/her body
S/he eats a range of healthy foodstuffs and
understands need for variety in food
We will use different tools to make models of animals. We will
be continuing with our weekly mark-making, focussing more and
more on handwriting and letter formation. We will continue
with our PE sessions that develop a range of movement, safety
and vital listening skills. Lots of these sessions will begin to
develop team skills ready for sports day.
To remember and talk about significant events in own
To show interest in different occupations and ways of life
To comment and ask questions about aspects of the
familiar world such as the place where they live or the
natural world
To know that information can be retrieved from
We will be looking at various life cycles and hope to have some
chicks to look at soon. We will look at some of the jobs of those
people who work on farms. How do they look after the animals?
What do we get from animals?
Expressive Arts and Design
To begin to build a repertoire of songs and dances
To explore the different sounds of instruments
To create simple representations of animals
To choose particular colours to use for a purpose
We will be singing continuing with our animal related songs- Old
MacDonald, Horsey, Horsey, Baa, Baa Black Sheep, Mary Had
A Little Lamb… We will be making a Father’s Day card. We
will be doing colour mixing outside.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
To initiates conversations, attends to and take
account of what others say
To speak to others about own needs, wants,
interests and opinions
To adapt behaviour to different events, social
situations and changes in routine
We will encourage turn taking through lots of focussed
games-, pin the tail on the donkey, sports day skills. We
will have lots of opportunity to turn take in discussions
around our topic. Children will be encouraged to ask lots
of questions and make links between animals. The children
will need to adapt their behaviour to different events,
social situations and changes in routine, when taking part
in sports day, going on our park visit and regular