NCATE PROPOSED REDESIGN AND TRANSFORMATION 4.24.09 W. Agnew MSU LEADERSHIP TEAM Goals of Redesign and Transformation Develop a streamlined, more collegial process which institutions see as valuable and aligned with their work. Focus on continuous improvement as well as transformation initiatives, which provide an impetus for educator preparation to better meet the critical needs of P-12 schools. Challenges of Educator Prep Programs Respond to the challenge. The diversification of institutions that prepare educators include increasing numbers of non-traditional providers which are responding very specifically to school and district needs, and often emphasize clinical experiences and recruitment in ways that could serve as models. Challenges of Educator Prep Programs Respond to the challenge. Recognition that educator preparation and school reform are inextricably bound together. Therefore, educators must be prepared both as individually skilled practitioners as well as professionals oriented toward ongoing school improvement. 4 VALUES AND GOALS UNDERGIRDING REDESIGN & TRANSFORMATION Values and Goals Excellence as defined by high standards and the relevance in meeting the needs of stakeholders and the public. Values and Goals Inclusivity of institutions that meet high standards, including educator preparation programs outside of colleges and universities. Values and Goals Collegiality in the accreditation process to be perceived as user friendly and helpful in improving programs. Values and Goals Cost-Effectiveness in the accreditation process to reduce effort, time and cost. Continuous Process = Continuous Improvement Proposal Includes. . . Better use of technology before, during, and after Less burdensome self-study process Less burdensome program review process Overview of Major Proposed Changes Unit Review Two options for continuing accreditation Changes to the Institutional Report (IR) with focus on continuous improvement IR only report changes since previous visit Electronic review a year before the visit 3 days; 3 to 5 people Overview of Major Changes National Program Review Options for evidence to be submitted Program reports submitted at mid-cycle Greater consistency across SPA standards One report for MAT-like programs Different approach to review programs with low enrollments Reduce required contextual information Overview of Major Changes Comparisons Current vs. Proposed Comparisons Process Current Process Proposed Process Annual Reports • Reviewed by the BOE team at Primary documentation for visit for progress on areas Previsit BOE Committee review of cited at previous visit. mid-cycle or institutional reports • Substantive changes reviewed to help determine that standards annually to determine whether continue to be met. additional information needs to Substantive changes continue to be reviewed by the Annual be reviewed by staff and ARPA Report & Preconditions Audit Committee as needed. Board of Examiners (BOE) • Option to ask that team Formal process for shared input member be replaced for cause. on selection of BOE team members. Previsit BOE Committee drawn from the BOE plus from partner state. Comparisons Process Current Process Proposed Process Exhibits List of exhibits for each element of the standards. Reduced number of exhibits organized around standards. Includes documentation previously submitted by units in national program reports, annual reports, and Title II submissions. Comparisons Process Current Process Institutional • 50-75 page document written in an online Report template with prompts for each element of standards. • Submitted 60 days before visit. Proposed Process Organize around (1) the standards or (2) each element of the standards. Program report for units with only one program such as educational leadership, school psychology, or music to be supplemented by data and descriptions for Standards 2-6. Submitted 1 year before visit. Reviewed by Previsit BOE Committee to provide feedback & identify areas of concern Focus on changes since the previous visit & progress toward the target level of one or more standards. Comparisons Process Current Process On-site Visit • 5-day visit conducted by 38-member BOE team plus state representatives. • Evidence sought through documentation & interviews to determine how each element of the standards is addressed & whether standards are met. Proposed Process 3-day visit Conducted by a 3-5 member BOE team plus state representatives. Focus on areas of concern raised by the Previsit BOE Committee and validation that standards continue to be met. Comparisons—Unit Review Process Current Process Proposed Process Option 1: Continuous Improvement • Not applicable. Self-study against the target level of one or more standards. Details for annual reports, IR, exhibits, & on-site visit outlined in general process section above. Option 1: Institutional Report for Continuous Improvement • Covered in previous section Focus on changes since the previous visit and progress toward the target level of one or more standards. Comparisons—Unit Review Process Current Process Option 2: •Not applicable. Transformation Initiative (TI) Proposed Process Focus on initiative related to one or more standards that both improves educator preparation at the institution and provides leadership for the field. Comparisons-Transformation Initiative Process Current Process Proposed Process Mid-cycle Report • Not applicable for Transformation Initiative (TI) Eligibility for Transformation Initiative (TI) option established by submitting at mid-cycle (1) a report that describes continuous improvement efforts since the previous visit with a cross-walk to standards and (2) a proposal for the Transformation Initiative (TI) Mid-cycle report reviewed by Previsit BOE Committee. TI proposal reviewed by Committee on Transformation Initiatives (CTI) for approval. • Not applicable In consultation with the unit, a consultant identified to work with the unit on its initiative. Consultant may join BOE team for on-site visit. Support for Transformation Initiative Comparisons-Transformation Initiative Process Current Process Proposed Process Institutional Report for TI • As outlined in No additional report required for the visit.. General Section Option to respond by the visit to the concerns raised by the Previsit BOE Committee. Completion of TI • Not applicable Findings of TI shared on NCATE’s website and at conferences. Comparisons- National Program Reviews Process General Current Process Proposed Process • Submitted 1-2 years before on-site visit for national review. • State program review accepted for elements of Standard 1 if state review requires assessments, scoring guides, and edits. Submitted at mid-cycle (3 years before visit) for national review. Discussions initiated with states that do their own program review about compatible expectations. Comparisons- National Program Reviews Process Current Process Proposed Process Evidence for First Accreditation • 6-8 assessments, scoring guides, and data with 5 required types of assessments for national review. Option 1: Current requirement. Option 2: Program selects its own assessments to make the case that national standards are met. Future: Program uses model assessments developed and tested for validity & reliability by SPAs. Evidence for Continuing Accreditation Option 1: Current requirement. Option 2: Program submits only new assessments and minimal data. Option 3: Program conducts validity studies of assessments and data.. Comparisons- National Program Reviews Process Current Process Proposed Process Contextual Information • 9 sources of contextual 4-6 sources of contextual information information (Questions 3, 4 and 5 may be eliminated) Data Requirements • 3 years of data. MAT-like Programs for Secondary Teachers Separate reports for each One report focused on professional & secondary content area pedagogical knowledge & skills. Low Enrollment Programs A report for each program no matter the enrollment. SPA Standards Variation across program Common principles across programs. standards. 1-2 years of data. Another approach being considered for programs with low enrollments. Options for Continuing Accreditation PROPOSAL Redesign and Transformation NCATE Board Meeting to adopt final recommendations Provide input on each section: or More Details Unit Review and National Review Two Options for Unit Review Option 1 Continuous Improvement Option 2 Transformation Initiative Unit Review—Continuous Improvement Focuses is on changes since the previous visit and the unit’s assessment against the target level of the Standards’ rubrics Unit Review—Continuous Improvement Data for the Review Institutional Report one year prior to visit Part B and C of the AACTE/NCATE annual reports Title II data reviewed electronically a year before the visit for a more formative process that provides feedback to the unit (Title II Report is changing— will no longer just report completers) National Program report data Unit Review—Continuous Improvement Institutional Report Focus on continuous improvement and report on changes since the previous visit Option to write to standard or to the specific elements Submit electronically 1 year before the visit Report reviewed by pre-visit BOE committee Feedback provided to the unit allowing time to focus on area of concerns Unit Review—Continuous Improvement The Visit Shorter visit (3 days; Sun.-Tues.) Conducted by a smaller team of 3-5 people Focuses on areas of concern from the previsit review by the committee Validates that standards continue to be met by checking evidence in a holistic way Provides feedback on movement to target levels The Visit—Continuous Improvement Units cannot plan for the visit in the same way as the last visit—different information will be required. Unit Review—Transformation Initiative Focus-- Improvement in educator preparation that can provide leadership to the field. Unit Review--Transformation Initiative Supports Improvement through- Efforts to improve the institution’s own programs. Efforts of leadership for transforming educator preparation to improve P-12 student learning. Unit Review--Transformation Initiative Overall- NCATE will encourage and support research-based initiatives and propagate the results for the benefit of the field. Individual institution may apply for this option or a group of institutions may collaborate on an initiative. Proposal designed to be as supportive and flexible as possible. Unit Review--Transformation Initiative Initiative should be related to one or more of the NCATE standards and address major issues and challenges in educator preparation and quality. Partnerships with P-12 schools for the transformation of student learning and conditions that support learning Improving P-16 systems (e.g., college readiness, access, & completion) Unit Review--Transformation Initiative Kinds of Initiatives Partnership with P-12 schools to improve student learning Clinical practice and moving educator preparation into school settings. Evidence of the value-added of accreditation in improving P-12 student learning. Candidate recruitment or Educator retention Induction & mentoring Diversity-based skills Follow-up performance data Validity studies of assessment Professional development Unit Review--Transformation Initiative The Process-- Establish Eligibility Submit mid-cycle report (3 years before visit) Submit proposal for the Transformation Initiative with the mid-cycle report Unit is accredited without qualifications Evidence suggests unit will continue to meet standards through next scheduled on-site visit Unit Review--Transformation Initiative The Process—Mid-cycle report Organized around continuous improvement efforts Identifies changes since last accreditation visit Report will include some form of crosswalk or indexing between the discussion and NCATE standards for the Previst BOE Committee to determine that the unit continues to meet all standards Unit Review--Transformation Initiative The Process—Transformation Initiative Proposal Limit 25 pages submitted with the mid-cycle report Report includes • • • • Problem(s) to be addressed Goals Beliefs Plan Unit Review--Transformation Initiative The Process—Previsit BOE Committee Review Committee and representative from the state partnership review unit reports, annual reports, Title II data and national or state program reports Feedback to unit on concerns Committee decides eligibility based on likelihood of continuing to meet standards Unit Review--Transformation Initiative The Process--After Approval of TI Committee on Transformation Initiatives (CTI) formed • review proposal • consult with institution on modification of proposal • recommend approval to Unit Accreditation Board (UAB) • NCATE identifies consultant to review unit’s implementation. Consultant expenses covered by unit • No additional institution report required • Transformation Initiative Visit (7th year) Unit Review--Transformation Initiative The Process--Unit engages and finishes Initiative Submit final report, including evaluation of results Designated consultant review final report Consultant report submitted to CTI and UAB and recommends whether results should be propagated to the field Results of Initiatives will be propagated by NCATE through website, conferences, and other technologies Unit receives a Commendation for Leadership in the Field Unit Review--Transformation Initiative The Process--Transformation Initiative Visit Visit still 7th year No institutional report Visit to focus on concerns raised in mid-cycle review Unit provides evidence standards are being met Visit (Sunday to Tuesday) Team of 3 to 5 National Program Review--Proposed Changes 1. Options for evidence to be submitted allows greater flexibility. 2. Program reports submit a mid-cycle (3 years before visit) National Program Review--Proposed Changes 3. Common principles for program standards will provide greater consistency across SPA standards 4. Board of Examiner teams can determine where units regularly and systematically collect and use assessment data during the previsit review and on-site visits. National Program Review--Proposed Changes 5. Number of years of data reported reduced to one to two years of data, 6. Some items required as contextual information will be eliminated. (Questions 3, 4, and 5) National Program Review--Proposed Changes 7. Data for program reviews– three options for data: Current Streamlined Option (6-8 assessments) Continuous Improvement Option (only new assessments and data—focus on how the program used data to improve its program) Validity Studies Option (validity studies of the program’s assessments and data) National Program Review--Proposed Changes 8. Simplified processes are being developed for MAT-like secondary education programs 9. Different approach to review program with low enrollments. Provide Feedback Or