Chug, chug, chug

Chug, chug, chug. Puff, puff, puff. Ding-dong, ding-dong.
The little train rumbled over the tracks
She was a happy little train for she had such a jolly load to carry.
Do you recognize this story? It is The Little Engine That Could. St. Augustine’s is similar to
the Little Engine. Our cars are filled with good people and programs.
We have our engine, Fr. Mark, who feeds us with thought-provoking sermons and, with
suggestions from the Worship Committee, introduces a variety of ways to worship God. In
2011 we began videotaping the 10:00 service and his sermons.
Peggy Holloway, who is supported by an outstanding organist and choir, leads our music car.
The contents of this car change as members of our church climb in and out and offer their time
and talents. The Worship Committee and Music Director’s challenge is to provide a variety of
music for our community.
The next car on the track is filled with bobbing heads of boys and girls, who want to know what
is waiting for them, as they ride over the mountain. If you listen carefully, you can hear the
songs they have learned since September. Their voices are so joyous; they are so happy.
They are learning the Word of God from David C. Cook materials, in Godly Play, and in
Seasons of the Spirit, Rite 13 and J2A. At the head of the car, the Youth and Christian
Ministries Director stands with her committee beside her. The car’s challenge is to find
meaningful ways to engage the children and young adults, and then find adults who will offer
their time to this ministry.
Our Parish Life car continues to expand. This car became a reality in 2008. The goal is is to
provide at least one social activity every month. The Parish Life Committee aims toward
intergenerational activities and tries to involved every demographic group during the year.
One example in 2011 was the highly successful “Walk to Bethlehem,” where parishioners
logged their exercise miles on our imaginary trip to Bethlehem.
Our church community must be fed spiritually. One of our cars is very quiet. You have to look
carefully to make sure you don’t miss it. Deacon Pat and the Daughters of the King are
standing and praying for St. Augustine’s and all of us as individuals.
We have several other cars with extremely important people and activities. The Building and
Grounds Committee and Canterbury Guild work tirelessly to maintain our building and
gardens. We have been able to keep expenses to a minimum because of volunteers devoting
their time and labor to cleaning the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall, as well as maintaining the
Our caboose is a very efficient Administrative Assistant, Mary Beth Barone, who supports all
the other cars in countless ways - most importantly our engine. Our Communications
Committee works with her to maintain the church’s website. We are now on Facebook and
have a blog. Check us out!
Just like the engine in the book, our engine has asked and is asking you to help us get over to
the other side of the mountain. We need a Little Blue Engine and collectively you are the Little
Blue Engine. My plea to you as Senior Warden is, “Get onboard and become involved in an
activity or program that interests you.” Don’t wait to be called to volunteer; offer your time and
talent – and your financial resources. We need all of them.
You may have noticed I have not mentioned our nursery. This is a program that we know we
must have in order to serve our younger families and to attract newcomers, but have simply
failed to find a way to make successful. We can’t get consistent volunteers. We need your
For those of you who prefer theological readings to children’s literature, I will end with C.S.
Lewis’ Mere Christianity, Book IV, Chapter 8. “Christ says, ‘Give me All. I don’t want so much
of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want You.” St.
Augustine’s wants YOU!
Lynn Perry
Senior Warden