Overview of South Asia Video.
What protects South Asia from Arctic Winds? __________________________________________________________________________
Why is this region so overpopulated? ________________________________________________________________________________
Most people are of the _________________ religion; however, South Asia has the largest __________________ population in the World.
How long did the Indus River Valley Civilization last? _____________________________ Who conquered it? ________________________
Why did the Europeans first come to India? __________________________________ How long did they control India? ______________
What did Mahatma Gandhi, the great spiritual leader of India, urged his people to do to protest British rule? _______________________
Today many see India overwhelmed with poverty. 1/3 of the people live on less than a dollar a day; ____________ of the children under
five are malnourished.
Others see India as having great promise. It is the largest ______________ in the world and has a rapidly growing ___________________.
South Asia Part 2: Politics and Government
When the British were deciding how to hand over power to India, it included the 1 _____________ of India, which means to divide. The British
colony of India would be divided into two parts: India and East/West 2. _______________________. The people began to panic, worrying about
hostility, and started to migrate to the respective countries. The British left the subcontinent of 3. _____ years of rule.
Explain why Gandhi was murdered? 4. _________________________________________________________________________________
Essential Question??? Why have some of the countries in South Asia developed stable democracies and other developed unstable autocratic
governments? First reason was that this region had a history of 5. _____________________ rule that was fueled by discrimination and racism.
Then the British reinforced the hatred between the different religions and the differences between the groups of people. This has led to violence
and 6. _________________. The British did leave a few good things, such as a 7___________________ system of government, merit based civil
service, and an improved 8____________________________. Christian missionaries and educators introduced western 9_________________.
India after the British… Some areas in South Asia continue to have other issues that they are dealing with such as 10______________ disputes,
corruption, assassinations, ethnic and religious 11______________ and poverty. Nehru became India’s first 12__________________. He untied the
diverse country and laid the foundation for India’s 13 ______________________ and political stability. Indira Gandhi, Gandhi’s daughter, became
the next Prime Minister. She greatly helped the poor and improved India’s agriculture through the 14____________revolution. In the late 1990’s
the members of the BJP promoted Indian democracy with Hindu religious overtones which sparked violence between the Hindus and
15_____________. Today India is the largest 16_________________ in the World where there is a large participation in elections.
In Pakistan… Mohammad Ali Jinnah became the first 17 ________________ General. He wanted to create a unified religious state, but he died
soon after taking office. Pakistan was divided into 2 territories. The political, economical and military power was in 18________________ Pakistan.
Both territories had 19__________ populations, about the people of East Pakistan practiced a more tolerant form of 20_________________, had a
different culture and spoke a different language. Because of this, East Pakistan demanded Autonomy, or independence. This led to a
21_______________ where West Pakistan sent in troops to East Pakistan. India helped East Pakistan, and East Pakistan gained its independence
and renamed itself 22___________________________. Today, Bangladesh has extreme poverty, vulnerable to natural disasters, and is ranked the
most 23____________________ government in the world.
In Afghanistan … Ethnic and religious differences and foreign 24_________ have made it extremely difficult to unify the country. Afghanistan came
under the strict 25______________ regime. Music, television, alcohol, and even 26_____________________ was banned. Women were forced to
wear Burquas. Afghanistan had training camps for 27 _______________, which attacked the US on September 11, 2001. The US swept the Taliban
from power and they had 28 ________________ elections. Today, Afghanistan is dealing with poverty, ethnic rivalry, religious fanatics, etc.
In Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives…. IN 1990, Nepal changed its constitution to include a multi-party democratic elections. However,
the King 29_______________ the democratic government and took control as Monarch. IN Bhutan, they have a hereditary 30_______________
which maintains political stability and tries to maintain Bhutan’s traditional way of life. In Sri Lanka, they have maintained a 31_________________
form of government since independence. However, in the 1970’s a 32__________________ broke out. Today, democracy is still followed and they
have one of the highest literacy rate and standard of living in the region. In the Maldives, it is a 33 ________________ state and has only 300,000
people. It is ruled by a dictator.
Asia Part 3: Economics (11 Minutes) KEEP THIS! THIS IS PART OF YOUR STUDY GUIDE!
Before and During the British Occupation…
Before colonization, South Asia was the leading trade center and producer of cotton textiles, _______________ , and many other
products for export.
2. However the __________ __________ ____________ with the help of regional leaders gained control of the region. For 100 years there
was economic exploitation and plunder of South Asia’s resources.
3. The British government took control, and the exploitation and plunder _________________ Great Britain used the natural resources to
fuel the industrial revolution.
4. However, the British did improve the region’s ___________________ leaving behind a transport system and an irrigation system, highly
paid civil service and a postal system.
After the British Left…
5. After the British left, many of the governments were wary of creating a Westernized economic structure, instead, they followed the
communist model of _________________ owned businesses which controlled the means of production.
6. Without competition, inefficiency and _________________________________________ grew. The economy began to slow down.
7. To solve this problem, many governments, such as India, began to _________________ some businesses (which means private citizens
own and run the businesses instead of the government. International trade was encouraged.
Engaged in different economic activities…
8. Sixty percent of the region’s workers are _________________________________________ working small subsistence farms.
9. Sixteen percent work in ___________________________________________ such as in textile mills.
10. Most work on small scale handiwork enterprises .Then there are those who work in the ___________________ sector, the fastest section
of South Asia’s economy and employ ¼ of the workforce and makes ½ of the region’s money.
11. Because the service industry accounts for 60% of the government budget, inefficiency and ________________________ is a problem.
12. There is a large portion of the population that work as laborers outside of government control and taxation and mostly under dangerous
conditions. Most of these people are laborers, farmers, and street ______________________________ .
What are the forces that will help drive the region’s economic development?
13. One driving force is foreign ______________ , which helps refugees that have to resettle because of war, to clear land minds, and build
hospitals and schools.
14. Many South Asians send home _________________________ that they make in other countries to help their families.
15. Micro lending is loaning money to _____________ so that they can create and maintain their own businesses. This was the start of the
Gamine Bank.
16. However, the area that creates the most economic development is ____________________ in the information- technology sector. More
than ½ of the World’s fortune 500 companies use outsourcing to South Asia
Because of this growth in the economy…
17. Millions of South Asians have been lifted out of poverty and life expectancy in the area has __________ since independence while steps
have been taken to control the population ______________________________________________.
18. The literacy rate among _______________have improved and the Green Revolution has been productive, providing food for the region.
19. India now has the World’s ______________________________________ largest economy and the World’s largest middle class.
20. However, South Asia remains one of the ________ regions. 1/3 of the people live on less than $1 a day and half of the children under the
age of 5 are malnourished and 2/3 of the people do not have access to clean water and still has one of the illiteracy rates in the World.
21. There is no shortage of people (human capitol), talent, and __________________________________________________
Use pages 622-625 in the Textbook AND the notes above. Describe the country’s economy and what types of jobs can be found in each country.
Problem #1: Population
At the time of independence, India had 350 million people; today there are more than (1)_______________ , and it is predicted
that in 2. ____________ years India will surpass China and have the largest population in the world.
What are the reasons for South Asia’s large population?
Some people live longer because of improved 3_________________ and healthcare. 4_________________ _________________ remain
high. Child bearing population is very large and very 5 __________ _______. Note: Afghanistan has the highest birth rate: an
average of 6. _____________ children per woman.
Problem #2: Discrimination Against Women
Some ways in which many women suffer discrimination include: harassment, denied 7. __________________ and access to
healthcare, forced to work as indentured 8 _________________ or prostitutes, violence when they come into a marriage with an
insufficient 9_____________________ or they can’t bear children, especially 10.___________ . Thousands are killed because of
unsatisfactory dowries; in fact in India one woman is killed every 11. ______________ for this reason.
babies if they are female , giving female children less 13________________ and medical care.
12 __________________
Note: South Asia is only region in the world where men outnumber women: There are 94 women for every 14.___________men.
Problem #3: Significant Health and Healthcare Problems
Health issues include: 15. hunger (1/5 don’t have enough food; 16 __________ of children are malnourished), 16% do not have
safe 17_____________ ________________ (creates a breeding ground for parasites and diseases, resulting in infant deaths)
malaria, tuberculosis and HIV (South Asia is 2nd in the number of HIV cases only to 18 _______________ __________________.)
Many do not have access to adequate health care. Note: In Afghanistan the average life expectancy is only 19. ______ years!
Why is there such poor healthcare in South Asia? Reasons include: Lack of government 20. ________________, Widespread
poverty, Poor 21______________________, 22 _____________discrimination, Rapidly growing population
Problem #4: Environmental Problems include: unsanitary conditions, frequent 23_____________________ shortages, poor water
quality, Ganges River—polluted with raw sewage, industry emissions, and pesticide run-offs; it is considered sacred as it is
believed is will cleanse one of their 24____________ , yet it is a breeding ground for many diseases. Asian Brown Cloud—causes
100’s of 1000’s of deaths/yr., droughts, as well as floods; blocks sunlight and destroys crops and trees with 25.________________
Problem #5: Destruction of Natural Landscape Much of wildlife and land is under constant threat from population and urban
growth, wildlife poaching, and use of 26 ____________ for fuel. This leads to: Deforestation , 27. ___________ _____________
28. _______________________________
Problem #6: Conflict/War
How have South Asians suffered as a result of war? Millions of South Asians have become refugees as a result of war: 29.
children are used as 29__________________ 30. land mines kill or maim 100’s every ________________
All of these critical population, health, environmental and war-related problems threaten South Asia’s _______________________
HOMEWORK After viewing the video, complete the following: Describe how progress is being made with the following problems
in some areas of South Asia:
Health Issues—_________________________________________________________________________________________________
Environmental Issues-- _____________________________________________________________________________________________
South Asia Part 5: South Asian Culture and Society
Issue #1: South Asia Religions. When you think of South Asia, what comes to mind? List 5 things: 1 __________________________,
2.______________________, 3. __________________________, 4______________________________, 5.______________________________
It is a region of immense 6______________ and 7 _______________. Ancient customs and modern customs exist 8______________ by
9 _______________. Religion is at the 10________________ of South Asian culture. All across Asia, religion impacts every aspect of
daily 11______________. South Asia is the birthplace of 12_______ major religions. 13________ is the most practiced religion in the
region and evolved over 14_______________ of years. Sacred Hindu texts only provide 15_____________. It is up to the individual
to find their own path to16 ______________. Islam came from the17 ____________ ___________ in the 18______ century. The region
has19 _______________ that are primarily Muslim. Christianity came to India in the 20___________ century. Today, 21_________
people in South Asia are Christians. 22_______________ _is the 4th largest religion in India. It originated in the Punjab in the 15th
Century. 23________________ is the 5th largest religion in South Asia. 24___________________ is the state of bliss. Many
25______________ ____________ religions are practiced in South Asia.
The Hindu Caste System
How many primary casts are there in the cast system? 26_________________________
27_________________ are the highest ranking. 28______________________is the second highest caste. Merchants and traders are
the third ranking caste. 29____________________ are the lowest of the castes. The Dailits are BELOW the (4) castes and are also
called the 30____________________. People are traditionally31______________ into their caste and do not move up or down. They
32____________ within their group and abide by its codes. Some caste based 33___________________ is still widely practiced.
Family life as an Important Part of the Cultural Fabric of South Asia
In South Asia, greater Emphasis is placed on the 34 ______________ family. Often several 35_____________ live together in the
same or nearby dwellings. Men still dominate the region a 36________________ of 37 ______________. The 38___________ are given
respect and cared for. 39_______________ still perform most of the40 ____________ tasks. However, a number of 41___________ are
now making gains. Male children are revered and female children are seen as a 42________________________. _________________,
and43 ____________________ play a prominent role in Arranged Marriages. Wedding ceremonies are44___ ______________ affairs,
sometimes going on for several days. Arranged marriages function more as a relationship between families than as 45___________
_____________ between two individuals. Today, many arranged marriages come with eh consent of the 46______________. In
urban areas, independent choice of spouse is becoming more common. Numerous other ceremonies that mark important event s
in a family members lives. 47_____________ _____________ are often forbidden form attending burial ceremonies for the death of
loved ones. Loved ones are often brought to the banks of the 48_____________ in Varanasi for cremation. Family ties are strong
in South Asia.
Ayuvedic Medicine and Herbal remedies
For over 49____________ years herbal remedies, psychic treatments and physical therapy. Ayuvedic Medicine is the world’s
50____________________ medical system. Most of the people in South Asia rely on 51___________________ medicine as their
primary health care source. Daily exercises, such as 52______________________, are part of the preventative treatment system of
AM. This medical system is adaptive to each 53 _______________________.
South Asia’s rich culture is also reflected in it’s Art Work
Traditionally in South Asia art was created for 54_____________ purposes and to record 55______________ _________________.
Examples of this South Asia n art includes sculptures, Hindu, Buddhist, as Sikh temples, Muslim mosques and tombs, body
painting and jewelry. Elaborate and colorful 56____________ are also part of the artistic work in South Asia. The next aspect of
South Asian art is the 57________________ arts, which are appreciated throughout this region. Folk dances celebrate seasonal
58______________ and life events. Classical dances and religious music with Buddhist 59___________________. Hindu devotion
and Muslim 60_______________ are also part of the artistic expressions in this culture. The most popular form of entertainment
in India are 61_____________________ which reach hundreds of people each year.