COMP3615,5615 and INFO3600 Capstone Projects

Capstone Projects
Week 4
• Where should you be now?
• What are the pragmatics of getting
• The grading over the next 2 weeks
– What
– Why
• Next week’s lecture slots – both of them, for
INFO presentations
Where should you be now?
What we expect to see in every
Bitbucket site….
First that you have given access to
Judy Kay and Katherine Ekanayake
Everyone should have heaps of
issues by now
With a slew of them resolved already
If not, your group health
management needs to improve
Overall picture
Urgent need to get all the set up solid asap
Start making it ready for the group report: eg.
For group processes, link to meeting times,
contact details, contract, skills, roles
Special Projects Lab
• You should have access to Level 1 East
• If you cannot get access by Wednesday please
post a private message on Piazza
• If you need a special machine set up respond
to the Piazza message
• Similarly anything else special
Week 5, 6 INFO grading
Formative (30%)
Foundation for ensuring success
Help with the final reports, demo,
video (70%)
Group aspects due in Week 5
Literature review presentation
Questions about the presentation
• Topics
– Group decisions and co-ordination
• Seminal, recent, commercial
• Summary of overall results
– Tables, with work in rows, key features as columns (eg key features
matching project, problems identified that project aims to overcome,
– Key ideas taken for the project (eg elegant algorithm, new
functionality to do data mining, good interface ideas)
• Each person to make contributions
• Back this up with details on your personal Bitbucket page
– (organised/presented so I can review it and combine it with tutor
• Be ready to login at lecturn and present
• Recommended: Bring a printout of your “slides” for me to annotate
Individual report due in Week 5 – though in
the lecture I realised that this slide was
incorrect and referred to the link below –
as well as the slide two below
First individual report *
Group report due in Week 6
First group report *
Timing for Week 5 labs
1. COMP first group presentations
2. COMP first group report
3. INFO first individual report
• Room 114-118 will do 1, 2, 3
• Special lab will do 3, 1, 2
Week 5 lectures
Devoted to INFO literature review presentations
All welcome
PNR 311 at 1, CLT 273 at 2
15 minutes is the limit – you will stop by then but you
can stop earlier.
The group presentation
• How many people have to be involved
– everyone
• How many people need to present?
– The grading is silent
– So the choice of who presents and who does
other parts of the presentation is up to you
– Good idea to have one person solely watching the
– And one managing the media (clicking)
First group report
Presenting the user stories and
associated acceptance tests,
engineering tasks and units tests
User stories ++
All the details and evidence you collected along
the way and selected from for the presentation
(Gives credit even for work that did not pay off
in the end)
First individual report
All about you showing what you have done,
how well you have done it, including both
technical and contributions to group health
Workload management and
awareness of teamwork
Two key dimensions:
For your role in your group
For your personal reflection and final
report on individual contributions
How to link testing to user stories
• Acceptance tests
• Negotiate with your client on how they would
know that the user story works
– This is a start
– Especially for key normal cases
• Forms of testing needed
– Code
– Usability … user experience … satisfaction
• Web sites?
– Check out
INFO Personal plan, diary, record
• This is the raw material for the final individual report (Week 13)
• Does your group contract cover what is needed from the group
perspective? All managers and trackers should comment.
• After each group meeting … steady state 2-3 times per week
– Set your high level goals, describing them on your wiki page
– Refine them into smaller tasks “issues”
• link from the wiki to the issue created (see below)
– Distinguish
• Learning tasks eg how to use a new technology
• Testing tasks eg design a set of acceptance tests, implement them
• Code production tasks eg implement engineering task
– Everything MUST have a demonstrable outcome that will be evidence of the
level of success
• This is an effort
• But it really pays off
– Create (or check) issues in BB, being really careful to
• classify them appropriately
• provide clear descriptions,
• give links to relevant materials
– Create links to relevant resources to use
Personal plan, diary, record
• In preparation for each group meeting
– Review all your current tickets and update the
workflow or resolve them, ready to refer to BB for
your report to your group
• For your personal wiki page
– Reflect on differences between the goals and what
was achieved and what you conclude about this and
how it affects the group progress and health. This is
for your own reflection and report at the end of the
• Did you put priority on the things that the group most