Meeting Info = ===SNA Meeting Minutes 11/28/11===

= Meeting Info =
===SNA Meeting Minutes 11/28/11===
- Student/Faculty Mixer was a success! Thank you to those who came and made it such a great
- Health and Wellness Fair is on Wed. Jan. 18th in the Arc, 5-8PM
SNA will have a booth. If you're interested in a shift (either 1-1.5 hours) to run the booth, contact
Nicole ( Possible topics we'll be educating people about: sports
nutrition, healthy eating, etc.
-Lots of senior officers will be graduating in Winter or Spring. A "mentorship" will begin in the
winter quarter, so those of you interested in running for an open officer position can start training
for the position while the officers are still here to help. This will be discussed further at the first
SNA meeting in Winter Quarter and elections will be held the 2nd meeting in winter.
-Hungary Reader program is starting up in Winter Quarter. Classes will be held at an elementary
school in Woodland. Nutrition education topics include: fruits & vegetables, physical activity
and hand washing. Contact Catherine ( if you're interested in being in
the Nutrition Education committee.
-SNA has a few extra t-shirts from last year. If you're interested in purchasing one, contact
Nicole (
-Lastly, we had an awesome guest speaker, Mary Henderson. She talked to us about her
educational experience in becoming an R.D., the dietetic internship process and other helpful
===SNA Meeting Minutes for 11/3/11===
Upcoming Events:
Student Nutrition Department Faculty Mixer: November 15th *must be a member to attend*
NADA workshop: Informational meeting for those who are applying to a Dietetic Internship this
next year. Monday, November 7th @ 3:30-6PM in Sac at the UCD Medical Ambulatory Care
Nutrition College Bowl: Nutrition student competition with participants from
colleges/universities along the West Coast. Takes place on March 10, 2012. Last chance to sign
up was tonight at the meeting.
Based on votes, people prefer to have a restaurant review, instead of a study group within the
next week or two. So, the next Restaurant Review in scheduled for Monday, Nov. 14th @
6:30PM at de Vere's Irish Pub. Come be social and eat great food (so I hear...)!
- As of right now, there is no community service events going on. Although, Garden Work
Parties will be taking place the next 4 Mondays. If you're interested in volunteering or want more
info, contact Melissa ( Also, if you do community service on your own,
you can get hours through SNA, just let Melissa know.
- T-shirts: Are you interested in designing the next SNA t-shirt? If so, contact Erica, VP
( If there are no takers, SNA will look for outside sources for a design
- If you're interested in writing an article for the SNA newsletter, contact one of the three
Newsletter Editor officers.
- Hungary Reader Program: Community service program where the "hungary reader group" goes
to a grammar school in West Sacramento to teach students on various health topics. It includes
going to the school once per week and attending meetings throughout the quarter to go over the
curriculum. Program starts in winter quarter. Contact Catherine ( or
Elizabeth ( if you're interested.
- SNA officers have gotten the results from the survey emailed out a few weeks ago. Thank you
to those who filled it out! We are currently working on adding more events to the club (e.g.
potlucks, outdoor hiking, guest speakers, study sessions, and just more FUN!). We really
appreciate your input so thank you
- Guest Speaker, Brian Elsasser: The Writing Coach. Provides assistance on writing personal
statements for scholarships, Grad school, DI's, etc!
- Last SNA club meeting of Fall Quarter: November 28th @ 7:10PM in Olson 6. See you there!
==SNA Meeting Minutes for 10/17/11==
-Welcome everyone! & Thank you for coming to the first club meeting of the quarter!
- What is SNA??
"An academic club serving as a link to social, academic, and community resources for students
interested in nutrition and health...believes that good nutrition, including well-balenced diet and
regular physical activity, is the foundation for health and development. For over 50 years SNA
has served the UC Davis campus community. Members gain knowledge and the tools necessary
to campaign healthy eating, while simultaneously gain valuable professional development.
Membership is open to everyone who wants to join!"
- Officer Introductions
- Events!
Student Nutrition Department Faculty Mixer: Tues, November 15th in Meyer Hall **Must be a
member of SNA to attend**
Dietetic Internship Information Meeting: Mon, Oct. 24th. 6:30-8 PM in 179 Chem **flyers were
handed out**
NADA workshop in Sac for dietetic internships: Mon, Nov. 7th 3:30-6 PM
Nutrition College Bowl: March 10th. **Let co-president, Nicole, know by next SNA meeting if
you're interested in this**
Bake Sale @ the Silo: date has not been determined yet, but if you're either interested in baking
or running the table in front of the silo, contact Cathy ( or Catherine
Restaurant Review: Wed, Oct. 26th at Delta of Venus @ 6:30 PM. Meet some other SNAers,
relax, and enjoy some good food! **Look for this event on the SNA facebook page & RSVP if
you can**
-Community Service!
2 community service opportunities are currently available. There will be other opportunities to
get in some community service hours throughout the quarter, as well.
Capital Family Fun Day in Sac: Sunday, Oct. 23rd from 9am-3pm. Shifts are 3-hour shifts, either
9am-12pm or 12pm- 3pm. Work in the Nugget doing various nutrition activities with kids, along
with Dr. Applegate.
Central Park Garden Day: Sat, Oct. 29th from 9am-1pm in Davis. Help in selling plants, teaching
kids about vegetable planting, etc.
For more information about either volunteer opportunities, or if you're interested in volunteering,
contact Melissa (
Also, one of our officers, Debbie, is participating in a Nutrition Education Program. If you're
interested in helping out with the project, contact Debbie for more info. (
Eventually, to be considered a "member" of SNA, you must pay dues of $25/year or $15/quarter.
Your dues is what provides the free food at SNA meetings, helps SNA participate in many,
awesome events, among lots of other things! If you have any questions regarding dues, contact
Cathy (
-If you're interested in purchasing an SNA t-shirt, sign-ups will be coming up, so stay tuned
-Also, if you're interested in writing an article for the SNA Newsletter, contact one of our
newsletter editors- Sarah (, Rachael ( or
Debbie (
-Next SNA club meeting is Thursday, Nov. 3rd at 5:10 PM in Olson 6. Hope to see you there!
==May 10, 2011 Meeting Minutes==
Upcoming Events:
-Possible Putluck/Hike on Friday May 20th - meet at 4pm, carpool to lake Berryessa--> email
Phoebe if interested
-Restaurant Review: Date/time TBA --> look for a facebook event and an email with details
-Sign-ups for Village Harvest on Saturday May 21 9-12am
-Sign-ups for Farmer's Market tabling on Wednesdays at the Quad
-Last Meeting of the Quarter will be our Senior Panel
Newly Elected Officers: Sara, Elizabeth, Catherine, Sari, Kathy, Jen, Debbi
(all of the above will be on the officer team, officer positions to be decided)
==April 11, 2011 Meeting Minutes==
-Celebrity Chef Challenge (an iron chef type of competition) will take place on April 29th in
-SNA and the Diabetes Awareness and Advocacy Group are looking to plan an activity together
in the future.
-The next SNA Restaurant Review is April 21st at 7pm at Thai Canteen.
-Volunteers are needed for SNA's Picnic Day booth from 12-3pm, if interested contact SNA
Vice President Jason Choi at
==Feburary 9, 2011 Meeting Minutes==
-Next quarter we are planning to restart the Hungry Reader program as well as a program
teaching elementary aged children about diabetes and nutrition with the Diabetes Advocacy and
Awareness Group.
-Upcoming Events:
- Garden Work Party at Montgomery Elementary (in South Davis) Sat. Feb. 12 10am-3pm, we
will be doing weeding and fence repair, school accessible by W bus line.
- Tree Davis March 12, we will be planting trees along the greenbelt! Valentines Day Bakesale
for SNA at the MU Feb. 14 9am-3pm (at table #21), volunteers needed to sell baked items!
- Baking Party Feb. 13 at 916 Douglass Avenue, please contribute a baked item and you can
receive community service hours!
- Wine and Cheese Party Feb.17 8pm-12am at 916 Douglass Ave.
-Congratulations to our newly elected officers!!
Erica Trimble, IT Chair
Amanda Hoang, Public Relations
Jason Choi, Vice President
Lisa Geurin and Nicole Greaney, Co-Presidents
==Janurary 19, 2011 Meeting Minutes==
-Today was the deadline to turn in club membership dues: $25 for the year or $15 for each
-We will be ordering SNA T-Shirts for $18 each and possibly sweatshirts for about $25-$30
each. You may place an order for these until our next meeting.
-A new requirement for members is to participate in at least 4 hours of community service event,
1 restaurant review, and attend at least 2 meetings per quarter.
-Upcoming Community Service Events:
-Habitat For Humanity Feb.5 8am-4pm
-Tree Davis Feb.5
-Garden Work Party Feb.12 10am-3pm
-An internship called Crunch Lunch is available. It involves handing out samples of healthy
food to junior high kids. Contact Amanda if interested.
-SNA will be working with 4th-6th graders on diabetes awareness in collaboration with our
campus's Diabetes Association, more details to come.
-Elections for President/Co-President, Vice President, Public Relations Chair, and IT Chair will
be held at our next meeting
-Our next meeting will be on Feb. 9th at 4pm
== May 11, 2010 Meeting Minutes ==
* Our next garden work party will be on Saturday May22.
* Volunteers are needed for the Positive Energy Kids Triathalon on Sunday May 23 7am-12pm
in Davis. Volunteers will help with crafts and post-race refreshments.
* Elections: Congratulations to our new officers!
Incoming Officers:
Social Chair- Phoebe Copp
Newsletter Editors- Brittany Huyhn and Reetu Nigam
Vice President- Julianne McCarthy
Historian- Jessica Sprinkle
== April 6, 2010 Meeting Minutes ==
* Our first meeting for Spring Quarter is scheduled for this TUESDAY, April 6th from 7:108pm in Olson 146. At our meeting we will be discussing upcoming events, community service
opportunities and Picnic Day. We will also be talking about new officer positions that will be
available for the next school year, including Vice President, Social Chair, and Newspaper Editor.
As always there will be free food! We hope to see you all there!
== March 3, 2010 Meeting Minutes ==
* Guest Speaker Carol Chase, M.S., R.D., CLE, CDE Thurs. March 4th 6-7pm in Olson 206, see
facebook event for details
* Finals Study Party next weekend, more details to come
* Elections for Treasurer and Public Relations were held:
new Treasurer is Carina Aladjadjian and Public Relations is Neelofer Kanmyar!
* Hungry Reader Parent Night next Tues March 9th, need volunteers
== February 3, 2010 Meeting Minutes ==
* Elections for president were held and Marisa Sum and Emily Elliot were elected to be the next
SNA Co-Presidents!
== January 13, 2010 Meeting Minutes ==
* There is still an opening available for doing Hungry Reader on Tues. morning 10-11 in
Woodland- carpooling available. E-mail Melissa at if interested.
* Restaurant Review at ["Agave"] Jan. 21st Thurs. at 7pm.
* Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate Party to '''celebrate the end of the DI application process on Feb.
19th at Tanya's house'''. Facebook event and more info will be sent out later.
* Health Safety Fair on Sunday, Feb. 21st. SNA may be hosting a booth there.
* New SNA website is ''''''
* '''Next SNA meeting is Feb. 3rd''', elections will be held for the next President, e-mail Melissa
if interested in running for the position.
* SNA Historian Julianne McCarthy will be planning a booth for ["Picnic Day"]. Please e-mail
her at if you would like to help out.
== December 2, 2009 Meeting Minutes ==
* Elections for historian: new historian is Julianne. Congrats!
* Farmers Market- idea of featuring foods with antioxidants
* Hungry Reader discussed- nutrition education program for kindergartners, possibility of
receiving academic credit for doing it in form of NUT192 credit
* SNA study party this Friday Dec.4th in Olson 106
== November 2009 Meeting Minutes ==
* November 15th Garden Work Party- email to come with more information
* November 19th Nutrition Education event- Thursday 6pm
* this event is to advocate healthy eating for children
* help is needed for working at tables and answering parents' questions in addition to set-up and
* Friday November 20th SNA Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner
* last SNA meeting of the quarter is on December 2nd @ 7pm 106 Olson
* Nutrition College Bowl
* need volunteers to be in the bowl
* it is in Northridge on Picnic Day, respond to e-mail if interested in participating
* Run to Feed the Hungry @ Cal State Sacramento, Northern Area Dietetic Assoc. is
participating and needs volunteers
* Guest speaker Mary Henderson R.D. and UCD Alum
* Opening for position of Historian. Come to next meeting if you would like to run for the
Also, we would really, really, ''really'' like it if you guys would email us with any ideas for what
you'd like to do this year. Don't just wait for the officers to think of something because this club
is for all the members. If there is something that you want to do, or think would be a great idea,
just let us know. Please?
== January 2005 Meeting ==
We went over a lot of stuff this meeting, which took place on the 25th. First of all, and most
importantly, we elected a new secretary! Congratulations to Mayuko! We have a lot planned for
the rest of the quarter and into the next, so here's a brief rundown of what was discussed:
'''["Relay for Life"]'''
'''SNA Newsletter'''
'''Cooking demonstration at the ["Davis Farmers Market"]'''
'''["Picnic Day"]'''
Dr. Shaffrath's guest lecture
Joint activity with the International Nutrition Club
The possibility of screening "Super Size Me"
SNA Bowling/Complain-About-School Night
Some kind of fundraiser
Items in '''bold''' font are things that we are still accepting sign-ups for. So if you left early and
missed the sign-up sheets that were going around, just drop us an email at to let us know what you're interested in.
Tentively, for ["Picnic Day"], we have planned to calculate BMIs for people that stop by our
booth, as well as some kind of fundraiser-type thing. For our cooking demonstration at the
["Davis Farmers Market"], which will take place one Saturday a month, we were thinking
vegetarian chili. Any other ideas for either of those (or anything else) are very much welcome.
== December 2004 Meeting ==
If you missed out on our last meeting, the magazine fundrasier brought in $100 for our club.
SNA adopted a family through STEAC for the holidays. The Secretary position for the club is
open for Winter and Spring quarters, and Allison and Mayuko are two candidates so far,
although anyone is welcome to run. Our new secratary will be voted in our first Winter quarter
meeting, and each candidate must give a little spiel as to why they should be secretary. We also
discussed plans for next quarter. We have two guest speakers lined up, Dr. Applegate and Dr.
Shaffrath, we have a trip to the food museum, Copia, planned, as well as Relay for Life and
Davis Farmer's Market demonstrations.
== November 2004 Meeting ==
The second meeting has come and gone. Our guest speaker, Dr. McDonald, talked about
Nutrition and Aging, and answered random nutrition questions. A riot almost started when he
asserted that women can't build muscle at all. After that, pinata fun was had and then we all went
== October 2004 Meeting ==
The first meeting of the quarter took place on October 13th, and if you missed it, well that's just
your bad luck. Some of the things discussed at the meeting were:
Heartbeat Run's Activities Health Fair
SNA at the Activities Fair
'''The SNA Newsletter'''
Dr. Applegate as a guest speaker
Kaiser Permanente Internship opportunity
Trip to the ["Woodland Corn Maze"]
Trip to the Copia Food Museum
Adopt-a-Freshman/Transfer Student
Items in '''bold''' font are things that we are still accepting sign-ups for. So if you left early and
missed the sign-up sheets that were going around, just drop us an email at to let us know what you're interested in.
Also, we would really, really, ''really'' like it if you guys would email us with any ideas for what
you'd like to do this year. Don't just wait for the officers to think of something because this club
is for all the members. If there is something that you want to do, or think would be a great idea,
just let us know. Please?
= Upcoming Events =
* Garden Work Party May 22, 2010
* We are in for a treat! We will be having a FABULOUS guest speaker Tuesday 04/27 at 5pm.
Our past President Nicole Geurin has offered her time to come and speak to us about her
experience since graduating from in 2008. Nicole finished her Dietetic Internship from Sac State
last year and is now working on her Master's Degree through an online program offered at
University of Mass. She has 3 amazing jobs at the moment, one of them being a Dietitian for
APPLE!! If you are interested in corporate nutrition, this is definitely a CAN'T MISS event. She
can be a valuable resource to ANYONE wanting a career in the dietetic field. Please come, ask
questions, or just listen to her presentation because it will definitely be worth your time!!! A
short description of what she is going to talk to us about is listed below.
Nicole Geurin, RD
* Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate Party to '''celebrate the end of the DI application process on Feb.
19th at Tanya's house'''. Facebook event and more info will be sent out later.
* Health Safety Fair on Sunday, Feb. 21st. SNA may be hosting a booth there.
* '''Next SNA meeting is Feb. 3rd''', elections will be held for the next President, e-mail Melissa
if interested in running for the position at ''''''
* SNA Historian Julianne McCarthy will be planning a booth for Picnic Day. Please e-mail her
at if you would like to help out.
= Recent Events =
* Restaurant Review at Mermaids Seafood and Grill April 13th Tuesday at 7pm
* Restaurant Review at Agave Jan. 21st Thurs. at 7pm.
= Prior Events =
These are examples of past events to give you and idea of some of the things that SNA does:
'''Second meeting of the new quarter:''' February 22 at 6pm in Wellman 212.
'''Field trips:''' Copia, the ultra-spiffy food museum! more info forthcoming.
'''Cooking demonstration at the ["Davis Farmers Market"]:''' February 25, 8 am to 1 pm. We'll be
demonstrating how to make wraps entirely from foods at the Farmers Market!
'''["Relay for Life"]'''
'''Picnic Day!'''
'''Future meetings:''' Wednesday Feb. 22 6pm in Wellman 212, and Wednesday March 8, 6pm, in
Wellman 119.
'''Dr Shaffrath''' gave an awesome lecture for us on February 1st, mostly on exercise as it's related
to nutrition. He'd be happy to speak for us again next quarter as well.
'''["Liz Applegate" Dr. Applegate]''', spoke for us on Jan. 11, about sports nutrition and her
career path.
'''Adopt a Family'''
'''Magazine Fundraiser:''' We raised $100! Yay us!
'''["Woodland Corn Maze"] Trip:''' Saturday, October 22, 5pm. It ended up only being Annie,
Anna, and their respective significant others that made their way through the maize maze.
Regardless, fun was had by all.
'''Heartbeat Run Activies Health Fair:''' Saturday, October 15 from 9 am to 12 pm. We spent the
morning providing information on the new ["Food"] Guide Pyramid, and calculating BMIs for
those interested.
'''SNA at the Activities Faire:''' Wednesday, October 19 from 10 am to 2 pm. Thanks to everyone
who stopped by our table on the Quad! We had caramel apples and t-shirts for sale, and I think
we got a lot more people interested in our spiffy club.