SCHOOL OF BUSINESS& ECONOMICS Department of Management Course Name: Organizational Behavior Course Code & Section No: MGT 321. 06 Semester: Spring 2016 INSTRUCTOR AND DEPARTMENT INFORMATION 1. Instructor Name: Dr. Ummaha Hazra 2. Office Room NAC 836 3. Office Hours: ST: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM; M: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM 4. Office Phone: 880255668200 Ext. 1753 5. Email Address: 6. Department: Management 7. Links: North South University Website: School of Business & Economics Website: Faculty Website: COURSE INFORMATION Class Time & Location MW 11:20 AM – 12:50 PM; NAC 504 Course Prerequisite(s) MGT 210 Course Credit Hours Course Description 3.0 This course is designed towards understanding the behavior of employees in work organization. Topics include behavioral concepts and techniques used to enhance workers’ motivation, satisfaction and productivity. Course Objectives Student Learning Outcomes - To learn various organizational behavioral terms and concepts To learn various motivational theories along with their criticisms To learn some important leadership theories and their practicality To learn how to relate learning from this course into practicality and application through term paper Upon successful completion of this course, a student should be able to: 1. Relate terms and concepts pertaining to organizational behavior into exams 2. Relate theories of motivation and leadership into practicality through group project 3. Solve case studies in group using OB terms and concepts 4. Interpret personality characteristics of a manager using observation method Page 1 of 6 Learning Resources and Textbook(s)________________________________________________ Required Text: Robbins, S.P., Judge, T.A. and Vohra, N. (2013). Organizational Behavior, 15th edition. Pearson. Reference Text: Robbins, S.P. & Judge, T.A. (2012). Essentials of organizational behavior, 12th edition. Pearson. Luthans, F. (2008). Organizational Behavior, 11th edition, McGraw-Hill. Teaching Methods________________________________________________________________ This course will utilize the following teaching/learning methods: in-class discussions and case analysis, field work, written assignments, and oral presentations. The classes will aim to create a participatory learning environment and therefore, the knowledge will be co-created by the students and the instructor. Students are encouraged to raise questions, lead discussions and share disagreements with the instructor and other students. Class Schedule and Required Readings______________________________________________ Lecture / Date Required Readings Class Discussion Lecture 2 Ice-breaking Looking into the course outline What is organizational behavior? Chapter 1 Lecture 3 Diversity in organizations Chapter 2 Case Incident 2 (page 38) Case Incident 2 (page 68) Lecture 4 Lecture 5 Attitudes and job satisfaction Attitudes and job satisfaction Personality and values Chapter 3 Chapter 3 &5 Lecture 6 Personality and values Chapter 5 Lecture 7 Perception and individual decision making Chapter 6 Lecture 8 Chapter 6 Lecture 12 Lecture 13 Lecture 14 Foundations of group behavior Foundations of group behavior Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Lecture 15 Understanding work teams Communication Chapter 10 & 11 Lecture 1 Lecture 9 Lecture 10 Lecture 11 Topics Perception and individual decision making Deliverable: Group Report Phase 1 Exam 1 Motivation concepts Motivation concepts Motivation concepts and applications Motivation concepts and applications Page 2 of 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 7 &8 Chapter 8 Case Incident 2 (page 95) Ethical Dilemma (page 165) Case Incident 1 (page 205) Case Incident 1 (page 244) Case Incident 1 (page 280) Case Incident 2 (page 320) Ethical Dilemma (page 348) Lecture / Date Required Readings Class Discussion Chapter 11 Case Incident 1 (page 387) Lecture 17 Communication Deliverable: Group Report Phase 2 Exam 2 Lecture 18 Lecture 19 Leadership Leadership Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Lecture 20 Power and politics Chapter 13 Lecture 21 Foundations of organization structure Chapter 15 Lecture 22 Organizational change and stress management Group Presentation Group Presentation Deliverable: Group Report Phase 3 Chapter 18 Lecture 16 Lecture 23 Lecture 24 Topics Case Incident 1 (page 428) Case Incident 1 (page 469) Case Incident 2 (page 543) Case Incident 1 (page 618) Syllabuses for Exams___________________________________________________________ Exam 1: Chapter – 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 Exam 2: Chapter – 7, 8, 9, 10 Final: Chapter – 11, 12, 13, 15, 18 Evaluation Criteria_____________________________________________________________ Criteria Attendance & Class Participation Exam 1 Exam 2 In-class case analysis (pop – ups) Group Presentation & Report Due on Lecture 2 - 24 On the day of lecture 9 On the day of lecture 17 To be decided by the instructor Presentation: Lecture 23 and 24 Report: Lecture 24 Final TBA by the NSU authority Value 5% 20% 20% 10% 20% (Presentation: 5% & Report 15%) 25% Policy on Late Assignments and Missed Exams_____________________________ A penalty of 5% per day will be imposed on late assignments. Instructor will hold the full discretion for granting extensions (for assignments or exams) which are as a rule limited to only personal illness (formal documentation is required) or bereavement in the direct family. If a student misses any exam due to the abovementioned situations, then a special permission is required from the instructor to sit for a make-up exam. The student MUST submit a formal application (hard or soft copy) along with supporting documents. The student will have to sit for a comprehensive make-up exam covering the syllabuses of both Exams 1 and 2. The date of the make-up exam will be decided by the instructor after consulting with the student. Page 3 of 6 Instructions for In-class Case Analysis / Workshop____________________________________ Students will form groups of 2 members in the class. I will provide the case in the class. Students should discuss about the issue in the case with their peers and can also consult the book and will have to submit a short summary (maximum 2 pages) of their solution/critique of the issue. The submission should have the names and IDs of the group members at the top of the page. Instructions for Group Project, Presentation and Report________________________________ Group Project A. Form a 5 member team. Submit the name of your team and team members by the end of 3rd week of the class. This is your responsibility. B. The presentation and the report seek to explore a current OB related issue through field work and case study. You are to select a Bangladeshi organization which is currently trying to solve an OB related problem. The organization can be a small business, NGO, shop, big corporation, restaurant, bank, buying house, school, university etc. (not limited to this list). C. You can investigate any OB related problem – for example, job satisfaction, motivation, leadership issues, power and conflict, restructuring organizations (not limited to this list) D. The teams are expected to let the instructor know about the organization they have selected to work on and about their access point (managers in the selected organization) during office hours and / or through emails. Group Report Phase 1 Due on: Lecture 8 Page Limit: Maximum 4 pages What should be in the Phase 1 report? 1. Cover page – Title, Name of the team and the team members etc. 2. Body of the report – a. Organization Profile (Type of business they are in, how long they are in this industry, employee number, organization structure etc.) [not limited to this list] b. SWOT analysis of the organization – You can use bullet points or narratives whichever writing style you prefer Phase 2 Due on: Lecture 16 Page Limit: Maximum 5 pages What should be in the Phase 2 report? 1. Cover page – Title, Name of the team and team members etc. 2. Body of the report – a. What are the symptoms of the OB related problem you are investigating? b. What is the main problem? Hint: Connect concepts from class discussions and chapters relevant to your particular problem Page 4 of 6 Example Symptom of the problem High turnover rate of the female employees Low customer rating High absenteeism rate Main problem Discrimination Problem with employee training Low job satisfaction Phase 3 Due on: Lecture 24 Page Limit: Maximum 10 pages (excluding the cover page and appendix) What should be in the Phase 3 report? You should take up the role of a group of consultants hired by the organization to look into the problem on their behalf and offer suggestions. 1. Cover page – Title, Name of the team and the team members etc. 2. Body of the report – a. Brief profile of the organization (about half a page) b. Summary of the main OB related problem and the associated symptoms (about one page) c. What alternative strategies your team would recommend to the board to consider? d. Which alternative strategy should they pick according to your analysis? e. Explain your decision criteria for choosing the alternative. Relate your discussion with the main problem and how the chosen alternative will affect the symptoms of the problem. f. Assess the personality of the manager who you have interviewed. You can use your own headings as you deem fit for the report. The point at issue is that the report should answer the above mentioned questions. Use proper referencing (APA style) for contents used, and/or ideas generated from other sources. Not providing proper references is plagiarism even if you express the ideas in your own words. Group Presentation Due on: Lecture 23 and 24 [I will give out the presentation schedule for each team after Exam 2] Allotted time: 20 minutes [presentation: 15 minutes; Q/A: 5 minutes] Everyone in the team is expected to present Provide a hard copy of the slides to the instructor before your presentation starts You should take up the role of a group of consultants who is presenting their analysis to the board Useful tip: It has been shown in research that one slide per minute of presentation (or even less) is most effective. Keep your slides clean by using minimum texts and a lighter background. What should be in the presentation slides? 1. Title, team number and name of the team members 2. Name of the organization, the type of business they are in (BE VERY BRIEF) 3. What is the main OB related problem that your team investigated? What are the symptoms of this problem? Page 5 of 6 4. What alternative OB strategies should be considered by the organization to solve the problem? 5. Which OB strategy would your team recommend to the board? Why? What are the decision criteria? Grading Policy_________________________________________________________________ NSU grading policy will be followed. Course Management____________________________________________________________ Every effort will be made to carry on the classes and other course activities as laid out in this outline. However, external situations may sometimes interfere with the plan and in those cases NSU policies will be followed. Other Instructions______________________________________________________________ Attendance is a part of the grade and students missing lectures will lose points. For first 2 missed classes 1 percentage point will be deducted. From then on, 1 percentage point will be deducted for each missed class. Students are expected to arrive at the lectures on time. If anyone is late for an unavoidable situation, then she/he must let the instructor know about it after the class to ensure the attendance. Students should keep all their communication devices (such as mobile devices, ipod, beepers, pagers etc.) turned off during the class. _______________________________________________________________ The instructor holds the right to modify this outline at her discretion. I hope to have a great time with you Page 6 of 6