Research Paper -

Research Paper
In order to write a successful research
paper, you must understand ALL aspects
of research.
Bib Cards
 Note Cards
 Work Cited Page
Bib Cards
 The
information that will be
needed in your Works Cited
Bib Cards cont.
The Bib cards should include the following:
*Location of Publisher
*Publication Date
*Publisher *Summary of work
*Print or Web
Sample Bib Cards
Bib Card #1
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby.
New York: Random House, 1998.
(Last, First Name. Title. Place: Publisher, Date.)
1920’s. Jay Gatsby’s search for the “American Dream”
through the love of Daisy.
Sample Bib Card #2
Bib Card #2
Anderson, Matthew. Fitzgerald and Gatsby’s
Loves. New York: Ivy Publishing, 2004. Print.
Summary- Anderson analyzes Fitzgerald's
relationship with his wife, Zelda, with that of
Jay Gatsby’s love for Daisy. The book had good
information regarding Zelda Fitzgerald’s
mental issues.
Note Cards
 Note
Cards provide detailed
information found in your research
 The
Note Cards should have
interesting facts, quotes, details,
arguments, etc. that you would like
to include in your Research Paper.
Sample Note Card #1
Note Card #2A
Jay Gatsby’s love and admiration for
Daisy often mirrored Fitzgerald’s life
with Zelda…
“To Fitzgerald, Zelda was his “American
Dream,” his ultimate hope to obtain, his
passion to exist…without Zelda, the
Fitzgerald that we know today would not
have been a reality” (Anderson 357).
Important Note about
Note Cards
 The numbers written on the
Note Cards and Bib Cards
must directly correspond
with each other.
 Example:
If the book written by
Anderson is #2 of my Bib Cards,
all Note Cards that are created
from Anderson’s book must also
have #2 on them.
Note Cards will be created from
each source; therefore, they should
be labeled as 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and
1E…2A, 2B, 2C….
 Bib
Cards = 5 (including one
electronic source)
 Note
Cards = 25 (5 from each
 Grand
Total = 30 cards
Put the following information into correct
MLA format for the Works Cited page.
Elie Wiesel
Hill and Wang Publishers
New York
Practice Check…
 Wiesel,
Elie. Night. New York: Hill
and Wang Publishers, 2006. Print.
“A Streetcar Named Desire”
 Tennessee Williams
 New American Library
 New York
 1975
 Print
Practice Check…
Williams, Tennessee. “A Streetcar Named
Desire.” New York: New American
Library, 1975. Print.
Mark Twain (article)
 American Encyclopedia
 Michael Jablonski (editor)
 Hartford
 Macmillian
 1982
 Print
Practice Check…
Jablonski, Michael, ed. “Mark Twain.”
American Encyclopedia. Hartford:
Macmillian, 1982. Print.