Wheel Press Machines

The machine offered is an upright forcing press designed specifically for mounting and
demounting operations on PAA’S Motor Truck & Trailer Truck Wheelset Assemblies.
CM&ES will expand the use of the press to cover all necessary applications. The
machine offered has an excellent reputation for precision performance and durability in
both freight and the new (most demanding) design G.E.& EMD locomotive anti-friction
motor support bearing wheelsets.
The press is an inclined, single ram design with moveable abutment that can be
positioned at various points along the tension bars to accommodate both mounting and
demounting operations of PAA’s wheelset components.
The machine offered by CM&ES is a 400 Ton Capacity Press down rated to 300 Ton by
lowering the pump capacity only.
The machine will be completely new construction, made from steel and stress relieved
before machining operations.
The press and Wheelset Support Stand along with PAA’s bridge crane will be well
suited to mount & dismount wheels, gear boxes, bearings, disc brakes & ground brush
rings on PAA’s rail cars.
The press will be tooled to accommodate above operations on customer wheelsets with
tread diameters ranging from 660 to 720mm.
A CM&ES Wheel Chart Recorder is furnished with the press to record pressure applied
as a function of the ram travel.
Press will be equipped with digital ram positioning accurate to + or - .004” to aid in
mounting operations. An oil injection unit will be supplied with the press to expand and
lubricate wheel bores during dismounting operations.
Track Gauges (mounting and demounting)
Wheel Tread Diameter:
Axle Diameter (Maximum)
Axle Length (Maximum)
The press conforms to the following specifications:
Stroke of Press Ram
Ram Diameter
Maximum Pressing Force
300 Tons
Clearance Between Ram and Abutment (w/Piston Retracted)
Operating speeds: (Adjustable to Maximum)
84” / min minimum
13” / min maximum
150 “ /min minimum
Electric Power (hydraulic pump drive motor)
25 HP @ 1200 RPM
Pumping Units
Vane & Axial
Reservoir Capacity
250 Gal.
Approximate Floor space required machine proper
-Width (with hydraulic tank repositioned to the rear)
Electric Power Requirements
Air Supply Requirements
480vac (+-10%), 3 phase, 60hz (+-2%)
85 psi shop air available
See attached foundation drawing
Contemporary Machinery and Engineering Services, Inc. will furnish a qualified
technician to supervise installation of the equipment at their cost.
CM&ES recognizes the dimensions of the old foundation and the concerns regarding
the space available for this installation and will be guided accordingly.
This press is of the inclined type. The abutment is arranged so that the axle and axle
mounted components can be easily introduced into the press and removed, utilizing
handling facilities from above or in front of the press.
Cylinder Beam - The cylinder beam is made of forged steel, stress relieved before
machining and smooth bored to receive the main ram. It is packed with self-sealing
Chevron type packings under a steel gland fitted with a large diameter bronze bushing
to support the ram. Top and bottom extremities of the cylinder beam are arranged with
yokes to accommodate tie bars which are secured by heat treated steel pins.
Main Ram - Main ram is cast from close grain meehanite and finished to a smooth
ground surface. The pressing face of the ram is fitted with a replaceable steel plate
which accepts the mounting and demounting tooling. The large bearing surface of
cylinder beam assures accurate alignment of the ram in the cylinder during the pressing
operations. NOTE: There is no internal jack ram or mechanical parts that require
maintenance or that can be damaged by accidental over-stroking of the main ram.
Strain Bars - Top and bottom strain bars are made of heavy rolled steel, accurately
bored at convenient locations to receive the steel pins which secure them to the cylinder
beam and abutment. Both bars are machined on the top edges to assure easy
movement of any optional tooling or dollies that may be suspended on same via rollers
or wheels.
Resistance Beam or Abutment - The resistance beam is made of steel and secured to
both strain bars by large heat treated steel pins. It is machined to accept the various
tooling and fixturing necessary for RTA’s production. The bottom of the resistance
beam will be fitted with powered rollers (roller bearing wheels)which allow it to be
moved from the mounting positions to the demounting positions along the strain bars via
push button control.
End Stand – Is fabricated from steel and accurately machined to support the strain bars
in straight and parallel alignment.
Hydraulic equipment - All hydraulic equipment used on the press conforms to Joint
Industrial Committee (JIC) standards. Power unit is located conveniently adjacent to
the cylinder beam and is connected to the press via flexible hoses to reduce shock and
vibration. The press is powered by a high efficiency 25 H.P. A.C. electric motor direct
connected via flexible coupling to a pressure compensated, variable volume pump.
This pumping unit is mounted on a reservoir of welded construction of ample size not to
require a heat exchanger.
Hydraulic equipment (Continued)
It is furnished with suction line strainer, return line filter, internal baffle, air breather
temperature and oil level gage, clean out access cover, and drain with gate valve
A mechanical safety feature is included which automatically limits the ram force if an
excessive interference fit is encountered. NOTE: There is no requirement for a pre-fill
valve that requires maintenance for bleed-by and leak conditions.
In order to protect the press from possible over-stroking of the ram a safety feature is
included which automatically stops the press when the allowable stroke limit of the ram
is reached.
A circular master gage is furnished that is calibrated in pounds per square inch and tons
of force exerted by the main ram. A red mark is provided at the maximum rated
tonnage of the press.
CM&ES Wheel Press Recording Gauge - Supplied to generate a permanent record
(chart) of the tonnage applied, in relation to distance traveled, of the main ram. This
instrument is integral with the control system and receives its’ information from a
pressure transducer mounted in the pressure line of the cylinder beam of the press.
Ram travel is measured via encoder (also used for ram positioning system) connected
to the main ram of the press. Graph is generated on the CRT screen, stored in memory
(for future reference) and recorded on printer.
Electrical Equipment – All electrical components will be housed in NEMA 12 Steel
Enclosures and installed per National Electric Code. Connection will be to a single 480
Volt/ 3phase/ 60 hz source. All other required voltages will be obtained by step down
devices furnished as part of the electrical equipment supplied with the machine.
Electronic Equipment - All electronic equipment used is standard “off the shelf”
components manufactured by a variety of companies. There are no special O.E.M.
parts that bind the user to the manufacturer, or to only one source of supply. Computer
boards used in the control system carry a five (5) year “unconditional” original
equipment manufacturers guarantee.
Machine Control System
All functions of the machine are under the control of the CM&ES MTCC-4 (Machine
Tool Control Computer) micro processor based system with touch screen operation.
Memory (program) in the MTCC-4 Computer is solid state non-volatile (flash e-prom).
There are no disc drives or tapes / readers that must operate in a shop environment and
there is no need for battery back-up systems.
The MTCC-4 is designed with extra space in the main frame for future expansion of
memory and or input / output capability so that other tasks may be brought under its
control as future developments or additions are made, i.e.: Automatic wheelset
handling to and from the machining area, automatic wheel probing / gauging; plus a
host of administrative functions such as providing print-outs of machine cycle timing,
shift production, keeping track of maintenance intervals, tooling inventories, etc.
While the basic hardware items are standard design products, the system programming
(software) which actually determines system characteristics may be tailored to individual
customer needs. In the event of an order we would review program sequences and
methods with you and your shop personnel and would request a list of program options
which you would like to have readily selectable to the operator. If possible these
options would then be included in the system program.
It is also our policy to provide technical assistance on the initial start-up of the machine
at no extra charge, and further to provide one modification or rewrite of the system
program anytime within the first year of operation provided that the modified program
will fit existing memory space (which is usually more than adequate).
Operator has control of all press functions from the touch screen. The monitor location
dictates the operator will be in a safe place away from pinch points during pressing
Ram movements are “dead man” non-latching operations and require operator contact
with the touch screen monitor to continue. A quick pressure release stops the ram
instantly upon non-contact with the monitor screen.
Elevator positioning (longitudinal & vertical) as well as movement of the abutment along
the strain bars is accomplished via touch screen monitor.
Monitor prompts operator during each pressing sequence, displays proper tooling to use
for each operation, warns of safety concerns, displays criteria only when required, has
operator help button and complete on screen diagnostics to help maintenance
personnel with troubleshooting operations.
NOTE: Old technology of pendant with push buttons & PLC type controllers will be
furnished upon request, no charge
Tooling – Main ram and abutment will be configured to accept identical mounting and
dismounting tooling. In addition, the abutment will be arranged with a hinged yoke to
further compliment the flexibility of the machine. Hydraulic elevators will be furnished to
support axle/axle mounted components during pressing operations. Proper Hub
pushers, Axle pushers and Rim pushers will be furnished to accomplish PAA’s
Digital positioning of the main ram is a standard feature of the CM&ES MTCC 4
machine control system. It allows the operator to move the ram automatically to a
desired position within + or - .004” from the touch screen control. There are no add-on’s
or special interface units required.
NOTE: Old technology of pendant with push buttons & PLC type controllers will be
furnished upon request, no charge.
Contemporary Machinery and Engineering Services, Inc. will maintain an adequate
supply of spare parts for a minimum of 10 years to insure minimum down time of PAA
Contemporary Machinery and Engineering Services, Inc. has a team of qualified
service engineers and sales representatives for future support of their equipment.
Additionally, CM&ES contracts with Industrial Consulting & Contracting Corp. for
parallel services to insure prompt response to service requests for any CM&ES
Contemporary Machinery and Engineering Services, Inc. will provide training by a
qualified service technician, at a schedule mutually acceptable to PAA. Instructions will
be in English and easy to comprehend by all.
Three (3) C.D.’s of comprehensive operating and maintenance manuals will be
furnished with the machine. Manuals will be in English. All drawings shall use standard
U.S. symbology. Electrical drawings shall be in U.S. format. Manuals will include
service parts and a bill of materials with full description and component numbering.
Press carries standard machine tool manufacturers One Year limited warranty and
additionally is guaranteed to produce work consistent with Mandatory Rule Section of
AAR Wheel & Axle Manual, provided machine is properly serviced and maintained.
P.O. BOX 7
1 386 439 0937
cell 1 386 405 1503