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Be Aware, Show You Care

Suicide Prevention

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Question 1

True or False: Adults between the ages of

65 and 70 are more likely to consider suicide than any other age group.

(click the box to select)




Young adults ages 18-24 think about suicide more than any other age group. In fact, 1 out of every 12 college students has made a plan to commit suicide at some point during their college career.


Young adults ages 18-24 think about suicide more than any other age group. In fact, 1 out of every 12 college students has made a plan to commit suicide at some point during their college career.

Question 2

Approximately how many young people between the ages of 15 and 24 die every

day from suicide?






11 young people between 15 and 24 yours old commit suicide every day in the United States. It is ranked as the third leading cause of death for this age group behind accidents and homicide.

For every completed suicide, it is estimated that there are between 100 and 200 attempts.

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death of college students with 7.5 out of every 100,000 taking their own lives.


11 young people between 15 and 24 yours old commit suicide every day in the United States. It is ranked as the third leading cause of death for this age group behind accidents and homicide.

For every completed suicide, it is estimated that there are between 100 and 200 attempts.

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death of college students with 7.5 out of every 100,000 taking their own lives.

Question 3

Are females or males more likely to complete suicide?



Both are the same


In 2001, males 20 to 24 were approximately

6.6 times more likely than females to commit suicide and males 15 to 19 were

4.8 times more likely than females to commit suicide. However, females are almost twice as likely to attempt suicide and suicide is the leading threat to life for college women.


In 2001, males 20 to 24 were approximately

6.6 times more likely than females to commit suicide and males 15 to 19 were

4.8 times more likely than females to commit suicide. However, females are almost twice as likely to attempt suicide and suicide is the leading threat to life for college women.

Question 4

True or False: It’s better to not talk about suicide with someone who may be thinking about it because you’ll just encourage them.




Having a serious, compassionate conversation without passing judgment shows that you are concerned for the person’s well-being and want to understand their pain. When talking with someone about suicide, keep an open mind to their problems and feelings, but don’t pretend you have all the answers. Asking someone openly if they are thinking of killing themselves will not push them over the edge. The best thing you can do is to help the person connect with

UConn resources.


Having a serious, compassionate conversation without passing judgment shows that you are concerned for the person’s well-being and want to understand their pain. When talking with someone about suicide, keep an open mind to their problems and feelings, but don’t pretend you have all the answers. Asking someone openly if they are thinking of killing themselves will not push them over the edge. The best thing you can do is to help the person connect with

UConn resources.

Question 5

True or False: There is usually one sudden and traumatizing event that leads a person to attempt suicide.




While there may be a single event that triggers a person to attempt suicide, a person contemplating suicide typically has a history of depression, alienation, low self-esteem, stress, and/or hopelessness. Among college students, those with a history of a significant and chronic mental health conditions pose the highest risks. The transition to a new environment, academic and social pressures, cultural pressures, feelings of failure or decreased performance, a sense of alienation, and lack of coping skills can cause the appearance of or increase the symptoms for suicide.


While there may be a single event that triggers a person to attempt suicide, a person contemplating suicide typically has a history of depression, alienation, low self-esteem, stress, and/or hopelessness. Among college students, those with a history of a significant and chronic mental health conditions pose the highest risks. The transition to a new environment, academic and social pressures, cultural pressures, feelings of failure or decreased performance, a sense of alienation, and lack of coping skills can cause the appearance of or increase the symptoms for suicide.

Question 6

True or False: It is impossible to tell if someone intends to commit suicide.




Although individuals thinking about suicide may not share their intentions, there are numerous warning signs that are

– commonly exhibited and recognizable.

Sudden worsening or lack of interest in school assignments

Fixation on death or violence

Unhealthy peer relationships such as individuals with no friends or suddenly rejecting close friends

Significant mood swings or a sudden changes in personality

Involvement in a physically and/or emotionally abusive relationships

An eating disorder

Significant difficulty adjusting to a gender identity or sexual orientation

Withdrawing from extracurricular activities

Overreaction to criticism

Restlessness and agitation

Unprovoked episodes of crying

Sudden neglect of appearance and hygiene

Increased use of alcohol or other drugs


• Although individuals thinking about suicide may not share

– their intentions, there are numerous warning signs that are commonly exhibited and recognizable.

Sudden worsening or lack of interest in school assignments

Fixation on death or violence

Unhealthy peer relationships such as individuals with no friends or suddenly rejecting close friends

Significant mood swings or a sudden changes in personality

Involvement in a physically and/or emotionally abusive relationships

An eating disorder

Significant difficulty adjusting to a gender identity or sexual orientation

Withdrawing from extracurricular activities

Overreaction to criticism

Restlessness and agitation

Unprovoked episodes of crying

Sudden neglect of appearance and hygiene

Increased use of alcohol or other drugs

There are also certain signs that can indicate a person is planning on attempting suicide soon.

Stating that one plans to kill him- or herself

Talking or writing about suicide or death

Statements such as:

• I wish I was dead

• You will be better off without me

• What’s the point of living?

• You wont have to worry about me soon

• Who cares if I’m dead?

Choosing seclusion rather than spending time with friends

Saying that life is meaningless

Giving away important possessions

Obtaining a weapon or other means of harming oneself (including prescription medication)

These are not sure indicators of whether someone intends on harming him- or herself, but these warning signs can be a sign of a serious problem and recognizing them moves you one step closer to helping.

Question 7

How many suicides are estimated to occur on college and university campuses in the

United States every year?







1100 deaths occur every year on college campuses as a result of suicide.


1100 deaths occur every year on college campuses as a result of suicide.

Question 8

Male college students under the age of 21 of which two ethnic groups are at a higher risk for suicide attempts and suicide ideation?

African American and Hispanic

White and Asian

Hispanic and Asian

Native American and White

Asian and African American


Hispanic and Asian males under the age of

21 are at a higher risk of attempting suicide and considering it as an option.


Hispanic and Asian males under the age of

21 are at a higher risk of attempting suicide and considering it as an option.

Question 9

True or False: Once a person has started thinking about suicide, there is little one can do to change his or her mind.




Many people considering suicide have not made a final decision on whether they want to live or die. Talking with them about it shows that someone cares and can encourage them to get the help they need.


Many people considering suicide have not made a final decision on whether they want to live or die. Talking with them about it shows that someone cares and can encourage them to get the help they need.

Question 10

If you or someone you know is thinking about attempting suicide, where on campus can you go for help?

Your RA or Hall Director

Your advisor

Counseling Center

Health Center

All of the above


All of these people and offices have resources available to you, however if you suspect someone is in immediate danger, call 911. Remember, you can’t be expected to do the job of a professional and you must never promise to keep someone’s desire to commit suicide to yourself. You’re not in this alone.


All of these people and offices have resources available to you, however if you suspect someone is in immediate danger, call 911. Remember, you can’t be expected to do the job of a professional and you must never promise to keep someone’s desire to commit suicide to yourself. You’re not in this alone.

Question 11

True or False: If someone you and your friends know is considering suicide, it is best to not confront the person all together?




It is much better to talk with the person alone and in a comfortable, private setting. Approaching someone as a group can make the person feel ganged-up on and may not allow them to speak as freely as they would if it were just the two of you. If you feel that you need support, ask a campus resource.


It is much better to talk with the person alone and in a comfortable, private setting. Approaching someone as a group can make the person feel ganged-up on and may not allow them to speak as freely as they would if it were just the two of you. If you feel that you need support, ask a campus resource.

Question 12

Which is not the right way to ask someone if he or she is thinking about suicide?











“Have you been unhappy lately?”

“You wouldn’t do anything stupid would you?”

“It sounds like you are feeling really upset and worried… Are you thinking about suicide?”

“Do you ever wish you could go to sleep and never wake up?”

“Sometimes when people are upset as you seem to be, they wish they were dead. I’m concerned…

Do you feel that way too?”

“You’re not suicidal, are you?”

Both A and C

Both B and F

Both C and D

None of the above


Belittling someone or implying that she or he is crazy can make it seem like you do not think their thoughts and feelings are legitimate. You can ask the question as directly or indirectly as you feel comfortable, but choose your words carefully and remember to keep an open mind.


Both “you wouldn’t do anything stupid would you?” and “you’re not suicidal, are you?” are not the right ways to ask. Belittling someone or implying that she or he is crazy can make it seem like you do not think their thoughts and feelings are legitimate. You can ask the question as directly or indirectly as you feel comfortable, but choose your words carefully and remember to keep an open mind.

Question 13

True or False: It is okay to try to persuade someone not to attempt suicide?




Trying to get someone to promise they will not harm themselves can show that you truly care about them. When talking to him or her, it is okay to say that you want them to live and that they have you to lean on. Offer to be there for them and to help them get help. Remember, just being a willing and supportive listener can make a big difference.


Trying to get someone to promise they will not harm themselves can show that you truly care about them. When talking to him or her, it is okay to say that you want them to live and that they have you to lean on. Offer to be there for them and to help them get help. Remember, just being a willing and supportive listener can make a big difference.

Question 14

True or False: If you think someone is in immediate danger, but are not sure, it is best to call a professional such as a counselor before calling emergency personnel?




If you think there is an immediate danger to a person’s life or safely, call 911 right a way.

Immediate danger means that the person…

• has already injured him or herself

• has taken an overdose

• has a weapon and is threatening to use it

• is on a ledge, open stairway, rooftop

• is exhibiting other dangerous behavior

Mere seconds can make all the difference, so go with your instinct.


If you think there is an immediate danger to a person’s life or safely, call 911 right a way.

Immediate danger means that the person…

• has already injured him or herself

• has taken an overdose

• has a weapon and is threatening to use it

• is on a ledge, open stairway, rooftop

• is exhibiting other dangerous behavior

Mere seconds can make all the difference, so go with your instinct.

Question 15

True or False: Once I start to help someone who is considering suicide, he or she becomes my responsibility?




Your concern for a person’s wellbeing shows them that you care and are willing to help them get help. You are not, nor should you ever be, responsible for making sure someone does not harm him or her self. Always seek support from a professional. Helping someone considering suicide can be emotionally draining for you too and it is okay to talk with someone about what you are going through physically and emotionally. Don’t forget to take care of yourself!


Your concern for a person’s wellbeing shows them that you care and are willing to help them get help. You are not, nor should you ever be, responsible for making sure someone does not harm him or her self. Always seek support from a professional. Helping someone considering suicide can be emotionally draining for you too and it is okay to talk with someone about what you are going through physically and emotionally. Don’t forget to take care of yourself!


• American Association of Suicidology (2004), Youth Suicide Fact

Sheet , http://www.suicidology.org/associations/1045/files/Youth2004.

pdf .

• Suicide Prevention Resource Center (2005), Information for

College Students , http://www.sprc.org/featured_resources/customized/college_st udent.asp


The Jed Foundation (2005), Suicide and America’s Youth , http://www.jedfoundation.org/articles/SuicideStatistics.pdf


• University of Connecticut (2008). QPR Training.

• University of Connecticut (2007), Helping Students in Distress , pg. 8.
