AMERICAN HISTORY II: U.S. History since 1865
History H106 - Section 9527 (3 credits)
Spring 2013, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:00am to 10:15am
Cavanaugh Hall 215
Office Hours:
Dr. Robertson
Tuesdays, 10:30 am – 11:30 am
and by appointment
phone/voice mail: 317/274-8017
Office: Cavanaugh Hall 503T
e-mail: please USE ONCOURSE
in a pinch, use: nmrobert@iupui.edu
& put “H106” in subject line
“Some historians hold that history . . . is just one damned thing after another.”
—Arnold Toynbee
“The problem with history is that it’s written by college professors about great men. That’s not what history is.
History’s a hell of a lot of little people getting together and deciding they want a better life for themselves and
their children.”
—Bill Talcott quoted in Studs Terkel, Working: People Talk about What They Do All Day
and How They Feel About What They Do (New York: New Press, 2004), 355-6.
History H106 is an introduction to the study of history and, specifically, an examination of
U.S. history from the end of the Civil War (1865) until the present (2013). In it, we will examine
both individual people and large-scale social trends such as immigration and migration, changes in
legal and civil rights, government intervention and regulation, and international engagement.
People’s lives were (and are) affected by these trends, while their actions have helped shape the
trends. Historians seek to understand the past by asking questions; the course will focus on three
different questions:
(1) What have people done when they got together and decided they wanted a better life
for themselves and their children?
(2) What have Americans thought it meant to be an American?
(3) How have people use their understanding of history—esp. American history—in their
efforts to understand and/or change their world?
Note: A survey course is intended as an introduction; we cannot cover all topics in fifteen
weeks—even fifteen years. Some aspects of American history in these years will be covered in
greater depth than others, while some important parts will not be covered at all.
A few important logistics
Classes will include discussion as well as lecture. The reading assignment for a given day should be
completed before the class. Come prepared to talk about the readings (and lectures).
If you are facing a difficulty that makes it hard to do well in this course, I encourage you to contact me as
soon as possible. You may simply show up during my office hours or you may email or phone me for an
Information for this class will be on ONCOURSE. You will need to access ONCOURSE regularly.
Generally, I will post materials for Tuesday’s class by 7pm the preceding Friday and for Thursday’s class by
7pm the preceding Tuesday.
You are responsible for reading, understanding, and agreeing to the class requirements and policies
laid out below as well as those posted on ONCOURSE.
There is a University web page that will let you know if the campus is closed for snow:
You can also call: 317/278-1600
I have designed the lectures, discussions, and written assignments to assist you in learning
how to better understand the relevance of the past for the present (and future). The priority is for
you to analyze why things happened rather than simply memorize what happened. Therefore, an
emphasis of the course is for you to practice thinking like a historian—to do history yourself.
Historians seek to explain what happened in the past. To do so they—and you:
 analyze documents from the past along with secondary accounts;
 synthesize that information in order to respond to historical questions;
 support your positions with factual evidence; and
 explain your conclusions to others through oral and written communication.
Gaining these abilities will help you to better understand American history, including
topics and issues we do not focus on as a class. In addition, the assignments will assist you in
developing the analytical and communication skills essential to doing well both in school and in
the future. In particular, this class stresses the Fifth Principle of Undergraduate Learning:
“Understanding Society and Culture.” The “Principles of Undergraduate Learning” (PULs) lay
out the skills and abilities you can expect to develop by the time you graduate. You can find more
information on them at:
The books to be purchased can be found in the Campus Bookstore as well as Indy’s
College Bookstore and Textbook Alternatives. I have provided additional information on
ONCOURSE including the isbn. There will also be a back-up copy of FONER on RESERVE in
the University Library:
Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty: an American History, v.2, Seagull Third Edition (New York:
W.W. Norton, 2012).
Additional course readings (which will either be handed out or posted on ONCOURSE)—
print out and bring to class when assigned.
You will also need to purchase bluebooks for the examinations (details will be provided).
Here is an overview of assignments with tentative due dates. We will discuss them in
class. Detailed information will be posted on ONCOURSE—Resources:
Requirements for Written Work, including Formatting and Citation Guides.
Instructions for Assignments, including information about rewriting papers.
Preparing for Exams
Three papers, due January 22nd, February 19th, and April 2nd (together are worth
60% of course grade).
Examinations (combined are worth 30% of the course grade):
o Midterm examination, Thursday, March 7th.
o Final examination, Tuesday, April 30th—note it will start at 8am.
Class engagement (worth 10% of course grade) which includes attendance,
completion of reading by the assigned date, participation in class discussions,
submissions through email or cards, etc. Each class member starts with B- for this
portion of the course grade. Thoughtful participation will improve this grade,
while absences in excess of three (3) will reduce it.
If you are hesitant to talk in class, come see me during my office hours or e-mail me.
 The Course Grade is calculated based on the following scale:
97+ A+
87-89 B+
77-79 C+
67-69 D+
93-96 A
83-86 B
73-76 C
63-66 D
90-92 A80-82 B70-72 C60-62 D-
<60 F
An asterisk (*) indicates that there is additional information posted on ONCOURSE.
Please talk to me as soon as possible if you do not understand a policy.
When a student attends class consistently, she or he usually does better.
Students are, therefore, expected to attend all sessions. Attendance will be taken.
Attending class means arriving on time and staying for the full session.
The “Administrative Withdrawal”* policy is in effect in this class. If you miss more than
four (4) classes in the first four (4) weeks, you may be withdrawn. Administrative
withdrawal may have academic, financial, and financial aid implications.
Absences in excess of three (3) may have a negative impact on the “class engagement”
portion of the class grade.
Developing intellectual skills is possible only when you actually do the work assigned.
Plagiarism, cheating, or other academic misconduct will, at a minimum, entail a grading penalty
for the work in question and may be reported to the appropriate dean’s office. The latter step may
entail additional disciplinary action by the University. You can find additional information in the
IUPUI Student Code of Conduct at: http://www.iupui.edu/code/CSR_0106.pdf
Academic integrity is important to establish a level playing field for all students. To
maintain it, I will use whatever means necessary (including Turn-It-In) to detect violations.
Work is due by the deadline even if you are not in class that day.
Extensions for assignments are granted only if you contact me BEFORE the deadline.
Make-up exams and papers are offered only at the discretion of the professor.
The goal is to create an environment where student can learn well. A baseline expectation
is that each member of the class (including the instructor) will treat others with respect and
civility—even when (especially when) there is disagreement. With this general principle in mind,
here are some specific elaborations. I am happy to talk about why they are important. Enrollment
in the class constitutes an agreement to abide by them.
o We will start and end each class on time—repeatedly arriving late or leaving early will
affect how your attendance is recorded.
o If you must arrive to class late or leave early, please do so with a minimal amount of
o Be sure to bring the necessary materials (such as assigned readings or note-taking
materials) so that you can thoughtfully participate.
o Turn off or mute cell phones, pagers, and beepers before class begins and put them away.
o If you are facing a situation where you need to monitor your device, please let me know
before the start of class, place the device on vibrate, and sit near the exit so you can leave
without unduly disrupting the class.
o If you use a laptop during class, it must be for taking notes.
o If observe you using electronic devices to do non-class related tasks, including (but not
limited to) emailing, checking Facebook, texting etc., I will ask you to leave the class and
you will be recorded as absent for the day.
o Newspapers, books, and materials from other courses must also be put away.
I welcome questions (although I may put you “on hold” until I conclude a point).
Private conversations between class members while I am lecturing or your classmates are
talking are rude and disrupt the learning environment for others. Do not engage in them.
PLEASE NOTE: IUPUI holds you responsible for any activity on your computer account.
You are entitled to an e-mail account through IUPUI. You may prefer to use another
provider for e-mail. To ensure students’ privacy, I use your IUPUI email account or ONCOURSE
(when replying). You will, therefore, want to set up your IUPUI account to forward information
to any non-IUPUI account. For instructions on how to do so, go to: https://itaccounts.iu.edu/
If you have any difficulties with ONCOURSE, please contact me as soon as possible. You
can also check UITS to see if there is a system-wide problem: http://itnotices.iu.edu/
I have voice mail and you are welcome to call me. If you leave a message, speak slowly
and clearly, provide a phone number, and state times when you will be at that number. I prefer
that you email me through ONCOURSE email. If you have to use my IUPUI account, include
“H106” in the subject line. Generally, I will respond to e-mail or voice mail within 48 hours.
If you submit an assignment to me outside of class, you need to bring a copy the next
time you come to class. If you do not hear from me within 24 hours, contact me again.
The ability to listen carefully and take good notes is a useful life skill and one that
improves with practice. I, therefore, ask that students not record my lectures. If recording is
necessary for you to do well, please have the appropriate office contact me (i.e., Adaptive
Educational Services or the Program for English for Academic Purposes).
It is often useful to talk over assignments or study for exams with other students. Each
of you, however, is to write your own distinct paper or exam. You will want to use different
examples or use examples differently in order to be clear that you have written a unique piece. If
you have questions about what is appropriate collaboration, check with me.
I cannot stress too heavily the usefulness of planning ahead, saving work on your computer
OFTEN, making backups (digitally or on paper), and printing out your paper early. Keep a backup copy of any written work that you do not want to rewrite.
There are several campus offices designed to assist students to do well. In many cases,
your student fees pay for them—so take advantage. In particular, I draw your attention to the
following (I have provided links to them on ONCOURSE—Resources: Assistance for Doing
Well). If you have suggestions of other offices that have been helpful, I would welcome the
chance to add them to the list.
o The office of Adaptive Educational Services (Taylor Hall) is charged with making
campus life and learning accessible to students with disabilities. Students needing
accommodations because of a disability need to register with Adaptive Educational
Services (AES) before accommodations will be given.
o The Bepko Learning Center (in Taylor Hall) offers general mentoring advice on how to
do well in your college career. This year, they will be overseeing tutoring in History.
o Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides counseling services to assist
students with a wide range of concerns, including but not limited to: test anxiety,
depression, grief & loss, and stress & time management.
o The Office of Student Affairs for the School of Liberal Arts can help you with advising as
well as negotiating issues with Liberal Arts faculty.
o The Office for Veterans and Military Personnel (OVMP) is a centralized office designed
to provide comprehensive resources to veterans and Veterans Affairs benefit recipients to
aid in their overall success as IUPUI students.
o The Student Advocate Office can guide you to departments and people, familiarize you
with university policy and procedures, and give you guidance on a wide variety of issues.
o The University Writing Center, with two locations: one in Cavanaugh Hall and the other
in the Library. The staff (students and faculty) will work with you one-on-one to improve
your writing.
*****If you are hesitant to talk in class, come see me during my office hours or e-mail me.*****
Readings are to be read for the class that is listed on the syllabus.
This syllabus is subject to change which will be posted on ONCOURSE.
It is your responsibility to stay on top of additions and changes.
On ONCOURSE—RESOURCES, under Syllabus and Updates, you will find more detailed instructions
about the reading. Primary sources may be added to the readings below.
Overview of course.
Why study history?
What sorts of questions do historians ask? And why?
What are the lessons of history? (exercise)
What (differing) Understandings did Americans Come to about the
Connection between American Values and Race Relations?
1/10: Political Reconstruction
FONER, ch. 15 and the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, pp. A30-A31 (back of the book).
HANDOUT: the South Carolina Declaration (1860) OR Sullivan Ballou letter (1861).
1/15: Political Reconstruction (cont.)
Thomas Nast cartoons (1860s-1870s) – ONCOURSE.
1/17: Emancipation
Jourdan Anderson, “Relishing Freedom,” (1865) – ONCOURSE.
1/22: The Legacy of Reconstruction
FONER, ch. 17: 641-53.
Tillman, speech – ONCOURSE.
Washington, Atlanta Exposition Address – ONCOURSE.
Wells, “Southern Horrors” – ONCOURSE.
How did Americans Respond to the Transformation
of the U.S. Economy in the Late Nineteenth Century?
1/24: Industrialization: the economic system and work
FONER, ch. 16; you may omit pp. 596 (bottom) to 609 (bottom) [on the West].
Pay attention to Table 16.1 (589) and the map (591).
Carnegie, “Wealth” – excerpts (1889) – ONCOURSE.
Puck cartoon, NEXT! (1904) – ONCOURSE (or FONER, 594).
1/29: Industrialization: the workers
FONER, ch. 16.
Ira Steward, “A Second Declaration of Independence” (1879) – FONER (605).
Carnegie, “Wealth” – excerpts (1889) – ONCOURSE.
1/31: Industrialization: the other civil war and the meaning of liberty
FONER, ch. 17; Read the following sections/pages:
Introduction (629-31);
“The Government & Labor,” “Debs and the Pullman Strike,” and
“Populists and Labor” (637-8);
“The Rise of the AFL” (653-4).
War and the global economy
FONER, ch. 17: 655-70.
Beveridge, “The March of the Flag” – ONCOURSE.
Bryan, “America’s Mission” and “Imperialism” – ONCOURSE.
How Did the Situation of American Families
Lead to Changes in the Role of Government?
New Americans in a Changing America
FONER, review ch. 17: 649-52 AND ch. 18: 672-93.
Primary sources, FONER, photos, pp. 650, 676, 679, 692.
2/12: Society’s Wrongs/Women’s Rights
FONER, review ch. 15: 569-71; ch. 17: 654-5; ch. 18: 681-2.
READ ch. 18: 693-6.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “Women and Economics” (1898) – FONER (690).
Charts regarding women and family life – ONCOURSE.
2/14: Progressivism—from local reform to national politics
FONER, ch. 18: 697-712.
Primary Source TBA.
What was Modern about Modern America?
2/19: World War I – Over There
FONER, ch. 19: 714-26, 750-5.
2/21: World War I – Over Here
FONER, ch. 19: 726-750.
World War I posters – ONCOURSE.
2/26: The 1920s
FONER, ch. 20; see also Figure 27.1 (1061).
“America for Americans” – ONCOURSE.
How Did Americans Redefine the Role of the Federal Government?
2/28: The Great Depression
FONER, ch. 20, esp. 787-93.
The New Deal, pt. 1
FONER, ch. 21.
Letters to the White House – ONCOURSE.
MIDTERM EXAM (covering the material through 2/26 and the 1920s).
3/12 and 3/14: NO CLASS—SPRING BREAK.
3/19: The New Deal, pt. 2
FONER, ch. 21.
How Did Americans Redefine the Role of the United States in the World?
3/21: World War II – overseas
FONER, ch. 22; maps (844 & 846) are useful; check ONCOURSE for others.
Henry Luce “The American Century” (1941), FONER (867).
3/26: World War II – at home
FONER, ch. 22 and Figure 27.4 (1076).
I will post a list of the primary sources in FONER note (and post others on ONCOURSE).
3/28: The Cold War and the American Century
FONER, ch. 23.
Cold War America: The Affluent Society
FONER, ch. 24; see also Figure 27.1 (1061); Figure 27.3 (1068); and Figure 27.4 (1076).
Primary Sources TBA.
What Were Challenges to the American Way of Life?
Other Americas
FONER, review ch. 24: 924-6; 935-8; 942-52.
“Southern Manifesto” (1941), FONER (947).
Martin Luther King, “Montgomery” (1955), FONER (948).
Read ch. 25: 956-62; 973-7.
Look at the images on pp. 946, 950, 958, 961; Figures 25.1 (972) and 27.3 (1068).
Map of the Urban Uprisings of the 1960s – ONCOURSE.
The 1960s
FONER, ch. 25: 963-1002; see also Table 27.1 (1065).
4/11: Vietnam
FONER: review ch. 19: 752-54 (on the Wilsonian Moment and Nguyen That Thanh);
ch. 24: 938-9; ch. 25: 977-9, 982-7, 997-9; be sure to note map (983).
Read ch. 26: 1012-14.
4/16: That ˈ70s Decade
FONER, ch. 26: 1003-12; 1014-32.
“Redstockings Manifesto” (1969), FONER (1030).
Jerry Falwell, “Listen, America!” FONER (1031).
Note Table 26.1 (1018) and Figure 26.1 (1020); cartoon (1027) and Figure 27.4 (1076).
Also see map (1099).
4/18: The Conservative Re-Alignment
FONER, ch. 26, p.1029 through ch. 27, p.1050.
Note maps (1039, 1048) and Figure 27.1 (1061) and Figure 27.3 (1068).
4/23: Change, Change, Change: Americans, the Economy, and the World
FONER, ch. 27: 1050-85.
Look at map (1099); Figure 27.1 (1061); Table 27.1 (1065), and Figures 27.2 (1066),
27.3 (1068), & 27.4 (1076).
4/25: 9/11 and a New Century
FONER, ch. 28; note comment (about lessons of history) at the top of p.1117.
Also see map (1099) and Figure 28.1 (1118).
Cartoon (from beginning of the semester): The Lessons of History – ONCOURSE.
8am to 10am.
Note: The time is different from that of class sessions. The location will be the same.
To confirm when your finals should be scheduled, you can check the Registrar’s site: