Minutes 19th November, 2015 - Dart Totnes Amateur Rowing Club

DTARC Committee Minutes 19th November, 2015
Present: Chris Collinson, Natasha Prior, Andy Phillips, Fiona Godwin-Brown,
Jordan Hall, Ann King, Nick Price, Máire Dudleston, Matt Hemings, Sally Parker,
Jasmine Haldkij , Simon Gerrish & Steve Clarke
Chris Collinson & Sally Parker gave their reports first and as they had other
Nick Price attended half way through.
Apologies: None
Minutes from last meeting:
Committee welcomed Steve Clarke & Simon Gerrish.
Matters Arising:
Compound: Compound needs to be weeded and cleared : Viper and other things
moved . Viper is insured by Plymouth Uni. Boat and Compound cleaning on the same
day, the 22nd of Sunday. Fiona will inform the coaches.
Membership Secretary/SP
Sally has sorted out the membership on WebCollect and will email members who
haven't fill in their contact details, which we have to have in case of emergencies. She
will also liaise with Chris and the Coaches as to who is still a member and who has left.
Discussion: How to make these details available if case of an accident.
1. It was decided that all Committee Members should have access to WebCollect (Chris
will arrange that) and their names and contact numbers will be printed and put on both
notice boards as well as copies of the same given to all the Coaches. (Máire will do that
once Chris confirms they are all on Web Collect)
2. It was also decided to get a tablet/small laptop (Andy Phillips has an old one he will
give the Club) which will be code protected and kept somewhere safe.
Only Committee Members and Coaches will have access in case of emergencies.
Treasurers Report/CC
Chris has written to four people who are due to race in the Autunm Head who are not
Bank Balance is reasonably healthy.
Outgoings: Insurance £6,000, Ergo £500 servicing, Water Bill 700, Launches £1000 plus
Tesco and Morrisons have community champions funds.
South Hams have funding and Guy Speed is going to follow that up.
Dart Harbour Authority wants to give a donation for the good work we do with young
people and will come and see what we do on a Saturday morning when most of the
Juniors will be rowing.
Chris & Sally left the meeting
Chairman's Report/AP
Welcome to Simon Gerrish who is going to be responsible for Water Maintenance and
Steve Clarke who will be responsible for Club Maintenance. Jordan will liaise with Steve
about contacts and annual events.
Racking: Long term problem if the storage next door goes. Due to the uncertainness of
the use of the compound in the future, should we let the people who own their boats
know that they may have to remove them to make way for the club boats?
Heated discussion with many idea suggested to make sure this doesn't happen.
Priority: Subcommittee could try and see what available.
Many Thanks to Tash for organising the Dinner Dance which was wonderful.
Water Safety Advisors Report/SG
Simon and Andy will meet to have a hand over.
End of year audit due soon.
An incident occurred last week and because there was no damage to the boat the crew
refused to enter it into the Incident Book. Simon is going to write an email explaining
how the Incident Book works and reiterate that every incident has to be recorded.
He will also add a note explaining were the DEFIB is kept.
Simon will format an email and I'll put it on WebCollect.
Junior Co-ordinators Report/FGB
5 new Coaches will be finalised over the next few months. Once they are qualified they
will liaise with the present Coaches as to how they will blend in.
Project Oarsome fund raising is nearly complete and Andy has agreed to take the boat to
Yanachek to be repaired if we get the funding.
12th March, Safe Guarding Course in Exeter, Fiona, Ann and Andy are attending.
Safeguarding Report/AK
All committee members have to be DOB checked and it cannot be transferred from one
job to another, only one Committee Member has done it yet!!
Positive letters from parent about the input from the club and support for their children.
Issue about weights, Ann passed over to Steve.
Agreed that DEFIB is in the Gym but people need to know where it is.
Captains Report/MP
Vice Captains Repost/NP
People sleeping in club house after events not allowed. Andy will WebCollect this as
insurance not covered.
Boat Maintenance Report/JH
Fire Alarm going on and off. He will pass on to Steve.
Fiona will put a notice on FB re: Boat Maintenance and Compound on Sunday. It would
be great to get all age groups involved.
Discussion on whether to use Swipe cards instead of keys: Possible, not so expensive and
my control access. Jordan will get so information and we'll review later.
Agreed that Jordan can get some gravel.
Racking & Trailers Report/NP
Lights on trailer, Nick and Andy will check on Sunday. May need and adaptor.
Water Safety Officer/SG
Club Safety Officer/SJ
Weights: Steve has discussed this with the Coaches and they have agreed to guidelines
when using weights. These will be laminated and put on display.
Discussion on whether juniors should work together while using weights. FG-B and SJ
will bring this up at the Coaches meeting as to whether Juniors should have passed a
training session with Steve before they can use them. No weights can be used outside
the designated area.
Bikes: Asked at the Coaches meeting to get some more bikes and has found some for
£169.99. It has all the monitors that the Coaches require. Agreed that he should order
Meeting closed at 9.20pm