The US Electrical Grid - Montana State University

The U.S. Electrical Grid
Electricity Grid:
‘traditional model’ of electric power
generation and delivery :
•Based on construction of large, centrally
located power plants
plants located on hubs
near major electrical load centers
Grid Purpose = Deliver power
from generation source to users.
Some Factors that influence
Power Plant siting
Location of load centers –vs- Availability of fuel
Need for a cooling water source
Fundamental for operation of conventional fossil fuel plants
Environmental considerations
Larger influence than ever
Global Climate Change, Endangered Species Act,
Wilderness areas, Ocean Health, etc.
Carbon Footprint Concerns
More power plant siting factors
Plant located close to coal mines to minimize the cost of
shipping coal… (A Local Issue?!)
Hydro plants in dams at water source, may be far from
Social, political considerations
View-shed, Public demand/acceptance
Political clout and will.
Special Interests Pro/Con
Grid infrastructure
Transmission systems
High-voltage to minimize electrical losses
138 kV to 765 kV, most A/C
Carry electricity from the power plants
Transmit from source to user, a few miles to thousands of miles
Electrical Substations
Substation transformers "step down" the transmission
Switchgear and circuit breakers to protect the
transformers and the transmission system from
electrical failures on the distribution lines.
Distribution systems
Draw electricity from the transmission lines
More Transformers located along the
distribution lines further step down the
voltage to 120 V or 240 V for household use.
Distribute electricity to individual
Circuit breakers located on distribution lines
isolate electrical problems (e.g. short circuits
caused by downed power lines).
Grid Architecture and Function
The transmission system is central trunk
of the electricity grid.
Thousands of distribution systems branch
off from this central trunk
Distribution systems fork and diverge into
tens of thousands of feeder lines reaching
into homes, buildings, and industries.
Power flow to the distribution systems
determined by the power flow through
the transmission systems.
Grid Architecture and Function
Most references to “power grid" really mean the
transmission system.
Grid nomenclature accurate: Transmission lines
run from power plants to load centers and from
transmission line to transmission line
Redundant system helps ensure smooth flow of
If a transmission line is taken out of service in one
part of the power grid, the power can usually be
rerouted through other power lines to continue
delivering power to customers.
Grid Architecture and Function
Grid permits power from many power plants to be "pooled" in
the transmission system
Each distribution system draws from this pool
Networked system helps achieve a high reliability for power
delivery because any one power plant that shuts down will
only constitute a fraction of the power being delivered by the
Networked system permits a diversity of power sources
Natural gas
Renewable energy sources
Energy Flow
U.S. Power Grids
No "national power grid" in the United
States: Actually there are 3 main power
The Eastern Interconnected System, or the
Eastern Interconnect
The Western Interconnected System, or the
Western Interconnect
The Texas Interconnected System, or the
Texas Interconnect.
The 10 North American Electric Reliability
Council (NERC) regions
ECAR — East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement
ERCOT — Electric Reliability Council of Texas
FRCC — Florida Reliability Coordinating Council
MAAC — Mid-Atlantic Area Council
MAIN — Mid-America Interconnected Network
MAPP — Mid-Continent Area Power Pool
NPCC — Northeast Power Coordinating Council
SERC — Southeastern Electric Reliability Council
SPP — Southwest Power Pool
WSCC — Western Systems Coordinating Council
U.S. Power Grid Operations
Controlling the Grid
Electricity is generated as it is used.
There is very little ability to store electricity.
Because of this instantaneous nature, the
electric power system must constantly be
adjusted to ensure that the generation of power
matches the consumption of power.
On continental U.S. power grids, roughly 150
Control Area Operators serve this function by
using computerized control centers to dispatch
generators as needed.
Grid Operation
Responsibility for electric grids has traditionally rested with
electric utilities
Control Area Operators run the grid within their control areas
Each utility has responsibility for the operation of the electrical
grid within its service area
Grid Operation, cont.
Some states have moved to pass the control of the
grids to independent system operators, or ISOs.
 Utility control of the grid has been viewed as a
conflict of interest.
 California ISO controls the transmission grid for
 ISOs also exist in Texas and New England.
Ownership of the transmission and distribution
systems may be retained by the utilities or be passed
off to independent transmission companies
("TransCos"), in which case the utility effectively
becomes a distribution company ("DisCo").
Electric Control Area Operators —
Continental United States, 1998.
U.S. Grid Interconnections
The Eastern and Western Interconnects
have limited interconnections with each
Texas Interconnect is only linked with the
others via direct current lines.
Both the Western and Texas Interconnects
are linked with Mexico
Eastern and Western Interconnects are
strongly interconnected with Canada.
All electric utilities in the mainland
United States are connected with at least
one other utility via these power grids.
Hawaii and Alaska grid systems
Much different than those on the U.S.
Alaska grid system connects only
Anchorage, Fairbanks, and the Kenai
The rest of AK depends on small diesel
generators, or minigrids
Hawaii depends on minigrids to serve
each island's inhabitants.
Electrical generation sources
divided into three categories
• Baseload power plants, which are run all the time to
meet minimum power needs
Nuclear plants are nearly always operated as baseload plants because they are most stable at full power.
Peaking power plants, which are run only to meet the
power needs at maximum load (known as "peak load“
or “cyclilng”)
Peaking plants are generally the most expensive plants to operate. In many cases, these are small, older coal- or oil-fired
plants, although gas turbines can also be used as peaking plants.
Intermediate power plants, which fall between the
two and are used to meet intermediate power loads.
Intermediate plants are well-suited to changing power loads (called "load following"); gas turbines can be used as
intermediate plants.
E.G. Basin Creek 50 MW NG Plant near Butte, Dave Gates Generating Station east of Anaconda
Existing Grid Designed Around
Large Centralized Power Plants
Premise of the Design of our electric power industry:
Large, centralized power plants could achieve economies of scale that
would make them the least expensive source of electricity.
This principle not necessarily still accepted
Small, efficient gas turbines can produce inexpensive electricity on a
relatively small scale.
Distributed generation from renewables may play increased role
Siting, permitting, and construction delays and costs for large-scale
power plants have made them less competitive.
A little history:
1980’s Power Crunch
Around 1985, electric utilities began to anticipate increased
Companies looked to cut costs and avoid debt that would make them
Large power plants involving investments of billions of dollars viewed
as unacceptable risks
Utilities avoided new power plant investments
Demand-side management programs (programs to encourage energy
efficiency and load reduction) became popular as one alternative to
power plant construction.
By the time wholesale electricity competition began in the United
States in 1996, utility investment in power plants had slowed
Wholesale competition changed the way utilities operate
With restructuring imminent, electric utilities also reduced their
investments in demand-side management because these investments
seemed counter to their goals.
Electric Restructuring
Electric restructuring; California and several other states.
California 1996
Montana Deregulation in 1997
Some states with low rates were reluctant to pursue restructuring.
Efforts to establish restructuring on a federal level were not successful.
Uncertainty in the industry dragged on, further discouraging utility investments.
Load growths in the range of 3% per year also created little incentive to build new
power plants
In the Northeast, the option of importing inexpensive hydropower from Canada was
a simple and inexpensive solution to growing power needs.
Lack of generation growth led to tight electricity supplies in the United States,
particularly in California, circa 2000.
A drop in hydropower production in the Pacific Northwest contributed to these tight
electricity supplies.
NEW investments in Electrical Generation now occurring.
Wind, Solar, taking the lead
Power Quality and Reliability
Power quality is a concern for today's power grid
and the loads it serves.
Computer equipment, in particular, is sensitive to
power quality problems
High power quality is important to many
commercial and industrial firms and the average
Renewables do not always provide best power
quality due to fluctuating nature
Some Power Quality Problems
Decaying oscillatory voltages — The voltage deviation gradually dampens,
like a ringing bell. This is caused by banks of capacitors being switched in by
the utility.
Commutation notches — These appear as notches taken out of the voltage
wave. They are caused by momentary short circuits in the circuitry that
generates the wave.
Harmonic voltage waveform distortions — These occur when voltage waves
of a different frequency—some multiple of the standard frequency of 60
cycles per second—are present to such an extent that they distort the shape
of the voltage waveform.
Harmonic voltages — These can also be present at very high frequencies to
the extent that they cause equipment to overheat and interfere with the
performance of sensitive electronic equipment.
The most severe power quality problem is voltage surge
caused by a lightning strike.
Other power quality problems include:
Voltage sags and swells — The amplitude of the wave gets momentarily smaller or
larger because of large electrical loads such as motors switching on and off. Voltage
sags are the most commonly experienced power quality problem among electronic
and computer equipment users.
Impulse events —glitches, spikes, or transients; voltage deviates from the curve for
a millisecond or two (much shorter than the time for the wave to complete a cycle).
Impulse events can be isolated or can occur repeatedly and may or may not have a
Power Quality
Other power quality problems may also be considered reliability problems
because they occur when the transmission system is not capable of meeting the
load on the system.
Brownouts are a persistent lowering of system voltage caused by too many
electrical loads on the transmission line.
Blackouts = a complete loss of power.
Unanticipated blackouts are caused by equipment failures, a downed power line, a
blown transformer, or a failed relay circuit.
Although normally limited by design to a small geographic area, blackouts have been
known to affect wide regions of the United States.
"Rolling" blackouts
intentionally imposed upon a transmission grid when the loads exceed the generation
capabilities. By blacking out a small sector of the grid for a short time, some of the load
on the grid is removed, allowing the grid to continue serving the rest of the customers.
To spread the burden among customers, the sector that is blacked out is changed every
15 minutes or so—and hence, the blackouts "roll" through the grid's service area.
Possible Future Power Solutions
METHOD 1: Use the traditional utility paradigm:
Build more power plants, update existing plants
Beef up the transmission system
Create legislation to encourage investment in both
allow power to be shipped to where it is needed.
(these actions are moving forward in many states)
These investments could be encouraged via a National
Energy Plan.
Possible Future Power Solutions
METHOD 2: Incorporate more Distributed energy (DE) resources
DE investments bring power solutions directly to user locations
Reduced need for long-distance transmission of power.
Reduce reliance on transmission and distribution systems by providing
customer-specific solutions at the point of need
Each DE system represents a relatively small investment that can
generally be installed within a short timeframe.
DE can lessen the financial risk of investment and can be more
responsive to changing load growth.
*Combinations of these two major themes are likely
*All Solutions benefit from efficiency increases
Other Power Grid Concepts
There are a variety of approaches to improving the operation
of the electricity grid, some of which involve replacing it
entirely in specific locales. All of these approaches are
motivated by power reliability and/or quality concerns, and all
incorporate Distributed Energy.
Power Parks
DC Microgrids
Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems
Electrical Load as a Reliability Resource
Smart Grid
Renewable Energy Resources
(Portions adapted from a presentation by
SmartGrid IIT, Johdpur, India)
What is Smart Grid ?
The Smart Grid is a combination of hardware,
management and reporting software, built atop
an intelligent communications infrastructure.
 In the world of the Smart Grid, consumers and
utility companies alike have tools to manage,
monitor and respond to energy issues.
 The flow of electricity from utility to consumer
becomes a two-way conversation, saving
consumers money, energy, delivering more
transparency in terms of end-user use, and
reducing carbon emissions.
What is Smart Grid ?
Modernization of the electricity delivery system so
that it monitors, protects and automatically
optimizes the operation of its interconnected
elements – from the central and distributed
generator through the high-voltage network and
distribution system, to industrial users and
building automation systems, to energy storage
installations and to end-use consumers and their
thermostats, electric vehicles, appliances and
other household devices.
The Smart Grid in large, sits at the intersection of
Energy, IT and Telecommunication Technologies.
Key Elements
of Smart Grid
Transmission Optimization
Demand Side Management
Distribution Optimization
Asset Optimization
Technology Integration & Grid Management
for development of Smart Grid having
features like Phasor Measurement Technique
 Wide Area Measurement (WAM)
 Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS)
 Adoptive Islanding
 Self healing Grids
 Probabilistic and Dynamic Stability Assessment
 Distributed and autonomous Control
A phasor measurement unit (PMU)
or synchrophasor is a device which measures the
electrical waves on an electricity grid, using a common
time source for synchronization. Time synchronization
allows synchronized real-time measurements of multiple
remote measurement points on the grid. In power
engineering, these are also commonly referred to as
synchrophasors and are considered one of the most
important measuring devices in the future of power
systems.[1] A PMU can be a dedicated device, or the
PMU function can be incorporated into a
protective relay or other device.[2]
Benefits of PMU
 Time synchronized sub-second data
 Dynamic behavior observing
 Directly
(State Estimation to State Measurement)
 Improve post disturbance assessment
 High data rates and low latency due to
SCADA = supervisory control and data acquisition
PMU = Phasor Measurement Units
to a
to sec
Network model
State Estimator
• Traditionally developed for
accommodating old
information technology
regime (Slow
communication, data
time stamp)
• Made possible for all round
development in technologies
Overview of Smart Grid
Smart Grid in Power Sector
•HVDC and
UHVAC etc.
System Operations
Management etc.
•Self Healing Grids
•Adaptive Islanding
Smart Grid
Smart Grid in Distribution
Distribution Automization
Demand Optimaization - Selective Load Control
Operation –Islanding of Micro-grids
Distribution Automization/Optimization
Managing Distribution Network Model
Outage management and AMI Integration
DMS & Advanced Switching Applications
Integrated Voltage / VAR Control
Demand Optimization
 Demand
Response – Utility
 Demand
Response – Consumer
 Demand
Response Management System
 In
Home Technology enabling
Demand Optimization
Smart Metering –
Automatic, Time of Use, Consumer Communication & Load Control
Communications : Automated Metering
Infrastructure (AMI) – LAN, WAN, HAN
DRMS (Demand Response Management)
In Home enabling technology
Demand in three category:
Immediate, Deferrable, Storable
Customer aggregation & De-aggregation required for Peak shifting
Demand Optimization: Advanced Web Portal
Energy Usage Information
Utility Communication
Consumer Enrollment in DR programs
In Home Technology- Availability & Purchase , Device Provisioning
Control Center with Service Oriented
Architecture (BUS)
(geo-spatial Information Systems),
 AMI,
 SAP (ERP),
 OMS (Outage management System),
 DMS (Distribution Management System),
 EMS (Energy Management System),
 DRMS (Demand Response management System).
Model manager synchronizes GIS data with OMS,
Expectation of Technology & Solution
To associate and collaborate with Smart Grid players in other parts of globe
Develop local expertise to manufacture and provide support services
Development of CIM
Application Development in India Power Sector Context.
Why Smart Grid?
Integrate isolated technologies : Smart Grid enables better energy management.
Proactive management of electrical network during emergency situations.
Better demand supply / demand response management.
Better power quality
Reduce carbon emissions.
Increasing demand for energy : requires more complex and critical solution with
better energy management
Drivers of Smart Grid
Increasing demand:
 High Aggregate Technical & Non Technical,
 Ageing assets…transformers, feeders etc.,
 Grid to carry more power: Need for, Reliability and
greater Security
 Billing and collections: Profitability of distribution
 Energy mix: Need for Renewable to reduce carbon
Implementation leads to …..
Deliver sustainable energy
Increased efficiency
Empower consumers
Improve reliability
Smart Grid
New Technologies for…..
Energy Storage to support a Resilient
Smart Grid
(Comparing & evaluating cost competitiveness of:
Compressed air, pumped hydro, ultra
capacitors, flywheels, battery tech, fuel cells.)
Smart Grid & Electric Vehicle Integration
(How can electric Vehicle optimize the use of
renewable energy resources, improve
Challenges Faced by Smart
Present Infrastructure is inadequate and requires augmentation to support the
growth of Smart Grids.
Most renewable resources are intermittent and can not be relied on (in its present
form)for secure energy supply
Regulatory Policies to deal with consequences of Smart Grid; like off peak, peak
tariffs and other related matters.
Grid Operation : Monitoring & control
Integration of Renewables
Net Zero – Energy / Water / Waste
 Green Community – Self Sufficient & Reliant
 Judicial Mix of various Technologies and Options for
different use
Use or Supply
Draw or Store
Storage Options
Type of Use
Heating /Cooling
Illumination / Ventilation
Machine Operations
Appliance Powering ( Computers / Printers / Copiers / Faxes)
Domestic Appliances
Integration of Renewables
Choice of Current
AC or DC
Switches and Disconnects
Availability of Domestic DC Appliances - Power Packs
Connectivity to Grid – Size of Plant, Distance to Consumers
Control Strategy and Methodology – availability of software
Some More Resources