Energy Performance Contracts Handbook Sample Document: Stage 4 Workbook December 2013 Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland – National Energy Services Framework 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS STAGE 4: PROCUREMENT .......................... 3 4.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 3 4.2 CONTRACT NOTICE ..................................................................................................... 3 4.3 PREQUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE ............................................................................. 3 4.4 ISSUE OF INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN COMPETITIVE DIALOGUE ...................................... 3 4.5 CONCLUSION OF DIALOGUE AND ISSUING OF INVITATION TO TENDER ................................. 3 4.6 STAGE GATE – FINAL APPROVAL ................................................................................... 3 4.6.1 Public Sector Requirements .......................................................................................................... 7 4.7 AWARD OF THE CONTRACT ........................................................................................... 8 4.8 CONTRACT SIGNING .................................................................................................... 8 SAMPLE DOCUMENTS TO ACCOMPANY STAGE 4 WORKBOOK ........................... 9 SAMPLE DOCUMENT: PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE ................................................... 9 SAMPLE DOCUMENT: INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN COMPETITIVE DIALOGUE & DESCRIPTIVE DOCUMENT ..................................................................................................................... 9 SAMPLE DOCUMENT: ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACT ...................................................... 9 SAMPLE DOCUMENT: INVITATION TO TENDER DOCUMENT TEMPLATE ...................................... 9 SAMPLE DOCUMENT: GUIDANCE NOTES ON CONTRACT ......................................................... 9 EPC Stage 4 Workbook December 2013 Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland – National Energy Services Framework 3 4 Project Development Process Stage 4: Procurement 4.1 Introduction This workbook follows the format and numbering of the Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) Handbook. All guidance notes to this workbook are provided in the Handbook on EPCs and should be read while filling out this workbook. The Workbook for Stage 4 comprises mainly a final review of the bids and final approval sign off together with 4 sample documents which should be completed, with the help of Guidance notes on the contract. 4.2 Contract Notice A sample can be obtained from the OJEU website 4.3 Prequalification Questionnaire Complete sample document - Prequalification Questionnaire 4.4 Issue of Invitation to Participate in Competitive Dialogue Complete sample document - Invitation to Participate in Competitive Dialogue 4.5 Conclusion of Dialogue and Issuing of Invitation to Tender Complete sample document Invitation to Tender Document Template 4.6 Stage Gate – Final Approval Stage Gate – The spreadsheet analyses created as an Appendix to Stage 3 Workbook should be updated and presented in Appendix 2. The project Financial Analysis should be updated and represented here for sign off. Project Financial Analysis Existing annual utility Cost (ex. VAT) Quantity Unit (kWh, litres etc.) Costs (€) and energy usage of the facility, or facilities, within the scope of this project. Electricity Gas Others (specify): EPC Stage 4 Workbook December 2013 Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland – National Energy Services Framework 4 TOTAL Euro (ex. VAT) Quantity Units (kWh, litres etc.) Electricity Gas Others (specify): TOTAL Project capital budget Expected economic life of the project / specific investment measures Expected project net savings Simple Project Payback (years) Expected Project Internal Rate of Return EPC Stage 4 Workbook December 2013 Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland – National Energy Services Framework 5 EPC Financial Analysis Client Perspective ESCO Perspective Capital budget Project Works Overhead Expected project net savings Project Interest on capital Overhead Expected contract term Internal Rate of Return Net Present Value EPC Stage 4 Workbook December 2013 Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland – National Energy Services Framework 6 Final Approval To Award Contract Recommendation to Award Contract: Name Position Signature Date Final Approval by senior accounting official / director of finance: Name Position Signature Date Final Approval by Managing Director/ Secretary General: Name Position Signature Date EPC Stage 4 Workbook December 2013 Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland – National Energy Services Framework 7 4.6.1 Public Sector Requirements Final Approval by Sanctioning Authority: Name Position Signature Date EPC Stage 4 Workbook December 2013 Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland – National Energy Services Framework 8 4.7 Award of the Contract See the following link to template letters adapted from the government procurement guidance, which may be used to debrief unsuccessful candidates: 4.8 Contract Signing EPC Stage 4 Workbook December 2013 Sample Documents to Accompany Stage 4 Workbook Sample document: Pre-Qualification Questionnaire Sample document: Invitation to Participate in Competitive Dialogue & Descriptive Document Sample document: Energy Performance Contract Sample document: Invitation to Tender Document Template Sample document: Guidance Notes on Contract