Things To Remember

Things To Remember
-Dinner Money £10.50
-Learning Log work to be returned
-Library book
-PE kit
-String Instruments
-Juice Money £1.45 per week
-Milk Money £1.25 per week
-Toast money £1 per week
-PE kit
Dates For Your Diary
Wednesday 10th September – trip to Tesco
Monday 15th September - trip to Ashurst
Wednesday 24th September – Parent
information night
12th/13th November – Parents evenings.
Monday 17th November –Bolton Octagon
theatre trip to see Alice in Wonderland
Year 4 – Autumn Newsletter
Miss Sage’s class
The main topic this term is a geographical one:
Misty Mountain Sierra
Other areas of study will be as follows:
Recounts and non-chronological reports; Explanations; Leaflets; Narrative
Using maps; Human and Physical Geography
Art and Design
Clay modelling; Weaving
Satellite mapping; Using GPS devices; 2-D animation; Online research
Presenting data; Converting between units of measure
Writing song lyrics
Facing new challenges; Mountain safety
States of matter; Working scientifically
I would be very grateful if you could…..
Send in any permission or reply slips as soon as possible.
Please read continuously with your child, asking questions about
what they are reading. Are they understanding the text? Please
make sure you/they write in their record to show if there any
problems with the book and to note when have completed
it.Reading books should be brought to school EVERY day. There
will be no set day for changing reading books. If your child is still
learning keywords they will be tested on the last week of each half
Encourage your child to complete any learning log
work/talk homework on time. Research any relevant topics
and have fun and be creative with work. Learning Log work
will be given out on Friday’s and will need to be returned
by Wednesday.
I have planned an exciting school trip to watch Alice in
Wonderland in November to link with our creative
curriculum work on potions next half term. A letter will be
sent nearer the time with more information.
If your child requires an inhaler can you please send one
into school ASAP?
In April Y4 children will have the opportunity to spend
time at Winmarleigh Hall. This will be discussed in more
depth at the Parents Information Evening.
I have attached a list of your child’s key words if they are
working on them. Please look through these and practice
any gaps. Your child will be tested at the end of every half
Inside your child’s reading record book is a list of spellings
Year 3/ 4 children are expected to know. We will be doing
random tests throughout the year so please take a look at
these with your child.
Welcome to Year 4. My name is Miss Sage and I will be
your child’s class teacher for this academic year.
I hope you have all had an enjoyable summer and I
am really excited for the year ahead. This year we
will be working very hard and we will be having
lots of fun along the way.
This year we are very lucky to have Mrs
Haddock and Mrs White working with us.
Please can I remind you when sending in any
money or letters to send it in a sealed, clearly
labeled envelope? Can you also ensure that all
your child’s belongings have their names in? We
have also been asked to remind parents about
uniform rules regarding no earrings, nail polish or
Please remember I am always happy to help
whenever you need me.If you have any worries or
queries please contact me by letter, telephoning
school or I am usually available at the end of the
Looking forward to the year ahead
Miss Sage