3.3 Meiosis 3.3 Meiosis – Understandings: One diploid nucleus divides by meiosis to produce 4 haploid nuclei The halving of the chromo # allows a sexual life cycle with fusion of gametes DNA is replicated before meiosis so that all chromos consist of 2 sister chromatids Early stages of meiosis involve pairing of homo chromos and crossing over followed by condensation Orientation of pairs of homo chromos prior to separation is random Separation of pairs of homo chromos in the 1st division of meiosis halves the chromo number Crossing over and random orientation promotes genetic variation Fusion of gametes from different parents promotes genetic variation One diploid nucleus divides by meiosis to produce 4 haploid nuclei. • Diploid (2n) = containing 2 sets of chromosomes, 1 from each parent • Haploid (n) = containing a single set of chromosomes The halving of the chromosome number allows a sexual life cycle with fusion of gametes. • Fertilization = fusion of gametes • Gametes = sex cells = egg & sperm • Sexual reproduction involves fertilization. • Fertilization doubles the # of chromos each time it occurs • Meiosis is important because it halves the chromo # so that fertilization results in a cell with the diploid # (otherwise the chromo # would double with every generation!) DNA is replicated before meiosis so that all chromos consist of 2 sister chromatids. • DNA is replicated during interphase before Meiosis I. • DNA is not replicated again before Meiosis II. The early stages of meiosis involve pairing of homo chromos & crossing over followed by condensation. Crossing over • Occurs during Prophase I of Meiosis only • Synapsis = coming together of 2 homo chromos (“bivalents”) • Tetrad = 4 chromatids in a row • Cross-over of non-sister chromatids • Chiasma (chiasmata, plural) = point of crossover and exchange of pieces • Crossing over increases genetic variation! Crossing Over Can have multiple cross-overs Positive correlation of distance between genes and % cross-over Orientation of pairs of homo chromos prior to separation is random. • Orientation = which way chromo is facing • Random orientation = each pair of chromos has equal chance of attaching to either spindle fiber • Independent assortment = the orientation of one pair of chromos has no affect on the orientation of other pairs of chromos Possible orientations of homo chromos = 2n (n=haploid #) Separation of pairs of homo chromos in the st 1 division of meiosis halves the chromo #. • Disjunction = separation of homo chromos • = dividing # of chromos in half occurs in Meiosis I Crossing over & random orientation promotes genetic variation. 2 processes in meiosis that cause diversity (genetic variation) even within a family: • Random orientation each egg has 2n possible chromosome combinations each sperm has 2n possible chromosome combinations • Crossing over Allows linked genes (genes on same chromo) to be reshuffled onto different chromos, producing infinitely more combinations! Fertilization of gametes from different parents promotes genetic variation. Fertilization = fusion of gametes (egg and sperm) to produce zygote: • Start of the life of a new individual • Allows alleles from 2 different individuals to be combined into one • Combo of alleles is unlikely ever to have existed before! • Fusion of gametes promotes genetic variation in a species • Genetic variation is essential for evolution In Summary… 4 processes that promote genetic variation: In Meiosis: • CO of NS HC in PO of M • RO of HC in MO of M Not in Meiosis: • RF of E by S •M Nature of Science: making careful observations: Meiosis was discovered by microscope examination of dividing germ-line cells. • 1800’s – improved microscopes allowed us to see inside cells; dye used to stain nucleus • 1880’s – German biologists observed dividing nuclei • Preparation of slides showing meiosis is challenging • Key observation made: Horse threadworm – fertilized egg has 4 chromosomes, whereas egg and sperm have 2 • Hypothesis made: a special nuclear division halves the chromo # • Sequence of meiosis events observed in rabbit eggs (0-28 day old rabbits) • Advantage of observing rabbits: meiosis begins at birth & occurs slowly over many days Skill: Draw diagram showing stages of meiosis resulting in formation of 4 haploid cells. Difference between oogenesis & spermatogenesis Application: Non-disjunction can cause Down syndrome and other chromosome abnormalities. Studies showing age of parents influences chances of non-disjunction. • Disjunction = separation of chromosomes • Non-disjunction = failure of chromos to separate - Can occur in MI or MII Trisomy 21 (Down’s Syndrome) Incidence of Down’s syndrome vs mom’s age Application: Methods used to obtain cells for karyotype analysis e.g. CVS and amniocentesis and associated risks. Chorionic Villus Sampling Risk of miscarriage = 2% 10-13 weeks Amniocentesis Risk of miscarriage = 1% 15-22 weeks Couples may choose to have certain prenatal tests for different reasons, including to: • Allow for possible medical interventions that may be needed • Begin planning for a child with special needs • Identify support groups and resources • Make a decision about whether to continue the pregnancy