
Law and Public Policy Final Portfolio and Presentation
For your final exam, you will complete a portfolio that provides you an opportunity to show what you have
learned throughout the semester and the year. Your portfolio is designed to prepare you for your transition to
life after Chelsea High School by showcasing your best work. You will be expected to include in your portfolio
one graded piece from each of your LPP classes, as well as your Internship Give Back project if you took this
class. These pieces must be graded and revised to reflect your best work from the second semester. Your
portfolio must include multiple drafts of each of the following:
Reflection Letter
LPP assessment [policy brief, IRAC memo (Toxic Salad Swap, Jordan Freemont, Erin Brockovich), or
position paper]
ELA assessment [short story, civil law essay, monologue, A Long Way Gone textual analysis, or
Forensics assessment [DNA fingerprint lab report, toxicology lab report, anthropology lab report,
blood spatter lab report]
Statistics assessment [toxicology lab report, MBTA project, anthropology lab report, blood spatter lab
Internship Give Back Project (for students in Internship)
Please see your individual teachers for guidance on selecting pieces to include in the portfolio. You MUST
include ALL drafts of each piece (including rubrics, teacher comments, peer editing, etc.) in the portfolio, with
the newly-revised final draft on top. You should spend significant time and effort revising each piece so that it
reflects the very best work you are capable of. Pieces should be typed, double-spaced (unless otherwise
noted), and error-free. Your work should be neat, organized, and gathered in a binder.
This portfolio and your presentation will count as your final exam grade for ALL of your LPP classes and
comprises 10% of your grade for the year.
WRITTEN PORTFOLIOS ARE DUE ON FRIDAY, MAY 16 AT 3:00 PM. You must hand your portfolio in to one
of your LPP teachers, who will sign and note the time of your submission.
CHS Vision of a Graduate
Chelsea High School graduates will be self-aware, adaptive, socially competent, and literate community
● 21st Century Literacy: Critically analyzing and synthesizing information, questioning ideas,
challenging points of view, and communicating effectively through a variety of mediums.
● Self-Aware: Understanding one’s talents and skills and using reflection so that they can
meaningfully contribute to a community and commit to ongoing self-development.
● Adaptive: Exhibiting the discipline to plan, set goals, and then adjust to changing environments.
● Social Competence: Representing oneself culturally and socially when interacting with members
of society.
● Community Members: Modeling positive behaviors in personal and larger communities.
Reflection Letter for Law and Public Policy Portfolio
Directions: You will be writing a letter to the readers of your portfolio. Your reflection letter will be a major
component of your grade, as it will demonstrate your level of reflection and self-awareness, as well as your
progress as a learner. The purpose of writing the letter is to assess your growth as a self-directed learner and
to evaluate your process of creating and refining the pieces in your portfolio.
Section 1 of your letter should be a reflection on your progress as a learner. The reflection should be written
in paragraph form, NOT as a bulleted list of responses to the questions below. It should be a thoughtful
analysis of your growth that addresses the questions in a meaningful way. Section 2 should focus on each
specific piece you chose to include in your portfolio. Please include one paragraph for each piece that
addresses the Section 2 questions. (This may take more than one full page.)
● 2-page minimum
● 12-point font, Times New Roman
● Single-spaced
● One space between paragraphs
● Do not indent
● Use complete sentences and transitions between ideas
Section 1 Questions:
● What goal(s) did you set for yourself in LPP?
● Why did you choose these goals?
● How have you made progress toward your goal(s)?
● What challenges have you encountered, and how have these challenges helped you grow?
● When you were struggling, how did you advocate for yourself?
● What supports did you receive that helped you overcome the obstacles you faced?
● What specific skills have you developed this year that will help you to be successful in the future?
Section 2 Questions:
● Why are you proud of this piece?
● How does this piece reflect one or more element of the CHS Vision of a Graduate (see box)?
● How did the process of creating and refining this piece help you grow as a reader, writer, thinker, or
● Describe your revision process. What were the weaknesses of this piece, and how did you go about
revising them? What feedback did you receive about this piece, and how did you incorporate this
feedback into later drafts?
● What was difficult about this process?
● What might you do differently next time?
● How does this piece demonstrate progress toward your growth as a learner?
Presentation to Panel
You will be presenting the contents of your portfolio and justifying the work you included to a panel of
teachers and administrators. The purpose of the presentation is to introduce yourself and your work, in
addition to giving the panel a clear understanding of what you have chosen to include in your portfolio and
how you have grown as a learner.
You will choose 2 of the pieces from your portfolio to present to your panel. These pieces may be your
favorite pieces or the pieces you believe best demonstrate your learning throughout the semester and the
year. Your presentation must include a visual element, such as Power Point, Prezi, or iMovie.
The portfolio presentation will last approximately 30 minutes.
Each presentation will include the following elements:
2 or 3 minutes
● Reflect on your overall experience in LPP this year
Presentation of Piece 1 5 minutes
● Defend your selection of this piece
● Discuss your process in creating this piece
● Consider how the creation of this piece helped you grow as a learner
Presentation of Piece 2 5 minutes
● Defend your selection of this piece
● Discuss your process in creating this piece
● Consider how the creation of this piece helped you grow as a learner
2 or 3 minutes
● Predict how your work in LPP has prepared you for your future
● Justify that your portfolio—and your work this year—reflects the CHS vision of a graduate
Questions from Panel
Panel Evaluation
5 minutes
5 minutes
5 minutes
It is very important that you arrive to your presentation on time. If you are late, you will be penalized, and
you will have only your remaining time to present. You are expected to dress professionally for your
Date and time of my presentation:__________________________