Name: Date: Period: Boot Camp: L1M4 Adaptations Video Analysis

Boot Camp: L1M4 Adaptations Video Analysis
Adaptations Video Analysis Directions: As you journey across planet Gorlox, you travel through multiple ecosystems. Answer these
focus questions about the adaptations of the animals you encounter and the environment they live in. Some of these adaptations help the animals to survive and
live in harmony with the biotic factors of their ecosystem, and some help the animals to survive with the abiotic factors, particularly temperature and water.
While you watch, ask yourself, “will this adaptation help the animal to survive in the other biomes?”
website URLs are posted if you want to watch the video again later.
Section 1: Biotic and Abiotic Interactions: These videos show how animals adapt to abiotic factors like in their ecosystem.
You only need to complete 1 to take the adaptations test. I suggest choosing the biome with abiotic factors similar to yours.
Video 1: Biotic and Abiotic Interactions: Adapting to Life in the Polar Ice Cap. Polar Bear adaptations
You reached the tundra and polar icecap. Ice freezes at 0 °C. You checked your thermometer to discover it’s
-34 °C, way bellow freezing.
Luckily, you brought a parka and are ready to work! Find out how animals can adapt to extremely cold conditions.
Question: The tundra and nearby icecap biomes on planet gorlox are extremely cold. How can animals
survive such a cold and frozen biome?
Claim: Animals in the tundra have adaptations to survive the extreme freezing cold.
Evidence: 3 adaptations polar bears have to survive in the ice-cap.
Sentence starters (Polar bears’ fur is adapted to survive the cold with, The paws of polar bears are adapted to walk on ice with, polar bears are able to
swim well because, polar bear’s are able to float well because)
Reasoning: How does each adaptation help the animal to survive and reproduce?
Sentence starters (the thick fur coat and blubber of a polar bear are important because, walking on ice is important for the polar bear because, the
ability to float and swim well is important for polar bears because)
Video 2: Biotic and Abiotic Interactions: Adapting to Life in the Desert. Multiple animal adaptations.
It’s time to ditch the parka and bust out the sunscreen. Now you are traveling through the desert biome. It’s a whomping 45 °C (113 °F). In
addition to the heat, you have to walk through a dry almost waterless biome. You see very few, dry, plants like shrubs and cactus near the few
springs young encounter. Find out how these animals adapt to these arid condtions. Arid means hot and dry!
Question: How can animals survive in this hot and dry desert biome?
Claim: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
Evidence: 3 animals and their adaptations to survive in the desert.
Sentence starters (Desert foxes adapted long ears because…. Desert animals like the __________________ have light skin because… The scape ground squirrel’s bushy tail is
adapted to….Scorpions, rattlesnakes, centipedes and the kangaroo rats spend their days in burrows because, some animals estivate which means …)
Reasoning: How does each adaptation help the animal to survive and reproduce?
Sentence starters (The light colored skin is essential to survival because… the long ears of the desert foxes are important because… the ground
squirrel’s bushy tail is important because… living in burros is key to survival because, estivation helps animals survive and reproduce because…)
L1M4 Boot Camp Files
Section 2: Predator Prey Relationship: You only need to answer question 1 or question 2 for video 3 to complete the performance task.
Everyone needs to watch video 4 to learn about unique adaptations. Keep these adaptations in mind when you discover your animal.
Video 3: Predator Prey Relationships: Analyze how elephants and lions are adapted to survive.
You’ve been trailing a herd of elephants in their search for food and water in the hot and dry savanna. You aren’t the only ones on their trail.
There is a hungry pack of lions patiently waiting to launch an attack on the herd.
Question 1: How can lions take down such a large animal like an elephant? 3 sentences for E and R
Claim: Lions are adapted to hunt and take down large prey.
Evidence: (What adaptations do lions have to take down large prey?) Sentence Starters: Lions hunt in ______________ to… Lions have…
Reasoning: (Explain why these adaptations important to their survival. What would happen if the lions didn’t have these adaptations?) Sentence Starters:
If lions didn’t hunt in packs they couldn’t… The sharp teeth and claws help the lion to… Their good night vision helps because… These adaptations are important
for survival because… Without these adaptations, the lions…
Question 2: How do elephants survive lion attacks? 3 sentences for E and R
Claim: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Evidence: (What adaptations do elephants have to survive? What happened to the elephant that wasn’t as well adapted?)
Sentence Starters:
The elephants protect their babies by… The sharp ______________ help elephants by… Elephants travel in ________________ because…
Elephants are adapted to survive with… An elephant adaptation is… another adaptation is…
Their bodies are …
Reasoning: (Explain why these adaptations are important for elephant’s survival. What happened to the elephant that wasn’t as big and strong as the
other elephants?) Sentence starters: The elephants defensive adaptations are important because… Its important for the elephants to protect the babies
because… The elephant that wasn’t as big and strong as the other elephants…)_
Video 4: Predator-Prey Relationships
Epic Defensive Adaptations: These are just some of the cool animals you encountered on your exploration expedition. Which 4 animals have
the coolest adaptations to defend themselves? Evidence: What is the adaptation description. Reasoning: Why is that adaptation the best?
Evidence: What is the cool adaptation
Reasoning: Why is this adaptation one of the best
L1M4 Boot Camp Files
Section 3: Competition: This section is about competition in the wild.
Video 5 is about plants competing for sunlight and video 6 is
about birds competing for a mate. I suggest you watch both before trying the performance task, but you only need to complete 1!
Video 5: Competition: Plants competing for sunlight
As you travel through the rainforest, you notice a lot of the sunlight doesn’t reach the floor. The large, leafy, trees that make up
the top canopy layer of the rainforest shade you for most of your journey. You notice many different species of plants in the
rainforest, some are bigger and some are smaller.
Question: How can small plants survive amongst the large sun blocking trees in the rainforest?
Claim: Small plants have adaptations to reach the sunlight from the forest floor. 3 sentences for E & R
Evidence: (Explain the adaptations the smaller plants evolved to get sunlight? What do these plants do?) Sentence Starters:
Smaller plants evolved adaptations to… Small plants climb plants by… The small plants don’t open their leaves until…
Reasoning: (Explain the importance of sunlight to plants) Hint: Photosynthesis. Sentence Starters
(In order to do photosynthesis plants need… When plants do photosynthesis they make…. These are important because ….)
Video 6 Competition: Competing for a mate:
Wow! What a show! While you are studying the trees in the rainforest, you catch an amazing display of song and dance in one of the branches.
It seems as if the little guy is showing off. This bird is a great example of adaptations to help them compete for a mate and pass on genes!
Question: What adaptations do birds have to attract a mate, reproduce, and pass on their genes?
Claim: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Evidence: (Describe the physical and behavioral adaptations. What do the birds look like? What are the birds doing?) Sentence Starters:
The bird looks…. The bird has… The bird is…. The dance is… The song is… Some behavioral adaptations are… Some physical adaptations are…
Reasoning: Analyze the adaptations. How do the male birds coloration, song, and dance help it to attract a mate? Why did the female bird fly away?
The male bird’s pretty feathers help it to… The song and dance are important because…. The female bird flew away because… She is looking for….
Section 4: Mutual Beneficial Relationships: Watch these videos of plants and animals helping each other to survive in their biome.
Video 7 shows trees and ants helping one another to survive in the rainforest, and video 8 shows multiple examples of mutually beneficial relationships.
Video 7: Trees and Ants in harmony:
As you begin your walk out of the dense rainforest back to the camp site, you see an enormous fallen tree on its side. Above is a large hole of
sunlight shining through to the forest floor. You observe many young trees and vines growing towards that sunny patch in the top canopy
layer. In an amazing display, you see army ants travel from an acacia tree to a growing competing vine and chomp it off. When a grasshopper
landed on the acacia tree, the ants attacked the grasshopper.
Question: Why does the ant attack the competing vine and feeding grasshopper?
Claim: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Evidence: (Explain the Acacia’s adaptations to help the ant survive.) Sentence Starters:
The acacia tree is adapted to makes a sweet ____________ for the ants to… The acacia tree’s nutrient rich pods feed the… The thorns of the tree provide…
Reasoning: (Explain how this is a mutually beneficial relationship and why its important for both the plant and ant) Sentence Starters:
Mutually beneficial relationships are…. The acacia helps the ant by…. The ants help the acacia by… This partnership is important because…)
L1M4 Boot Camp Files
Video 8: Mutual Beneficial Relationships:
Non only did you witness animals eating and competing with one another, you saw some animals use their adaptations to work together and
survive. Back at the campsite, you over hear a friend say, “animals only eat or compete with one another.” Correct his statement and provide
evidence from the following video that animals don’t only eat and compete.
Claim: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Evidence: (Explain two pairs of animals adaptations in their symbiotic relationship) Sentence Starters: _________________ works with _______________ by….
Reasoning: (Why are these relationships important to their survival?) ______________ relationship with __________________ is important to survival because…
Make Up Adaptations Video:
Complete this video if you need to retake the L1M4 Performance Task.
Video 1: Multiple Animal Adaptations in different biomes. As you travel across the different biomes on Planet
Gorlox, you observe very different animals with very different traits.
Question: Why do animals from different biomes have different adaptations?
Evidence/Reasoning Directions: Describe the adaptation. Explain the features of the animal. Reasoning:
Why is the adaptation important for survival in their specific environment. 2 Adaptations and Reasoning
for each animal. 2 complete sentences minimum.
Claim: Animals from different biomes have different adaptations because _____________________________________
1. Evidence: Penguin Adaptations:__________________________________________________________________________________
Reasoning: Importance of Adaptations in the Antarctic:__________________________________________________________
2. Evidence: Camel Adaptations:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Reasoning: Importance of Adaptations for the Sahara Desert:____________________________________________________
3. Evidence: Giraffe Adaptations:___________________________________________________________________________________
Reasoning: Importance of Adaptations for the Savanna:__________________________________________________________
L1M4 Boot Camp Files