Titanic Project The Titanic was and still is today the most famous to ship to ever sail the sea and the most famous to sink. People the world round have researched and read about this unsinkable ship. Your task is to research the Titanic using the checklist provided below then you will write a dramatic story of your survival on the Titanic using the information you have found. Your writing is to be descriptive and dramatic without detailing the gore. The research section of the project must contain the headings provided below. This project is a voyage of discovery. Enjoy. Scoring Catagory Headers And Footers on each page Number of passengers on ship (excluding the crew) Number of passengers in first class Number of passengers in Second class Number of passengers in Third class Names of last 2 survivors to die. When last survivor of the Titanic died How many 1st class cabins? Titanic Research Cost of 1st class Describe amenities Cost of 2nd class Describe amenities Cost of 3rd class Describe amenities How many stops to pick up passengers? Where was the ship built? Who built it? Who owned it? Who was the captain? (Picture please) Describe Who was the first mate? (Picture please) Describe How much water did the Titanic displace? Size of the Titanic Music played as the boat sunk Name of the band Pictures of Titanic (built and skeleton)inside and out Describe Location of the wreck Who found the wreck? Date of ship leaving England From which ports in England, Ireland, and France did the Titanic set sail? How many engines? What was the horse power of each engine? Who was the richest person on board? Where was the ship headed? How much did it cost to build? Pictures of the officers Describe How long did it sail? What percent of survivors were 1st class? What percent of survivors were 2nd class? What percent of survivors were 3rd class Number of life boats Number of crew members JOT NOTES RUBRIC Observations throughout the research process, student’s notes and the bibliographic citing should be used to apply this rubric. Level 4 3 2 1 Description • Uses research strategies effectively and extensively. • Jot notes are clearly in the writer’s own words • Jot notes are divided into appropriate sub headings • Shows a clear understanding of the topic • Amount of information and detail gathered will be more than sufficient to write a comprehensive report. • Uses research strategies competently. • Jot notes are mostly in the writer’s own words • Most of the jot notes are divided into appropriate sub headings • Shows a moderate understanding of the topic • Amount of information gathered will be sufficient to write a comprehensive report • Uses some research strategies competently. • Jot notes are sometimes in the writer’s own words • Some of the jot notes are divided into appropriate sub headings • Shows some understanding of the topic • Amount of information gathered will be sufficient to write a short less detailed report. • Uses few research strategies. • Jot notes are copied. • Jot notes are not divided into sub headings • Shows no understanding of the topic. • Amount of information gathered will not be sufficient to write a report. Outline Rubric Observations throughout the research process, student’s notes and the bibliography citings should be used to apply to this rubric Level 4 3 2 1 Description • Writing is clearly in the writer’s own words • Outline format is exactly adhered to • Information is in a logical order • Shows a clear understanding of the topic • Amount of information contained in the outline will be more than sufficient to write a comprehensive report • Writing is mostly in the writer’s own words • Outline format is mostly adhered to • Most of the information is in a logical order • Shows a moderate understanding of the topic • Amount of information contained in the outline will be sufficient to write a comprehensive report • Writing is not in the writer’s own words • Outline format is loosely followed • There are problems with the logical order of information • Shows a limited understanding of the topic • Amount of information contained in the outline will not be sufficient to write a comprehensive report • Writing is obviously copied • Outline format is not followed • Little or not attempt at logical order is apparent • Shows no understanding of the topic. • Amount of information contained in the outline will not be sufficient to write a report Observations throughout the research process, student’s notes and the bibliographic citings should be used to apply this rubric. Historical Essay Checklist Essay must include… Check Length - 2000 words or more Introduction Grammar Correct Spelling Paragraphs Punctuation Conclusion Clear account of survival Problems evident Historically Correct Events Five Elements of a Story: - Setting - Conflict - Plot - Theme - Characters Writing Rubric When marking the writing, the marker should consider: • Accuracy and effectiveness of words and expressions. • Variety of sentence beginnings and sentence structure. • Usage and mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, indenting for new speakers, etc.) and usage (agreement of subject-verb/pronoun-antecedent reference, etc.) Level Description 5 • The writer is proficient and purposefully manipulates words and expressions and uses advanced vocabulary. • The writer consistently uses sophisticated sentences. • Paper is essentially error free relative to the complexity of the work. 4 • The writer sometimes manipulates words and expression and carefully selects vocabulary. • The writer often uses sophisticated sentences. • Few errors which do not detract from impact. 3 • The writer adequately uses words and expressions, vocabulary may be general. • The writer may not be successful at creating sophisticated sentences. • Mechanical errors do not impede meaning. 2 • The writer has limited success with words and expressions, general vocabulary is predominate. • The writer relies on simple sentences. • Noticeable errors may impede meaning. 1 • The writer has limited success with words and expressions, general vocabulary is predominate. • The writer relies on simple sentences. • Noticeable errors may impede meaning. Content Rubric When marking content the marker should consider: Creative and insightful ways of presenting information Accurate historical account of events and circumstances The use of description and creativity when developing characters, setting, conflict The use of information gathered in the research portion of the project Level 4 Description • Addresses the topic in an insightful manner • Interprets the information gathered for the activity in accurate and highly insightful ways • Provides a synthesis of the information that is highly creative and unique • Contains more than enough information in which to complete the report. 3 • Addresses the topic in a competent and specific manner • Accurately interprets the information gathered for the activity • synthesizes the information concisely • Contains a good amount of information in which to complete the report. 2 • Addresses the topic in a general manner • Some errors in the interpretation of the information gathered for activity • Provides a synthesis of the information that is imprecise or awkward • Contains the minimum amount of information in which to complete the report. 1 • Addresses the topic in an incompetent manner • misinterprets the information gathered for the activity • Fails to integrate the information • Contains less than an adequate amount of information in which to complete the report.