Title of PowerPoint 32 pt Arial

Test Review:
Jenifer Sweet, B.A., S.R.S., L.A.T.
MPI Research
in coordination with
The Academy of Surgical Research
Testing Committee
General Anesthesia
 Definition
 Stages of Anesthesia
 Considerations
 Method of action
 Modifying factors
Types of Anesthesia
 Pre-anesthetic Agents and Adjuncts
 Injectable Anesthetic Agents and
 Inhalation Anesthesia
 Local and Regional Anesthesia
 Physical Methods of Anesthesia
General Anesthesia
What is general anesthesia?
Doses based on “average”
Biological variations
Metabolic rate
% fat
General health
Time of day
Individualized sensitivity
The perfect anesthetic agent
does not exist
Stages of Anesthesia
4 Stages of Anesthesia
Stage I: “The stage of voluntary
Stage II: “The stage of delirium
or involuntary movement”
 Initial administration of anesthetic
to the loss of consciousness
 CNS depression
 Tachycardia and hypertension
 Exaggerated reflexes
 Irregular / increased respiration
 Struggling, breath holding,
tachypnea, hyperventilation
 Breath holding
 Pupils dilate
 Struggling as animal becomes
 Some analgesic effects
 Loss of voluntary control
 Cardiac arrhythmias may occur
 Eyelash and palpebral reflexes
 Vocalization
 Salivation
 Laryngeal spasm
Stages of Anesthesia
Stage III: “Stage of Surgical Anesthesia”
Pulse rate returns to normal
Muscles relax
Swallowing and vomiting reflexes lost
3-4 planes
 Plane I:
Eyeball movement ceases
Plane II:
Surgical Anesthesia
Capillary refill slows
Normal BP with strong pulse
Palpebral reflex diminishes
and disappears
Decrease of respiratory rate and depth
Eyeball rotates ventrally
Pupils less dilated
Abdominal muscle tone lost
Eyeball may rotate
Minimal jaw tone
Palpebral reflex present
Pedal reflex absent
Slight reaction to surgical manipulation
Dysrhythmia possibility low
Loses jaw tone
Stages of Anesthesia
Stage III (cont): “Stage of Surgical Anesthesia”
Plane III:
Plane IV:
 Deep surgical anesthesia
 Deep/ Overdose
 Intercostal and abdominal muscle tone minimum
 Dysrhythmia probability
 Weak corneal reflexes
 Respirations slow and irregular
 Diaphragmatic breathing
 Lowered HR
 Profound muscle relaxation
 Cyanosis
 Centered and dilated pupils
 Widely dilated pupil and
unresponsive to light
 Bradycardia intensifies
 Flaccid muscle tone
 Hypotension increases
 Jaw tone lost
 Respiratory rate and depth decrease
 Sphincter control lost
 Action of anesthetic on CNS
 Partial pressure gradients
 Inhalants vs. Injectables
 Distribution and clearance
 Modifying factors
 Concentration
 Plasma pH
 Protein binding
 Hydration
 Multiple drugs present
Effects of Disease
Cardiovascular dysfunction
 Most anesthetics cause CV
 Animals prone to fluid overload &
Pulmonary dysfunction
 Most anesthetics cause
pulmonary depression
 Balancing between lowering
doses and preventing anxiety
 Intubation and ventilation are key
 Nitrous oxide contraindicated
Neurologic disease
 Loss of ICF and CBF regulation
 Watch for respiratory depression
 Nitrous oxide contraindicated
Renal disease
 Stress and anesthetic agents
decrease rate of filtration
 Reduction in elimination = increase
in acidity and plasma
 Lingering effects
 K+ increases in serum
Effects of Disease
 Hepatic disease
 Acepromazine, thiobarbiturates and α-2-adrenergic agents
 Propofol, ketamine and inhalation the safest
 Lowered elimination rate and coagulation
 Gastrointestinal disease
 Damaged GI can release toxins
 Decrease in cardiac function and ventilation
 Endocrine disorders
 Select anesthesia for easiest reversibility
Pre-anesthetic Agents and Adjuncts
Alpha2adrenergic agonists
Alpha2adrenergic antagonists
Tranquilizer-opioid combinations
Paralytic agents
Block acetylcholine receptors
Reduce secretions
Prevent vagal inhibition and GI stimulation
Reduce vagus nerve response (vomiting and laryngospasm)
Promote bronchodilation
Dilate the pupil
Treatment of choice for opioid, xylazine and vagal reflex activity induced
Atropine Sulfate
 Contraindicated with tachycardia,
constipation and obstruction
 May cause thick mucus secretions
in cats
 Atropine esterase occurs in cats,
rats, and rabbits
 Minimally effective in sheep and
 Increased incidence of bloat
 Prolongs thiopental anesthesia
 Overdose: dry mucous
membranes, thirst, dilated pupils
and tachycardia (dogs most
 Can be treated with physostigmine
IV over several minutes
 Reduces diffusion over blood brain
or placental membranes
 Lasts longer than atropine
 Prevents ketamine/xylazine
associated bradycardia in rabbits
 Longer onset of action in ruminants
Relieve anxiety
Decrease anesthetic dosages
Reduce histamine release and vomiting
Make anesthetic recovery smoother
Promote skeletal muscle relaxation and vasodilatation
May lead to hypotension and excessive heat loss
May raise seizure thresholds/ act as anticonvulsants
Acepromazine Maleate
 Phenothiazine
 Benzodiazepine
 May reduce or prevent malignant
hypothermia in swine
 Prevents seizures
 Butyrophenone
 Alpha-adrenergic antagonist
 May prevent epinephrine induced
 Decreases barbiturate doses
 Primarily used as a component of
InnovarVt in a mixture with fentanyl
 Rapidly passes blood-brain and
placental barriers
 Should be injected slowly to
prevent venous thrombosis and
should not be injected IA
 IM injection not recommendedpainful
 Benzodiazepine
 Shorter duration of action and
clearance than diazepam
 May cause behavioral changes in
dogs and cats
 Suitable for IM injection
 Can be mixed with other
preanesthetic agents
 Reverses CNS action of
benzodiazepine without anxiety,
tachycardia, or hypertension
 Rapid action (24 minutes)
 Replaced aminophylline and
Depress CNS
Lower the amount of anesthetic agents
Do not cause unconsciousness at
therapeutic levels
Most are controlled substances
Best for continuous dull pain
Morphine sulfate
 Stimulates vomiting
 Decreases BMR and body temp
 Variable effects
 Poor effects on neuropathic pain
Meperidine hydrochloride
(Demerol, Pethidine)
 Analgesic effect 1/10 of morphine
Methadone hydrochloride
(Methadone, Dolophine)
 Synthetic opioid unrelated to
 2-6 hours of analgesia
 Decreases barbiturate dose by
Oxymorphone hydrochloride
 Rapidly excreted
 Semi synthetic
 Does not cause vomiting
 10 times more potent than
 Slow administration recommended
 Provided effective epidural
Fentanyl citrate
 250 times more potent than
 Rapid onset of action
 Short duration; peak at 30 minutes
 Depressed respiration
 Exaggerated response to loud
 Little cardiac output or BP effects
Carfentanil citrate
 10,000 times more potent than
 Used primarily for capture of wild
 5 to 10 times as potent as fentanyl
 Provided unpredictable anesthesia
in dogs
 Provides neuroleptanalgesia when
combined with tranquilizers and
 1/5th to 1/10th as potent as fentanyl
 80-1000 times more potent than
morphine SC
 More rapid onset than fentanyl or
 Used primarily for the capture of
wild animals
Buprenorphine (Buprenex)
 25 to 30 times as potent as
 Max analgesic effect less than
 Slow onset of action (20-30
 Excreted in feces
Pentazocine lactate (Talwin)
 1/3rd as effective as morphine
 Minimal CV effects
Alpha 2 Adrenergic Agonists
Produce sedation, muscle relaxation and analgesia
Not potent respiratory depressant
Wide range of drug interactions
Barbiturate, inhalant and dissociative anesthetic doses should be lowered
used in combination with alpha 2 adrenergic agonists
Alpha 2 Adrenergic Agonists
Xylazine hydrochloride (Rompun)
 Most common sedative/analgesic in
horses and cattle
 Sedative with analgesic properties
 Short term surgical anesthetic when
combined with ketamine
 Primarily used in horses
 Effects within 10-15 minutes IM or 3-5
minutes IV
 IV bolus causes bradycardia,
hypotension followed by decreased CO
and BP
 Poor efficacy in swine
 Wide margin of safety
 May cause emesis in cats and dogs
 Reduces insulin secretion, effecting
blood glucose levels
 More potent than xylazine
 BP and RR decreases dose dependent
 Cardiac, respiratory and antidiuretic effects
Dexmedetomidine (Precedex)
 More potent than medetomidine
 Sedative, analgesic, sympatholytic and
anxiolytic effects
 Sedation without respiratory depression
 Shortens time to extubation
 Reduces anesthetic dosages
Alpha 2 Adrenergic Antagonists
 Used as reversal agents for injectable anesthetics
Reverses xylazine
Also reverses ketamine and pentobarbital combinations when combined with
Reverses xylazine and some anesthetic drug combinations with xylazine
Selectivity ration 200 to 300 times higher than yohimbine
Rapid IV doses may cause death or severe hypotension and tachycardia
Tranquilizer-Opioid Combinations
 Provide neuroleptanalgesia
 Intense analgesic action with short duration
Fentanyl citrate Droperidol (Innovarvet)
Wide margin of safety with easy recovery
Partially reversed with opioid antagonists
 Provide superior muscle relaxation as an adjunct to general anesthesia
 Prohibited as a sole anesthetic by the Guide
 Mechanical ventilation required
 More difficult anesthesia management
 Depolarizing neuromuscular paralytic
 Marked twitching for 30 minutes before
muscle relaxation
 More potent and shorter acting than
 rapid recovery
 Muscle pain and stiffness associated
 no effect on HR
 Rise in intraocular pressure
 Widely used
 Cats, swine and ponies resistant
 do not use with renal or hepatic failure
 May not be reversible
 Lasts 20 to 30 minutes
 Causes increased HR
 Metabolized in liver, excreted via kidneys
 Long acting- twice duration of
 2 to 4 times as potent as pancuronium
 Rapid onset
 Retained in kidneys for days
 no effect on HR
Paralytics (continued)
 20% as potent as vecuronium
 Unstable- refrigerate
 Rapid recovery
 Intermediate muscle relaxant
Curare (dTubocurarine)
 Long acting
 Increases HR
 Safer than curare
 Widely used
 Long acting
 No autonomic side effects
 Long acting
 Lasts slightly longer than
succinylcholine and ½ the duration of
 Produces tachycardia
 No autonomic side effects
 The only non-depolarizing agent to
cross the placenta
Paralytic Reversal Agents
 Bradycardia, arrhythmias, secretions
 CNS stimulation
 Edrophonium, neostigmine, pyridostigmine
 4 Aminopyridine and Guanidine
 Only partially effective
Injectable Anesthetic Agents and Adjuncts
Enter blood stream for transport to target tissues
Require redistribution
Generally detoxified in liver and excreted via kidneys
Metabolism based on first order kinetics
Constant fraction metabolized in a given period
Less control of elimination process
Divided into Ultra short, Short, Intermediate and Long acting
Depress CNS neurons
May lead to respiratory depression, central and peripheral CV
depression, decreased BP and BMR, reduced stroke volume and
increased HR
Hypnotic sedatives
Cross cell walls and placental membrane
Glucose effect in some animals
Should not be administered to animals less than 3 months old
IV administration preferred
Barbiturate slough may occur
Phenobarbital Sodium
Methohexital Sodium (Brevital)
 Long acting
 Ultra short acting (redistribution)
 Effective anticonvulsant
 Respiratory failure with overdose
 Excreted slowly and cumulative
 Good for induction
Pentobarbital Sodium
 Short acting
 Initial spike in HR followed by a
decrease in HR and BP
 Prolonged use leads to decreased
systolic BP, stroke volume, pulse
pressure, CO, pH, and BT (shock-like)
 Crosses placenta
 Tranquilizers advised for smooth
Thiopental sodium
Thiamylal sodium
 Ultra short acting
 Ultra short acting
 Most secreted in urine within 4
 IV bolus lasts approx. 15 minutes
 Initial respiratory depression
 Less CV effects than thiopental
 Increase in HR, BP and vascular
 Less cumulative than thiopental
Non-Barbiturate Anesthetics
 Don’t use with barbiturates
 Minimal CV depression
 Good muscle relaxation
 Less depression of neuronal
 May cause allergic reaction
Chloral Hydrate, U.S.P.
 Oral admin may cause vomiting
 Depresses cerebrum
 Good hypnotic/poor anesthetic
 Amount needed for anesthesia
close to lethal dose
 Long duration, acute procedures
Urethane, N.F.
 Carcinogenic
Magnesium sulfate
 Globally depresses CNS
 Means of euthanasia after
Non-Barbiturate Anesthetics
Metomidate (Hypnodil)
 Hypnotic w/ relaxant properties
 Supports microbial growth
 Sleep without anesthesia
 Rapid uptake into CNS
 No depression of CV or respiratory
 Does not trigger MH in swine
 Anticonvulsant properties
 Venous pain during injection
 Quick and smooth recovery
 Minimal analgesic effects
 Extremely short duration of action
 Difficult to administer fast enough
 Severe respiratory depression and
hypotension in dogs
Tricaine Methanesulfonate (MS222)
 Anesthesia of fish and amphibians
Dissociative Anesthetics
 Interrupts transmission from the unconscious to the conscious brain
 Characterized by a cataleptic state in which eyes remain open and
nystagmus present
 Least potent
 Rapid onset of action
 Rapid redistribution
 Tissue irritation due to low pH (3.5)
 Analgesic effects greater for
somatic pain than visceral pain
 Transient decrease in respiratory
 Hallucinatory behavior
 Tiletamine hydrochloride and
 Wide safety margin
 Rapid and smooth
 Good muscle relaxant
 Lingering analgesic effects
 May cause increased HR and
 Decrease in MAP
Inhalation Anesthesia
Administration and elimination through lungs
Dependent upon:
Vapor pressure
Charles’ law
Partition coefficients
Boyle’s law
Dalton’s law
Much more control
Inhalation Anesthetics
Historical Inhalant Agents
Diethyl ether
Inhalation Anesthetics
Nitrous oxide
 Rapid onset
 Explosive
 Minimal cardiovascular, liver and
kidney effects
 Highly irritating
 May cause pneumothorax, blood
embolus, increase in middle ear
 Must be combined with another
 Beware of diffusion hypoxia
 Potent and rapid onset
 High volatility
 Respiratory depression
 Mixed with thymol for stability
 Low volatility
 High solubility
 Extensively metabolized
 Respiratory depressant
 Potent and low solubility
 Rapid induction and recovery
 “Safer” than halothane
 Coronary vasodilator
Inhalation Anesthetics
 Very rapid induction and recovery
 Lower solubility than isoflurane
 Respiratory irritant
 Requires heated vaporizer
 Very rapid induction and recovery
 Lower solubility than isoflurane,
halothane or methoxyflurane
Local and Regional Anesthesia
 Lidocaine
Solution in gel or aerosol
Injectable local
Ring block
Brachial plexus block
IV regional block
Intercostal nerve
Affects 2 adjacent
intercostal spaces
Muscle nerve blocks
For extensive surgical
Interpleural admin
 Proparacaine
 Benzocaine
 Tetracaine
 Butacaine
Physical Methods of Anesthesia
 Some vital organs can survive for longer
periods at low temps with reduced blood
 Risks profound CNS and vital organ
 <28°C may cause VF
 Prolonged clotting time
 3 methods of hypothermia
 Surface
 Body cavity
 extracorporeal
 Delivered via electrodes applied to head
 Convulsions during induction
 Difficult to monitor and questionably
 Useful for chronic pain
Anesthesia machine
Vaporizer in circuit or out of circuit?
Rebreathing, non-rebreathing, semi-closed
CO2 absorber/ Scavenging
Medical gas cylinders
Color codes
Airway maintenance
Endotracheal tubes
Laryngoscope blades
What do you need to know?
 Know your drugs- what group they belong to and what
they do
 Know the stages of anesthesia
 Have a basic understanding of the pharmacokinetics
behind anesthesia
 Know your patient and how biological variations can
effect anesthesia
 Be familiar with anesthetic equipment
 Areas not covered in depth: fasting, thermoregulation,
fluids and acid/base balance
Good Luck!