
Persuasion: the process of creating, reinforcing, or changing
people’s beliefs or actions.
It’s important to understand persuasion in order to be an
informed citizen and consumer
By age 20, the average American has been exposed to 1
million television commercials – roughly 150 a day.
◦ The more you know about persuasion, the better equipped you are to
analyze these messages.
In order to be successful, you must have ethical goals and
methods of persuasion.
There are many who are willing to “doctor” or fudge the truth
in order to be successful in their persuasion.
It’s essential to maintain the bond of trust in order to remain
Most challenging form of public speaking
Audience analysis and adaptation become much more
◦ Talking about basic attitudes, values, and beliefs will increase your
audience’s resistance.
No matter how much you prepare or how well you speak,
there will be those who do not agree with you.
◦ Listeners who are neutral or moderately in favor or opposed will be
most likely to be swayed by your speech.
Persuasion is not something you do to an audience; it is
something you do with an audience.
They have to engage mentally.
As the speaker, you must anticipate possible objections the
audience will raise to your point-of-view.
Questions of fact
◦ Truth or falsity of an assertion
◦ Closest to informative
◦ Topical organization
Questions of Value
Questions of Policy
◦ Worth, rightness, morality, etc. of an idea or action
◦ Establish claim, justify it with established standards
◦ Topical organization
◦ Whether a specific course of action should be taken or not
◦ Usually include the word “should” in their propositions
◦ Problem-solution/Problem-Cause-Solution/Comparative Advantages
Developed in 1930s by Alan Monroe, speech professor at
Purdue University
Method of organizing speeches that seek immediate action
5 steps
Attention: gain your audience’s attention
Need: make the audience feel a need for change
Satisfaction: provide a solution to the problem
Visualization: after providing a plan, help your audience visualize the
◦ Action: say exactly what you want your audience to do