STAMPEDE Systemic Therapy in Advancing or Metastatic Prostate cancer: Evaluation of Drug Efficacy Karen Sanders STAMPEDE Trial Manager Sponsor number: ISRCTN number: EUDRACT number: CTA number: MRC PR08 ISRCTN78818544 2004-000193-31 00316/0026/001-0001 June-2010 TRIAL DESIGN June-2010 Design rationale • STAMPEDE is 6-arm, 5-stage randomised controlled trial 3 investigational drugs • Using Multi-Arm Multi-Stage methodology MAMS design • MAMS design permits rapid comparison and concurrent testing of treatments June-2010 Trial Design A Hormone therapy (HT) alone B HT + zoledronic acid C HT + docetaxel D HT + celecoxib E HT + zoledronic acid + docetaxel F HT + zoledronic acid + celecoxib Control R A N D Eligible patient with prostate cancer O M I S E June-2010 Trial Design Stages Stage Pilot Activity I-III Efficacy IV Outcome Measures Primary Secondary Safety Feasibility Failure-free survival Overall survival Toxicity Skeletal-related events Overall survival Failure-free survival Toxicity Skeletal-related events Quality of life June-2010 PATIENT SELECTION CRITERIA June-2010 Main Inclusion Criteria • Newly diagnosed high risk patients with one of Any 2 out of the following 3 • Stage T3/4 N0 M0 • PSA 40ng/ml • Gleason sum score 8-10 Stage Tany N+ M0 or Tany Nany M+ Multiple sclerotic bone metastases with a PSA 100ng/ml • Previously treated relapsing patients with either PSA 4ng/ml and rising with doubling time less than 6 months PSA 20ng/ml N+ M+ June-2010 Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria • Intention to treat with long term HT • WHO PS 0,1 or 2 • Adequate cardiovascular history • No major dental extractions planned within next 2 years June-2010 Hormone Therapy Before Randomisation • It is preferable that patients are not started on hormones prior to randomisation No more than 12 weeks before PSA measurement taken before HT treatment June-2010 Screening Procedures • Patients identified CT or MRI of pelvis and abdomen Bone Scan Chest X-ray and ECG PSA Test • Within 8 Weeks of Randomisation Blood Tests June-2010 TREATMENT ADMINISTRATION June-2010 Hormone Therapy Three acceptable approaches: • Bilateral orchidectomy Total or subcapsular • LHRH analogues Used according to local practice Prophylactic anti-androgens recommended • Anti-Androgens M0 patients only Monotherapy according to local practice June-2010 Zoledronic acid • Zoledronic acid 4mg 15min IV infusion Every 3 weeks for 6 treatments Then every 4 weeks • Patients should also receive 500mg calcium oral supplement 400IU vitamin D oral supplement Available as a combination tablet • Continues until the soonest of: Maximum of 2 years disease (including PSA) progression June-2010 Docetaxel • Docetaxel 75mg/m2 Day 1 as 1hr IV infusion Max 160mg • Patients should also receive Prednisolone 5mg bid daily for 21 days • Continues: Cycle repeated every 3 weeks for 6 cycles June-2010 Celecoxib • Celecoxib 400mg bid • Continues until the soonest of: Maximum of 1 year Disease (including PSA) progression June-2010 Radiotherapy • Radiotherapy permitted for suitable patients • Intention to use RT stated at randomisation ensure no bias towards particular combinations of systemic therapy with radiotherapy • RT given 6 to 9 months after randomisation and after any docetaxel toxicity settled June-2010 ASSESSMENTS & FOLLOW-UP June-2010 Follow-up schedule 6 weekly 12 weekly 6 monthly Annually 0 to 24 weeks up to 2 years up to 5 years thereafter June-2010 Assessment of Treatment Failure • New lesions CT scan • Increase in baseline lesions CT scan • Biochemical Rate of fall of PSA and the level of the PSA nadir PSA nadir will be sent to responsible clinician confirming the PSA level which would be taken as progression. • Death from prostate cancer June-2010 Defining PSA Nadir & PSA Failure • PSA Nadir Lowest reported PSA level Between randomisation and 24 weeks • PSA Failure Depends on baseline PSA measurement and PSA nadir 3 possible PSA failure categories, A, B and C June-2010 PSA Failure Categories Groups for defining late PSA failure Based on nadir PSA before 24 weeks on trial 80 Group A 60 40 Group B 20 0 Group C 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Pre-hormone PSA (ng/ml) --A: PSA nadir > 50% pre-hormone PSA ---> PSA failure now B: PSA nadir < 50% pre-hormone PSA but >4ng/ml ---> refer to PSA failure graph C: PSA nadir < 50% pre-hormone PSA and <4ng/ml ---> refer to PSA failure graph June-2010 Defining PSA Relapse • For patients in group A – Failed at time zero • For Patients in group B – Relapse occurs when PSA increases by 50% above nadir • For Patients in group C – Relapse occurs when PSA increases by 50% above nadir or goes above 4ng/ml, whichever is greatest June-2010 DRUG SUPPLY June-2010 Drug Supply & Support • Novartis Supplying free Zoledronic Acid Providing an educational grant to support some central work • Pfizer Supplying free Celecoxib Providing funds to distribute drug to centres • Sanofi-Aventis Providing an educational grant Supplying Docetaxel at a discounted price of buy 1 get 2 free June-2010 Drug Supply & Support • Department of Health Central subvention provided £1,787 per patient randomised to arms C and E of the trial and prescribed docetaxel. Payable in respect of a hospital trust randomising more than 3 patients June-2010 Drug Ordering and Labelled • Celecoxib and Zoledronic Acid Ordered by MRC CTU at accreditation and on subsequent request from centres • Docetaxel Ordered by centre pharmacist • All drugs To be labelled by the pharmacist using labels provided June-2010 CURRENT ACCRUAL June-2010 Current Recruitment Status First patient 17th October 2005 Accrual targets Pilot Phase target was 210 patients Pilot Phase target achieved in March 2007 Overall target approximately 3300 patients – (440 OS events on control arm) Observed accrual 1643 patients have been randomised 17-June-2010 June-2010 Accrual Cumulative randomisation overall 2100 1800 1500 1200 pilot phase complete 900 600 300 Oct-11 Jul-11 Jan-11 Jul-10 Jan-10 Jul-09 Jan-09 Jul-08 Jan-08 Jul-07 Jan-07 Jul-06 Jan-06 Oct-05 0 Date of randomisation Observed Expected There are many hundreds of successful accrual scenarios for recruitment to STAMPEDE in the Statistical Design Document. One is shown here. June-2010 Patient Characteristics Age (years) at randomisation median (quartiles) 65 (60-70) PSA (ng/ml) at randomisation median (quartiles) 66 (24-177) WHO performance status (0 Vs 1 Vs 2+) 1210 vs 338 vs 16 Bone mets at randomisation n (%) 789 (50%) RT planned n (%) 379 (24%) Type of HT: (LHRH vs bicalutamide vs orchidectomy) High risk newly diagnosed pts n (%) Previously treated/relapsing pts n (%) 1535 vs 22 vs 8 1460 (93%) 105 (7%) Data from 30-Apr-2010 June-2010 TRIAL COMMITTEES AND CONTACTS June-2010 Trial Management Group Nick James Noel Clarke Malcolm Mason Oncologist; CI, Chair, Urologist; Vice-Chair Oncologist; Vice-Chair Birmingham, UK Manchester, UK Cardiff, UK John Anderson David Dearnaley John Dwyer John Masters Rick Popert Marc Schulper Andrew Stanley George Thalmann Urologist Oncologist Patient representative Pathologist Oncologist Health Economist Pharmacist Oncologist Sheffield, UK Sutton, UK Stockport, UK London, UK London, UK York, UK Birmingham, UK Bern, CH Elizabeth Clark Pierre Fustier Charlene Griffith Gordana Jovic Max Parmar Karen Sanders Matthew Sydes Data Manager Trial Coordinator Data Manager Statistician Statistician Trial Manager CTU Lead/Trial Statistician MRC CTU, SAKK, CH MRC CTU, MRC CTU, MRC CTU, MRC CTU, MRC CTU, UK UK UK UK UK UK June-2010 Contact us Karen Sanders Trial Manager MRC Clinical Trials Unit T: 0207 670 4831 E: Charlene Griffith & Liz Clark Data Managers MRC Clinical Trials Unit T: 0207 670 4882/4794 E: June-2010