science - TheFlatClassNVPrinciplesofSci

How it works
Solar cells are what convert the energy of the sunlight
to electricity through the photovoltaic effect.
The free flow of electrons through a circuit is caused by
sunlight hitting silicon.
When light strikes the PV (Photovoltaic) cell, part of the
cell is absorbed into the semiconductor material
(silicon). This means that the energy of the absorbed
light is transferred to the semiconductor. The energy
knocks electrons loose, allowing them to flow freely.
How it work: cont.
The flow of the electrons between negative type
silicon and positive type silicon is an electrical
The electric current that moves to a charge
controller onward towards an inverter that
changes the current into AC power.
AC power is what is used to power homes/
Uses in the ‘real world’
Solar power is a replacement of the burning of
fossil fuels, which is extremely beneficial to the
Solar panels are not only used in homes and
businesses, they are also used on calculators,
high tech backpacks, heat for pools, etc.
Uses in the ‘real world’
Some big business, like googleplex (Google’s
headquarters) are going green by powering a fair
amount of the headquarters with solar panels.
Since 2007 Googleplex has generated over
660,000kw hours.
Solar power is not known for having problems.
Solar power is considered the cleanest and most
efficient source of electricity.
Solar power is reusable and it gives off no pollution
which is very important in our society today.
The only problem anyone could say about solar power
is that it can be quite an expensive. Even with the initial
cost, it will continue to save money on your electric and
heating bills.
A solar panel just to heat water can range from
$2,000 to $4,000.
To power an average American families house (3
bedroom) it would initially cost $27,000 but after
rebates it would be around $13,000.
Cost: continued
Even though it is a lot of money to purchase,
buyers will end up saving on electric and heating
Homes that have solar panels also receive
government rebate and tax credit. That means
when government sends you the taxes they
deduct a certain amount for using solar power.
The more watts the solar panel gives off the more
they deduct.
Cost: hypothetical example
Houses in Demarest, Closter, and Haworth tend to be on the larger side.
A house with a $250 electric bill, according to, has a roof size of
In order to cut the cost in half it would cost $66,000 to set up the solar system
However after rebates the price of the system is reduced by $25,000.
According to it would take 16.7 years to break even on the
It seems to be a good investment if the buyer plans to stay in the home for a
Solar Power in NJ
Solar power is being used through out the US,
including New Jersey.
Solar panels are being used on the tops of homes,
business, schools, to collect sunlight to either heat
the building or give off electricity.
Plans for Solar Power
By 2013 the electric company PSE&G is
planning to power 64,000 home by solar
This plan by PSE&G will put NJ second in the
nation in solar power generation behind
Since solar power is the most simple, clean way to
supply energy, it is now the fast growing source of