Pakistan's Interprovincial Transboundary Water

Pakistan’s Interprovincial
Transboundary Water
Sardar Muhammad Tariq
Executive Director/CEO
Pakistan Water Partnership (PWP)
Presentation made at LEAD Pakistan, Islamabad on 19.12.2014
Sequence of Presentation
Irrigation System - History
Indus Waters Treaty(IWT)
Indus Water Commission
Inter-Provincial Water Apportionment Accord 1991
Indus River System Authority (IRSA)
Water Security Strategy for Pakistan – A way forward.
Irrigation System - History
Irrigation System - History
• The Sub-Continent carries a long history of irrigated agriculture
practiced by locals living along the water bodies including rivers,
lakes, ponds, etc. and tapping seasonal inundations.
• Traditional irrigation practices changed into perennial irrigation in
the 1880’s through the advent of hydraulic structures and vertical
• Massive infrastructure enabled the land lying far away from water
resources to be brought under perennial irrigation.
• Sub-Continent was converted into a region having one of the
largest network of canals and hydraulic control structures creating
it into regional food basket.
• However, with the development of irrigated agriculture, water
disputes also took birth among provinces.
Irrigation Acts/Warabundi (Rotational System)
• Canal and Drainage Act of 1873
• Irrigation Manual of Orders 1912
• Handbook of Professional Orders for the Guidance of Officers of the Irrigation
Department Punjab and North Western Provinces 1914
• Manual of Irrigation Practices 1943
• Punjab Minor Canal Act 1965
• Punjab Water Users Association Ordinance 1981
• Punjab Irrigation and Drainage Authority Act 1997
• Committees/Commissions to address water distribution issues were
Anderson Committee (1935)
Indus (Rau) Commission (1939)
Akhtar Hussain Committee (1968)
Fazal-e-Akbar Committee (1970)
Anwar-ul-Haq Commission (1981)
Haleem Committee (1983)
• Formation of Provincial Irrigation and Drainage Authorities (PIDAs), Area
Water Boards (AWBs) and Farmers Organizations (FOs)
Indus Waters Treaty (IWT)
Indus Waters Treaty(IWT) 1961 - Why?
• Contentious issues of water sharing rose immediately after
the partition of the Sub Continent in 1947.
• The Partition line cut across the irrigation network of the SubContinent with control structures falling within India territory.
• In 1948 India stopped the water of the three eastern rivers.
• Water wars between the two sovereign states became
• World Bank intervenes in 1951 resulting in prolonged
negotiation processes.
• IWT signed in 1960.
Process of Negotiations
• Proposal by David Lilienthal, Former Chairman of the
Tennessee Valley Authority -1952
• Single integrated basin authority to operate, maintain and
distribute the Indus Waters between India and Pakistan.
• Both India and Pakistan straight away rejected the Proposal.
World Bank’s Final Proposal
To India
To Pakistan
Eastern Rivers
Western Rivers
Limited nonconsumptive uses
Both India and Pakistan accepted it.
Pakistan’s Concerns
• Water sharing formula recommended by the World Bank and
accepted by Pakistan was not the best.
• Pakistan got 75% of the Indus Waters against 90% of the
irrigated land – according to International Law Commission it
tantamount to violation of the principle of “Appreciable
• The IWT divides the rivers of the Basin – with three eastern
rivers given to India, Pakistan looses the lower riparian rights.
• Maintaining the river health and biodiversity, the minimum
environmental flow is being denied.
Pakistan’s Concerns/P-2
• Prior to IWT, India was utilizing only 3 MAF (4 BCM) of eastern
rivers flows but got 33 MAF (41 BCM) under the Treaty.
• Whereas India got 30 MAF (37 BCM) additional water for
future development, Pakistan got nil.
• India has multiple basins for inter-basins transfer
opportunities, Pakistan depends on single basin with no
additional water.
• Pakistan considers the historic uses allowed to India on the
western rivers restricted to small interventions of local
communities living along the river banks and not constructing
mega hydropower projects and putting them on national
Issues and Challenges Created by
IWT for Pakistan
• Irrigated area in the east and water in the west.
• Over 3 Mha of most productive land of Pakistan in West
Punjab denied water of the three eastern rivers.
• Pakistan was compelled to undertake world largest civil
engineering works to transfer water through canals,
headworks and barrages from western rivers to irrigated land
in the east.
• The hydraulic infrastructure development under the Treaty
resulted in huge O&M challenges and heavy O&M annual
• Infrastructure resulted in high degree of safety hazards under
exceptional floods.
Issues and Challenges Created by
IWT for Pakistan /P-2
• Sediments flourishing delta were trapped in canals and
headworks resulting in millions of hectares of land in the
coastal belt becoming non-productive with severe salt
• Thousands of villages in the coastal region had to be
• The Treaty resulted in denial of environmental flows in the
three eastern rivers as they enter Pakistan affecting river
health and biodiversity.
• The inter-river canal network resulted in twin menace of
water logging and salinity.
• With 41 BCM of eastern rivers water given to India, the per
capita availability of water declined sharply in Pakistan.
Additional Challenges for Pakistan
• Climate change impacts on Glaciers –climate models indicate
melting of glaciers – 30 to 40% reduction expected in flows.
• Construction of large number of hydropower stations with
storages by India could deny water during critical cropping
• Over extraction of groundwater in East Punjab due to highly
subsidized electricity tariff by India can over mine the aquifer
in West Punjab thus further depleting the water availability
in the West Punjab.
Additional Challenges for Pakistan/P-2
• Untreated affluent both agricultural and industrial entering
Pakistan from Indian side is degrading the land quality and
contaminate the ground and surface water in Pakistan.
• Perpetual decline in transboundary river flows. 12 BCM
decrease in flow between 2000 to 2014.
• With rapidly growing population, multi-sectoral demand of
water is going to increase substantially resulting in myriad
management and water governance issues and challenges.
Post-Treaty Water Management
• Pakistan within the ambit of issues and challenges is
managing its water resources to meet its multi-sectoral
• The IWT split the transboundary rivers and Pakistan with
known share of waters entering into its territory is distributed
according to Inter-Provincial Water Apportionment Accord
• Each Province therefore, knows its share of water and
manages it as a Provincial subject.
• Indus River System Authority (IRSA) a Constitutional Entity is
responsible to distribute the water among the provinces and
also to resolve Inter-Provincial disputes.
Post-Treaty Water Management
• The problem that Pakistan faces is the water governance.
There is no national water policy and no law exists on
governance of ground water.
• Water thefts, inequitable distribution and under pricing are
the main outcomes of the poor management and lack of
institutional capacity.
• The hydraulic infrastructure suffers from endemic poor
maintenance and scarcity of O&M funds which gets magnified
due to malpractices and corruption.
• Water rights and entitlements are violated by more influential
segment of the society.
Transboundary water disputes –
resolution mechanism
• Under the Indus Waters Treaty 1960 restrictions have been
placed on the design, initial filling, operations of hydroelectric
plants, storage works and other river works to be constructed
by India on the Western Rivers.
• The Treaty provides a procedure for the settlement of the
differences and disputes. Any question, which arises between
the parties, is to be first examined by the Indus Waters
Commission. If the Commission fails to resolve the issue,
either Water Commissioner can initiate action to resolve the
issue through Neutral Expert/Court of Arbitration.
Indus Water Commission
Indus Water Commission
• Role of Indus Water Commission
• To establish and maintain cooperative arrangements for the
implementation of the Treaty, and to promote cooperation between the
Parties in the development of the waters of the Rivers.
• Dispute Resolution Mechanism
• Any question which arises between the Parties concerning the
interpretation or application of this Treaty or the existence of any fact
which, if established. Might constitute a breach of this Treaty shall first
be examined by the Commission, which will endeavour to resolve the
question by Agreement.
• If the Commission does not reach agreement on any of the questions,
then the difference will be referred to a Neutral Expert.
Irrigation Challenges and Development
• Pakistan undertook the challenge and within a record period
of ten years completed some of the mega irrigation structures
thus converting Indus Basin into the world largest contiguous
irrigation system spread over some 18 Mha.
• Surface water system in the Basin is mostly weir controlled
consisting three surface storage reservoirs (Tarbela, Mangla
and Chashma), 16 barrages, 12 inter-river link canals, two
siphons, 44 canal commands (23 in Punjab, 14 in Sindh, 5 in
NWFP and 2 in Balochistan), 62,300 km long irrigation canals
i.e. 1½ time the circumference of the earth and 107,000 km of
water courses.
Inter-Provincial Water
Management Accord 1991
Inter-Provincial Water Apportionment
Accord 1991
• Since the creation of Pakistan, there have been a number of occasions
when the provinces showed mutual goodwill and accommodation in
resolving long-standing disputes.
• Construction of Kotri, Taunsa and Gudu Barrages on the main Indus River
after independence was the result of such goodwill and cooperation.
• However, there were many issues and critical areas which needed an
inter-provincial mediation and harmonization steps to be taken by the
Federal Government.
• In 1991, an Inter-Provincial Water Apportionment Accord was signed
among the four provinces under arrangements by the Federal
Under the Accord, it was agreed to provide a total allocation of 55.94
MAF (68.97 BCM) to Punjab, 48.76 MAF (60.12 BCM) to Sindh, 5.78 MAF
(7.13 BCM) to NWFP(now KPK) and 3.87 MAF (4.79 BCM) to Balochistan.
Additionally, KPK is entitled to 3.00 MAF (3.70 BCM) being used through
ungauged (civil) canals above the rim stations.
Accord points
• The Water Accord also lays down the distribution of the
balance river supplies, including flood supplies as well as the
future storages as 37 per cent each to Punjab and Sindh, 14
per cent to KPK and 12 per cent to Balochistan.
• The accord also emphasizes on development of future
storages and recommends providing minimum flow
downstream Kotri to protect biodiversity.
• This Accord paved way for establishment of the Indus River
System Authority (IRSA) with the mandate to ensure equitable
distribution of water between the provinces in accordance
with the Inter-Provincial Water Apportionment Accord of
Indus River System Authority
Formation of Indus River System Authority
(IRSA) and its Role
• IRSA was created in 1992 to manage water distribution in accordance with
the Inter-Provincial Water Apportionment Accord.
• IRSA consists of one member each from all the four Provinces of Pakistan
and one member from the Federal Government. Its decisions in case of
any dispute are based on simple majority.
• Provinces place their indent on IRSA in accordance with their share and
then distribute it among canal commands.
• IRSA plays major role in resolving inter-Provincial water disputes.
• IRSA is responsible to operate telemetric network to obtain real time
flows data.
• IRSA assesses the season wise water availability for distribution among
• IRSA also keeps a close liaison with WAPDA and Pak Meteorological
Water Management Challenges
• With this infrastructure in place, Pakistan developed extra-ordinary
diversion capacity resulting in diverting close to 130 BCM of
irrigation water annually.
• The infrastructure thus developed is extremely vulnerable to large
• The infrastructure though massive, but still not capable of
capturing the full surface water.
• Whereas 40% storage capacity is required against this only 7% is
• Upto October 2014, 1,210 MAF of water has gone to the sea
unutilized over the last 36 years which is equivalent to 12 years of
canal withdrawals. In monitory terms, the value of unutilized water
is US$ 177 billion after deducting 360 MAF required for
environmental purposes.
Water Security Strategy for
Pakistan – A Way Forward
Water Security Strategy for Pakistan
Within the Country
• A consensus National Water Policy must be put in place
• The technical and management capacity of the institutions
dealing with water at Federal and Provincial levels must be
• Water governance and management issues must be
addressed on priority basis.
• Additional storage reservoirs must be constructed to enhance
storage per capita and carry over capacity.
Water Security Strategy for Pakistan/P2
Within the Country (Continued)
• Rainwater harvesting – 40 MAF (49 BCM) falls per annum –
we only utilize 20% of it – 10 mm/hectare is 100,000 liters –
countries capture almost 98% of the rainfall.
• Water savings/conservation in all sub-sectors.
• Pollution control of fresh water bodies.
• Principle of 3Rs – Reduce – Recycle – Reuse can save up to
40% of water.
• Wastage control.
• Desalinization.
Water Security Strategy in Pakistan
• Indus Waters Treaty must be followed in letter and spirit.
• The complexities of issues with India, lack of political wisdom
and will, position based stands, high level of mistrust,
linkages to Kashmiri issue, negative public perceptions and
deep buried hostilities offer formidable obstacles to cross.
• Exchange of real time data between India and Pakistan is a
prerequisite for better management of water resources –
India needs to respond positively.
Water Security Strategy in Pakistan/P2
Transboundary (Continues)
• India’s Hydropower Projects numbering 33 on western rivers
have adequate storage capacity to harm Pakistan’s irrigated
agriculture – on the other hand if India agrees to release
water at the critical time of crop requirement it could benefit
Pakistan tremendously.
• Environmental Flows- India’s diversion of 100% flows of three
eastern rivers during low flow season is highly detrimental to
river biodiversity and recharge of groundwater. India must
adhere to international environmental laws and restore
minimum flow.
Water Security Strategy in Pakistan/P2
Transboundary (Continues)
• Transboundary Aquifer Mining: With very low energy tariff in
East Punjab, India is over mining the aquifer of West Punjab
which is also against the international laws.
• Transboundary Pollution: Due to natural topography, the
agricultural effluent and untreated industrial effluent both
flow into West Punjab not only creating serious
environmental issues but polluting our fresh water bodies
and groundwater as well. Under international laws, the
riparian states are required to ensure untreated effluent is
not discharged which crosses over to lower riparian states.
Water Security Strategy in Pakistan/P4
Transboundary (Continues)
• Discussion on Indus Waters Treaty should be delinked from
both historic grievances and from other Kashmir related
issues, both sides showing a sign of statesmanship and
moving forward considering water as catalyst for
development and not a source conflict.
• Similar to IWT, Pakistan needs to sign a treaty with
Afghanistan to protect its historic water rights as lower
riparian state.
Water Security Strategy for Pakistan
Under Climate Change Scenario
• Climate change would have extreme detrimental
impacts on water resources of Pakistan. Various models
indicate that global warming can accelerate glacier melt
and change the monsoon pattern and can result in
water reduction to the tune of 30 to 40%.
• Pakistan therefore needs to have both software and
hardware solutions to meet its future water related
Thank you!