1 University of Perpetual Help System Dalta College of PT/OT Course Syllabus Course Code: OTPT 200 Course Title: Pathology & Pathophysiology Number of Credits: 2 units Class Day/ Hours: Wednesdays Section 1: 4-6 PM; Section 2: 6-8 PM Faculty: Dr. Tomas M. Madayag Course Description: The course offers a background on general pathology, tissue and cellular reaction to inflammation and injury, degeneration, tissue repair and process of healing and immunity. It also provides knowledge on the study of the relationship between the host, environment and pathogen in health and disease. Pre-requisites: Anatomy 1, Anatomy 2, Physiology 1 General Objectives: At the end of this course, the students shall be able to: Affective: 1. Appreciate the importance of distinguishing the etiology or cause, types of variations, and signs and symptoms of different pathologic conditions. Cognitive 1. Define the basic terminologies related to pathology 2. Explain a. Basic principles and patterns of diseases b. Disorders of individual cell, tissue, and organ system Psychomotor 1. Develop the skills to differentiate one disease entity from the other Specific Objectives: 1. Principles of cell/tissue injury a. Define the steady state of cell/tissue b. Identify different cellular responses/adaptation to an alteration in the steady state of the cell tissue 2 c. Identify different mechanisms and morphologic patterns of cell/tissue injury 2. Principles of fluid balance and hemodynamics a. Identify the types of fluid imbalances b. Explain the mechanisms involved in fluid imbalance 3. Principles of inflammation a. Enumerate the different inflammatory cells and their functions b. Distinguish between acute and chronic inflammation c. Explain the pathomecahnism and the clinical patterns of acute and chronic inflammation 4. Principle of wound healing and repair a. Enumerate the sequential steps in wound healing and repair b. Identify factors causing a delay in wound healing 5. Principle of neoplasia a. Learn basic nomenclature used in many tumors (prefixes and suffixes) b. Differentiate between benign and malignant tumors c. Determine the factors that cause neoplastic growth 6. Cardiovascular system a. Identify different cardiovascular disorders and their etiologies b. Explain the pathogenesis/morphology of different cardiovascular disorders c. Determine the clinical manifestation of each cardiovascular disease 7. Respiratory tract a. Discuss the normal function of the respiratory system 8. Endocrine a. Identify different endocrine disorders and their etiologies b. Differentiate one disorder from another c. Explain the pathomechanics of different endocrine disorders 9. Skeletal system a. Identify bone and joint disorders and its causes b. Differentiate the different types of arthritis c. Explain the pathogenesis of bone and joint disorders 10. Neuromuscular system a. Enumerate the different cellular components of the CNS and know the functions b. Describe the different diseases concerning the central nervous system c. Explain the different mechanisms involved in the injury to the peripheral nervous system 3 TEACHING STRATEGIES: Lecture-discussion, multi-media, discussions, examinations, Socratic questioning, case analysis, concept mapping, and a scholarly paper related to pathophysiology. The faculty’s website will have all the PowerPoint presentations and lecture notes available to students. The website is: www.tomasmadayag.com TEXTBOOKS: Goodman, Catherine C. & Fuller, Kenda S. Pathology. Implications for the Physical Therapist. 3rd ed. (2009). Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. St. Louis, Missouri. Hogan, M., Hill, Karen. Pathophysiology. Reviews & Rationales (2004). Prentice Hall. New Jersey. McCance, K.L., Huether, S.E. Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for diseases in adults and children, 7th ed. (2014). Mosby. St. Louis. Porth, Carol Mattson. Pathophysiology. Concepts of Altered Health States, 6th Ed. (2002). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia. GRADING PROCEDURE: Prelim grade: Prelim exam + 2 quizzes + case analysis Midterm grade: Midterm exam + 2 quizzes + concept map Final grade: Final exam + 2 quizzes + pathophysiology paper Final mark: 20% prelim grade + 30 % midterm grade + 50% final grade EVALUATION: Written examinations 45% (Prelim 15%, Mid 15%, Final 15%) Quizzes 30% (6 quizzes: 5% for each quiz) Case analysis 5% Concept map 10% Pathophysiology paper 10% 100% TESTING: There will be NO special administration of major examinations (Prelims, Midterm, and Final). Only those approved by the Dean to have a special examination will be allowed to take one. The test has to be taken within one week of the scheduled exam. No appearance in the Prelim or Midterm examination will result in a forced DROP. 4 QUIZZES: There are 6 lecture quizzes during the semester given during the first 30 min of lecture. These will be announced. Quizzes contain multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, short answers, and matching questions. If you come late to lecture on these days you do not take the quiz. NO make-up quizzes will be given unless permission for a special consideration has been granted by the Dean due to illness or grave circumstances. The missed quiz must be taken within one week from its regular schedule. Case Analysis: A case study of an individual with a pathological condition will be provided. The student will answer the questions pertaining to the case study. Concept Map: A concept map is a schematic device for organizing and representing knowledge structures as a set of concept meanings related to one another. They are pictures or graphic representations that allows learners to link, differentiate and relate concepts to one another. Concept maps begin with a main idea (or concept) and then branch out to show how that main idea can be broken down into specific topics. The product will be evaluated using the rubric, attached to this document. This assignment including how to develop them will be discussed/illustrated in class. Additional references may be found in: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Concept-Map https://www.pinterest.com/pin/494410865318926350/ Pathophysiology Paper: This paper will be limited to 3 pages. You will be assigned a specific topic in Pathology and you will need to develop the paper with the following areas included: A brief discussion of the pathophysiology of the disease, etiology, signs & symptoms, diagnostic procedures, medical management and implication to either Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy. The evaluation tool for this paper is included in the appendix of this document. In the spirit of saving the environment, this assignment must be paperless and should be submitted electronically to tomas.madayag@gmail.com. Once received, I will send you a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation within 24 hours of submission, it is an indication that I did not receive your work. 5 Communication Network: Office: Basement 2, Tamayo Tower Phone: Cell: 0917 553 8802 Landline: 028935413 Website: Tomasmadayag.com Facebook: Tom madayag PATHOLINK on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Unofficial-Dalta-Patho-OTPT-1487436861558798/?ref=bookmarks Email: tomas.madayag@gmail.com 6 Date November 11 Topic Introduction to Pathology November 18 November 25 APEC Holiday Cell/tissue injury December 2 December 9 December 16 January 6 January 13 January 20 January 27 February 3 February 10 February 17 February 24 March 2 March 9 Fluid balance & hemodynamics CASE ANALYSIS Inflammation , Wound healing & repair PRELIMS Neoplasia Cardiovascular Cardiovascular Respiratory CONCEPT MAP Respiratory MIDTERM Endocrine Skeletal Skeletal Neuromuscular PATHOPHYSIOLOGY PAPER Neuromuscular FINAL EXAM March 16 March 23 Activity https://books.google.com.ph/b ooks?id=FFg88IaReBwC&pg =PR19&lpg=PR19&dq=patho physiology+cells+tissues&so urce=bl&ots=nkIin9sMto&sig =Ftm6WriW9cA7oi8z76NaT xC8UeY&hl=en&sa=X&ved =0CDMQ6AEwBGoVChMIx fySkf3xyAIVFTCICh2nGQ5 P#v=onepage&q=pathophysio logy%20cells%20tissues&f=f alse 7 Rubric for Evaluating Pathophysiology Concept Map Map Construction Layout Graphics Detail 0-9 pts Unorganized, no coherent use of hierarchy, no connections No use of color, no use of geometric shapes, font difficult to read 10-19 pts Scattered layout of items, minimal hierarchy used, connections non-directional Minimal color or inconsistent use of color, some geometric shapes used, font legible 20-25 pts Clear thought to pattern, more than two levels of hierarchy, connections directional Color consistently used to differentiate levels or topics, consistent use of geometric shapes, font clear/may use font to designate levels All connecting lines are clearly labeled. No words/phrases on connections Less than half of the connecting lines have words or phrases 0-9 pts No center idea(s) illustrated Only primary and secondary 10-19 pts Center idea(s) unclear from layout of map Multiple levels 20-25 pts Center idea(s) clearly illustrated Multiple levels with connections across all levels Presentation Concepts Evidence of understanding concepts 0-9 pts Concepts are presented in a vague or loose manner with little detail 10-19 pts Concepts are presented that demonstrate a basic understanding of the concepts. 20-25 pts Concepts are presented that demonstrate a deep understanding of the material and connections between concepts. Presentation Format Ability to answer questions 0-9 pts Little understanding of the material to the point where it is difficult to answer questions. 10-19 pts Student is only able to answer questions directly related to the map and or their areas of expertise but are not able to synthesize information. 20-25 pts Student has a deep understanding of the concepts & are able to answer questions that assimilate information. Map Content Center idea(s) Levels of hierarchy 8 Concept Map Topics 1. Cell injury 2. Neoplasms 3. Disorders of the thyroid gland hypothyroidism 4. Disorders of the thyroid gland, hyperthyroidism 5. Diabetes mellitus 6. Myocardial infarction 7. Pneumonia 8. Tuberculosis 9. Peptic ulcer disease 10. Scoliosis 11. Osteoporosis 12. Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) 13. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome 14. Rheumatoid arthritis 15. Parkinson’s disease 16. Melanoma 17. Burns 18. Cushing’s disease 19. Diabetes insipidus 20. Addison’s disease 21. Angina pectoris 22. Congestive heart failure 23. Mitral stenosis 24. Buerger’s disease 25. Obesity 26. Anemia 27. Leukemia 28. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 29. Dehydration 30. Rheumatoid arthritis 31. Asthma 32. Bronchitis 33. Osteomyelitis 34. Osteomalacia 35. Lupus 36. Myasthenia gravis 37. Multiple sclerosis 38. Paget’s disease 39. Amyotropic lateral sclerosis 40. Pericarditis 9 Evaluation Sheet for Pathophysiology Paper Criteria Adhered to the 3 page-limit 5% Discussion of the pathophysiology of the disease is clear, complete and concise 25 Etiology 5 Signs & symptoms 10 Diagnostic procedures 10 Medical management 10 Implications to the PT/OT 30 Neatness, grammar, and presentation TOTAL 5 100% 30 point deduction for each day that it is overdue The pathophysiology section describes the primary problem causing the disease The risk factors and causes of the disease is complete The most typical signs and symptoms are clearly identified The hallmarks of diagnosis of the disease is included. Laboratory and procedures commonly used to diagnose the condition is included The most common therapies including medications and procedures are included. Discussions on the implication to the PT or OT are clear. Typed, with no errors