Great Plains

Treeless Wasteland Study Guide
Define: Establish the importance of each of these new inventions or
Barbed wire-
Steel plow-
Dry farming-
Sod houses-
Cattle farming-
Wheat farming-
Short Answer: Answer the questions in complete sentences.
What are the physical features of the Great Plains?
What was the attitude people had towards the Great Plains before the
What was the “manifest destiny”?
The Homestead Act did two things what were those two things?
What was the purpose of Cowboys in the west?
After the California Gold Rush of 1849, miners rushed west looking for what?
Why were the Native Americans forced onto reservations?
The Transcontinental Railroad ran East to West across the United States, why
was this form of transportation so important?
Multiple Choice: Circle the best answer.
1. The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution--A. Freed slaves in the Confederacy.
B. Freed all slaves in the United States and its territories.
C. Was written by Abraham Lincoln.
D. States that all people are born in the United States are citizens, except
Native Americans.
2. Black Codes were designed to--A. Acquit President Andrew Johnson
B. Protect the rights of all citizens.
C. Extend and enforce voting rights.
D. Limit the rights of former slaves.
3. The Freedman’s Bureau helped former slaves by—
A. Finding them sharecropping jobs.
B. Building schools to help them learn to read.
C. Giving them land to farm.
D. Increasing their wages.
4. After 1858 Colorado’s Pikes Peak was the site of what business activity?
A. Homesteading
B. Wheat farming
C. Mining
D. Cattle ranching
5. A sharecropper is--A. Paid in cash.
B. Not paid at all.
C. Paid with a part of the crop.
D. Paid with all the crops grown.
6. What hardships did homesteaders moving west face?
A. Little rain fall
B. Harsh weather
C. Dry soil
D. All of the above
7. A steel plow was important on the Great Plains--A. To help build sod houses.
B. Because Russian wheat was difficult to plant.
C. Because the tough sod was hard to turn over.
D. To locate water deep underground.
8. Andrew Johnson became president when--A. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.
B. The Senate acquitted him.
C. Reconstruction ended.
D. Southerners voted him into office.
Regions: Use Map to label each state correctly.
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I. ________________________
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J. _________________________
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Southeast Region