The Challenge of Finding Where SOD Gets Zinc: Identifying Novel Techniques to Recombinantly Express Metallothionein U n iv ers ity H o n ors Co lle g e a n d Bio r e sourc e Re s e a r ch T h e s is U n d ergraduate Re s e a r che r: N ic k B. We s t P r in ciple I n v estigator: D r. Jo seph Beck man S e c o n dary Men to r: D r. D a n ie l S u d a kin Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) ALS 5,600 Americans Diagnosed Every Year With ALS 20% of patients live past 5 years and 10% live past 10 years [Doctor Tipster, 2011] Introduction •Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis • Mutations in Cu,Zn-Superoxide Dismutase •Where does SOD get Zinc? • Metallothionein Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Familial ALS (fALS) Daniel Rosen • Correlation between mutant SOD and fALS Mutated SOD • 130 mutations discovered fALS vs. sALS • Clinically similar • Mutant SOD Accounts for 2% of Total Cases Mutated SOD Controversial Mechanism of Disease Familial ALS Onset Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Structure Homodimer • Cys57-Cys146 disulfide bond Unusual Stability • Copper and zinc are coordinated with specific amino acids • Copper and zinc must be bound for proper SOD functioning [Roberts. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2007] Superoxide Dismutase Function O2- + Cu(II)ZnSOD O2 + Cu(I)ZnSOD (1) O2- + Cu(I)ZnSOD + 2H+ H2O2 + Cu(II)ZnSOD (2) [Hart. Biochemistry. 1999] [Roberts. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2007] Zinc Deficient SOD and fALS [Roberts. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2007] Zinc Deficient SOD Toxic Gain of Function Nitric Oxide (NO) • Created by Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) • O2- reacts 3 times faster with NO than with WT,SOD Peroxynitrite (ONOO-) • Formed from NO and O2- SOD-Cu2+ + ONOO- SOD-CuO….NO2+ SOD-CuO---NO2+ + H---Tyr SOD-Cu2+ + HO- + NO2-Tyr [Beckman, Nature. 1993] Proposed Mechanism for ALS Mutant SOD Zinc Deficient SOD SOD Toxic Gain of Function Nitration of HSP90 Motor Neuron Cell Programmed Death ALS Onset The Mystery of Where SOD Receives Zinc Metallothionein (MT) Margoshes and Vallee discovered a cadmium binding protein in horse liver (1957). Vallee and Kägi called the cadmium binding protein Metallothionein and note its ability to bind zinc (1961). Maret and Vallee proposed a novel cell functioning of MT not as an anti-oxidant protein, but as a zinc concentration regulator (1998). atg M gat D ccg P aac N tgc C agc S tgt C gca A gct A ggt G gac D tcc S tgc C acc T tgt C gcc A ggc G tct S tgc C aaa K tgt C aaa K gaa E tgc C aaa K tgt C act T agt S tgc C aag K aaa K agc S tgc C tgt C tcc S tgc C tgt C ccg P gtg V ggc G tgc C gca A aaa K tgt C gca A cga Q ggc G tgc C atc I tgt C aaa K ggc G gct A agc S gac D aag K tgc C agc S tgt C tgc C gct A tga Stop [Kojima, 1976] Metallothionein Structure Thionein • Apo (non metal) form of MT • No known tertiary structure • Molecular Weight is 6-7 kDa 2 Domains • α Domain binds 3 zinc atoms • β Domain binds 4 zinc atoms University of Zurich Metallothionein Cellular Function [Maret, Vallee. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 1998] [Maret. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 2011] Theoretical Connection of MT and SOD Reduced Form of Thionein Binds Zinc Zinc Bound Metallothionein Interacts With an Oxidizing Agent Oxidizing Agent Causes Release of Zinc to Apoenzyme SOD Could Be A Potential Apoenzyme Target Research Objectives Create Recombinant MT Gene • Insert MT gene into pTYB11 plasmid Express MT with BL21(DE3) pLysS System • Insert MTpTYB11 plasmid into competent BL21(DE3) pLysS cells • Induce with IPTG Express MT with Shuffle T7 System • Insert MTpTYB11 plasmid into competent Shuffle T7 cells • Induce with IPTG Methods – Create Recombinant MT Gene SapI MT Gene Intein Protein Coding Region (Purple) pTYB11 Plasmid EcoRI Results – Create Recombinant MT Gene Indirect Verification of Correct Insertion 1% Agarose Gel MTpTYB11 pTYB11 (Control) Results – Create Recombinant MT Gene pTYB11 DNA Sequencing ggcttagtag tctcggttaa cgcagaacct gctaaggttg acatgaatgt caccaaacat aaaattagtt ggcttagtag tctcggttaa cgcagaacct gctaaggttg acatgaatgt caccaaacat aaaattagtt atgctattta tatgtctggt ggagatgttt tgcttaacgt tctttcgaag tgtgccggct ctaaaaaatt atgctattta tatgtctggt ggagatgttt tgcttaacgt tctttcgaag tgtgccggct ctaaaaaatt caggcctgct cccgccgctg cttttgcacg tgagtgccgc ggattttatt tcgagttaca agaattgaag caggcctgct cccgccgctg cttttgcacg tgagtgccgc ggattttatt tcgagttaca agaattgaag gaagacgatt attatgggat tactttatct gatgattctg atcatcagtt tttgcttgga tcccaggttg gaagacgatt attatgggat tactttatct gatgattctg atcatcagtt tttgcttgga tcccaggttg ttgtacagaa c [MT sequence begins here] ttgtacagaa c [MT sequence begins here] - pTYB11 Sequence - CGRB Sequence Results – Create Recombinant MT Gene MT DNA Sequencing atggatccga actgcagctg tgcagctggt gactcctgca cctgtgccgg ctcttgcaaa atggatccga actgcagctg tgcagctggt gactcctgca cctgtgccgg ctcttgcaaa tgtaaagaat gcaaatgtac tagttgcaag aaaagctgct gttcctgctg tccggtgggc tgtaaagaat gcaaatgtac tagttgcaag aaaagctgct gttcctgctg tccggtgggc tgcgcaaaat gtgcacgagg ctgcatctgt aaaggcgcta gcgacaagtg cagctgttgc tgcgcaaaat gtgcacgagg ctgcatctgt aaaggcgcta gcgacaagtg cagctgttgc gcttga gcttga - MT Sequence - CGRB Sequence Methods -Express MT with BL21(DE3) pLysS System St. Edwards Univ. University of Zurich Results -Express MT with BL21(DE3) pLysS System SDS Gel – BL21 Expression ~63 kDa Overcoming Challenges Express MT with BL21(DE3) pLysS System • T7 RNA Polymerase • T7 Lysozyme • OmpT protease • Thioredoxin • Glutaredoxin • Lon protease Express MT with Shuffle T7 System • T7 RNA Polymerase • T7 Lysozyme deficient • OmpT protease deficient • Lon protease deficient • Glutaredoxin and thioredoxin deficient • DsbC chaperone protein Methods – Express MT with Shuffle T7 St. Edwards Univ. University of Zurich Results – Express MT with Shuffle T7 BL21 Expression ~63 kDa Shuffle T7 Expression ~63 kDa Results – Express MT with Shuffle T7 Li-Cor Western Blot Shuffle T7 Samples Liver Positive Control Shuffle T7 Samples Liver Positive Control Discussion Successful creation of recombinant plasmid!! Verified by DNA sequencing. Unsuccessful expression in BL21 System. Verified by SDS gel. Successful expression of intein protein with Shuffle T7. Verified by SDS gel. Inconclusive expression of MT using Shuffle T7. Analyzed using Western Blot. Future Plans – In A Perfect World Zinc Bound MT Zinc Bound SOD? Cu,-SOD Zinc Bound MT Cu,Zn SOD? Cu,Zn SOD Apo Thionein Zinc Bound MT Apo SOD Implications of MT Research Process to Purify Metallothionein Characterization of SOD Postranslational Metal Binding Sequence of Events Increased Understanding of ALS Acknowledgements •Beckman Lab • • • • • • Principle Investigator – Dr. Joseph Beckman Nathan Lopez Pamela Beilby Ed Labut Jared Williams Nick Rosson •Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Department • Secondary Mentor – Dr. Daniel Sudakin •Howard Hughes Medical Institute • Kevin Ahern •Undergraduate, Research, Innovation, Scholarship, Creativity Program (URISC) •Environmental Health Sciences Center •Bioresource Research • Department Head – Dr. Kate Field • Advisor – Wanda Crannell •Friends and Family • Russ and Mary West • Reva West, J.D. and Audrey Cant, Jamie and Tony Haddock • Alex Sutherland • Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Thank You Are there any questions?