General Psychology Syllabus

PSYC-1503 General Psychology,
Section 001
MWF 8:00-8:55AM - MSC 203
Kyle White
Spring, 2015
Three Credit Hours
Upstairs of the Mansion - First Door on the Right
Office Address &
I am in and out of my office throughout the day – Cell #918-766-5512
Office Hours
Email Address
This course is a broad survey of the major topics in psychology including, but not limited to:
Description biological and social factors influencing behavior, development, learning, memory, personality, and
abnormal psychology. Oklahoma Wesleyan University is a God-centered university and the priority
of Scripture, the primacy of Jesus Christ and the pursuit of Truth will be the lens and foundation
for this course.
At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate the following skills
1. The student will be able to name and describe four popular fields of application in
2. The student will be able to articulate a beginning understanding of psychology as viewed
through one’s faith, and through a historic Wesleyan worldview.
3. The student will be able to name and describe seven perspectives of psychology and identify
the focus of each.
4. The student will be able to explain three methods of doing psychological research.
5. The student will be able to label 10 areas of the brain with their corresponding function.
6. The student will be able to list and define three parenting styles, including their possible
effects on children.
7. The student will be able to list and describe ten reasons for sexual abstinence before marriage.
8. The student will be able to list and describe Eriksson’s three stages of adult psychosocial
9. The student will be able to list and identify the five stages of sleep.
10. The student will be able to list and describe the three types of learning including classical
conditioning, operant conditioning and learning by observation (i.e. modeling).
11. The student will list 8 ways to improve one's memory.
12. The student will be able to describe three ways of thinking that can be used to solve
13. The student will be able to identify and describe the age appropriate milestones of language
development for a child, including three ways to enhance this development.
14. The student will be able to identify three theorists and their perspectives on intelligence.
15. The student will be able to compare and contrast eating disorders anorexia nervosa and
bulimia nervosa.
16. The student will be able to explain a successful method of anger management.
17. The student will be able to explain from a beginner's perspective Freud’s theory of
personality development.
18. The student will be able to identify and describe the various roles which
Industrial/Organizational psychologist play in the business world.
19. The student will be able to explain the symptoms of schizophrenia.
20. The student will be able to articulate the relationship between stress and health.
21. The student will be able to present a group project on a selected topic of psychology.
Ideas or Areas in which the Christian Worldview differs from (or “collides” with) the other
Course Collision Point
What is the Christian Worldview in relation to the psychological
nature of man?
Can there be psychological health without spiritual health?
What is the place of psychology in defining/creating meaning in life?
What defines authenticity in relationships?
Authenticity Truth;
What place has psychology in morality?
Learning Activity
Course Objective
This course will address the following exit competencies:
1. Conceptualization of various theoretical models of motivation, human growth,
development, personality, human nature, and spiritual well being.
2. Personal presuppositions of spiritual, psychological, and biological health of the
individual and the family.
Myers, D. (2013). Psychology (10th ed). Worth Publishers: New York.
PowerPoint Notes will be available online at
Examinations: - 500 Points - There will be six examinations over the course of the semester. The
exams will be composed of concepts covered in the textbook and lecture.
Reflection Papers - 100 Points - You are required to write one two page reflection papers on a topic
in the section covered by the exam in your assigned area. Please submit your paper online.
Response Paper Requirements Josh McDowell Collision Conference – 100 points: In an effort to
assure that each student both attends and receives the most benefit from the Josh McDowell Collision
Conference on Feb 5, each student will be required to submit a response paper based on one of the
three lectures. If a student cannot possibly attend, he or she must clear this absence with Dr. Sutton.
The student will then be required to view the lectures on the OKWU website and complete the
required papers. Students should take notes during the lectures to facilitate an easier time writing the
assignment. The papers are to be in the format listed on the attached form.
Attendance and Participation – 300 Points – You receive points every time you attend and your
grade will be effected by unexcused absences. There will be various assignments handed out during
class sessions – these will make up 100PTs
Right of
A = 100-93.00%
B- = 82.99-80.00%
D+ = 69.99-67.00%
A- = 92.99-90.00%
C+ = 79.99-77.00%
D = 66.99-63.00%
B+ = 89.99-87.00%
C = 76.99-73.00%
D- = 62.99-60.00%
B = 86.99-83.00%
C- = 72.99-70.00%
F = Below 60.00%
Oklahoma Wesleyan University seeks to develop mature Christian leaders and scholars who produce
their own scholastic work and who demonstrate integrity under all conditions. The practice of
academic honesty is a high priority in our community. Failure to meet this standard is considered a
most serious offense. The Academic Honesty Policy at OKWU includes all that is described in the
OKWU Student Handbook 2012-2013 and the OKWU Catalog. This includes any examples of
cheating on examinations, copying another students work or plagiarism as is outlined in the
catalogue. At the instructor’s discretion, any instance of cheating or plagiarism will result in any or
all of the following consequences: (1) A substantial reduction of the grade for that assignment, (2) an
“F” for the assignment, (3) failure of the course. Additionally any act of Academic Dishonesty will
be reported to the Office of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and may lead to
suspension or expulsion from the university.
A student who has questions or concerns regarding any aspect of this course should first raise their
concerns with their professor. If no satisfactory resolution is reached, the student or instructor is
encouraged to communicate with the dean of the school offering this course. For this class that
would be the Dean of the School. Beyond that, appeals may be made to the Associate Vice President
for Academic Affairs.
In the event of any necessary revision of this syllabus, the student will be informed well in advance
and in class in writing.
Any student who desires assistance with a learning or physical disability that may affect either the
student’s academic progress or access to academic services is required to report these needs to the
Student Academic Services so that appropriate accommodations may be made. It is the student’s
right and responsibility to disclose his/her disability to instructors when and if he/she chooses to
initiate requests for accommodations.
At the end of the semester, students will complete an online Student Course/Professor evaluation. All
students are encouraged to participate in the evaluation, as it is the students’ opportunity to provide
feedback regarding both positive and negative aspects of the course. Please give specific, authentic,
and constructive feedback that will enhance our ability to provide classes and programs that are
academically strong and relevant.
Students can access the evaluation website by visiting:
Usernames and passwords are the students’ first initial, last initial, and the last six digits of the
student id number.
Response Paper Requirements
Josh McDowell Collision Conference
“Who Does Your Thinking for You?”
Feb 5, 2016
In an effort to assure that each student both attends and receives the most benefit from the Josh McDowell Collision
Conference on Feb 5, each student will be required to submit a response paper based on one of the three lectures. If a
student cannot possibly attend, he or she must clear this absence with Dr. Sutton. The student will then be required to
view the lectures on the OKWU website and complete the required papers. Students should take notes during the lectures
to facilitate an easier time writing the assignment. The papers are to be in the following format and include the following
• MLA format (1-inch margins, header, page number on all pages)
•12-point, Times New Roman font
• Double spacing
Identification of which lecture the student is responding to and a summary of that lecture
Identification of what the student sees as the most critical collision points (the tension between the Christian
Worldview and the Secular Worldview) that were raised in the lecture
Identification of what the student believes to be the two (2) most significant points made in the lecture and
explanation of why
Reflection about how the student believes information from the lecture impacts, can impact, or will impact his
or her life
Identification of one of the following: a question that the student would ask the speaker if given the
opportunity, a question that the student still has after listening to the lecture, or a question that has been raised
by the lecture
The paper shall be at least 2–3 pages in length. The paper should be submitted by Friday, February 19.
The scoring rubric below will be used to grade each paper.
Assignment Criterion
Proper formatting and page minimum
Spelling, grammar, mechanics,
proofreading, etc.
Identification and summary of lecture
Identification of most critical collision
points and rationale
Identification of two (2) most
significant points made in lecture and
Reflection about how information from
lecture impacts student’s life
Identification of one of the following: a
question that the student would ask the
speaker if given the opportunity, a
question that the student still has after
listening to the lecture, or a question
that has been raised by the lecture
Academic Honesty Policy Statement
Oklahoma Wesleyan University seeks to develop mature Christian leaders and scholars
who produce their own scholastic work and who demonstrate integrity under all
conditions. The practice of academic honesty is a high priority in our community. Failure
to meet this standard is considered a most serious offense. The Academic Honesty Policy
at OKWU includes all that is described in the OKWU Student Handbook and the OKWU
I ______________________ have read and understand the academic honesty statement in this
syllabus. I acknowledge that further clarification of the policy can be found in the OKWU
Academic Catalogue. By signing this policy I accept my responsibility to conduct all my
academic activities according to this policy. I also acknowledge that any failure to adhere to the
OKWU Academic Policy will result in the penalties outlined above.