Science Over this term your children will be looking at the topic of Sound. They will be studying the ear, outside and inside. They will be finding out how sound travels, using the air particles and vibrations. They will investigate which materials block out the sound best. They will learn about pitch. History Your child will be learning about the Vikings. Where they came from and why they came to Great Britain. They will learn about the attack on Lindisfarne. Their way of life, clothing, food and activities. Also their weaponry, boats and attacks. Art and Design Your children will study the Bayeux Tapestry as an example of narrative art work. Your children will work in small groups to create a Tapestry of their own, showing scenes from stories they have read or about their own lives. Maths This term your children will concentrate on the formal written methods of maths: The vertical method of addition and subtraction. The grid method for multiplication. The bus stop method for division. Year 4 Curriculum Letter In Year 4 we follow the New National Curriculum 2014. They will also continue learning their times tables and discover the link between factors and multiples. Don’t forget your child also needs a PE. They will be doing PE twice a week – Mondays and Thurdsays! English. This term your children will be looking at stories from the past – Alfred the Great, Beowulf, How to Train your Dragon and the Anglo Saxon warrior Weland. These stories will allow children to cover the Year 4 objectives around the narrative topic: using rich vocabulary to describe settings, characters and to understand and develop the plot of a story. They will also learn how to use paragraphs correctly, fronted adverbials and conjunctions. Please encourage your child to do their homework each week and read as often as is possible. Remember that if your child reads 30 times then they will be going to the cinemas as their reward!!!!! So keep Reading!!!!!! They will also learn about co-ordinates in the first quadrant and translations. Geography Your children will look at the physical and human features of Iceland. They will look at dramatic landscapes such as the Fjords in Norway and the volcanoes in Iceland. Music Your children will look at the instruments the Vikings would have played and then compose music inspired by the story Beowulf.