VISTA ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION (vad) New York Campus Compact – AmeriCorps VISTA VISTA Assignment Description (VAD) Host Institution: Host Office: Program Year: Mercy College Center for Student Success and Engagement 1 Community Needs Statement: Locally, Bronx County (the location of Mercy College’s second-largest campus and adjacent to Westchester County, the site of Mercy College’s main campus) has the highest population of Hispanic constituents by percentage and size in New York State. The Bronx is overall comprised of a population that is 33.9% black, 51.2% Hispanic and 14.9% other ethnic and racial groups. And, while the national rate of Americans holding a Bachelors degree or above is 27.2%, in the Bronx that rate is only 17.6%. This translates to 17.9% of the black population and 11.2 % of the Hispanic population in that county. Goal Statement: GOAL 1 Community ACTIVITY 1 ACTION STEPS Not surprisingly, the correlation between college completion and socio-economic status is strong. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median earnings of individuals with less than a ninth grade education, as of 2007, was $16,615, while high school graduates earned $31,337, holders of bachelor’s degree earned $56,826, and individuals with professional degrees earned $100,000. As of 2009, in the Bronx 28.5% of families live below the poverty level as compared to 14.2% in New York State. It is imperative that we address the needs of Bronx residents and create a strategy to help them get to and graduate from college. Mercy Gives Back will provide a structured opportunity for Mercy College’s constituents, including students, alumni and faculty, to provide service geared toward fighting poverty in the surrounding high-needs communities through engagement and empowerment of community members to build sustainable, long-term solutions aimed at closing the education gap. It is our belief that the College can help increase the capacity of individuals in surrounding low-income neighborhoods to become more self-reliant by engendering the preparation, readiness and expectation of college attainment among residents through strategic outreach. Develop and enhance support for a mentoring program to increase college attainment of students at P.S. 46, P.S. 85 and Harry S. Truman High School in the Bronx. Collaborate with key officials at P.S. 46, P.S. 85 and Truman High School and members of the community to develop the mission, goals, model and desired outcomes for the program. Conduct regular planning committee meetings Formulate strategic plan, including target population at the elementary and high schools, topics for mentoring and tutoring Research best practices for mentoring and tutoring programs Develop timeline for rollout, including pilot program for Spring 2012 and expansion for Fall 2012 Identify possible Mercy College volunteers ACTIVITY 2 ACTION STEPS Develop intellectual and financial resources for the program Work with experienced faculty in the education and counseling TIMELINE September 2011 – August 2012 September 2011 – December 2011 August 2011 – September 2011 September 2011 – October 2011 October 2011 – December 2011 TIMELINE October 2011 – programs, as well as the college opportunity programs, to create a training handbook and training modules for student volunteers Research and submit grants to fund mentoring program ACTIVITY 3 Implement pilot program for Spring 2012 Recruit Mercy College student volunteers, including PACT students ACTION STEPS January 2012 October 2011 – June 2012 TIMELINE October 2011 – November 2011 Collect feedback from high school students, parents and Mercy May 2010 College volunteers to use to adjust implementation in Fall 2012 MILESTONES: GOAL 1 INDICATOR TARGET INSTRUMENT PERIOD Recruit, train and place volunteers Number of volunteers Volunteer recruited, trained and 25 Q3 participation placed as mentors Develop training handbook and Documents created and module vetted by appropriate 2 Handbooks Q3 staff Mentees report change in attitude Surveys of elementary 50% of toward college attainment and high school students participants pre- and postwith Surveys Q4 participation in changed mentoring program attitudes GOAL 2 Develop and enhance support for Parent Centers at Mercy College’s Bronx campus and at Community P.S. 46 and P.S. 85. ACTIVITY 1 Collaborate with Mercy College program coordinator, principals, TIMELINE parent leaders and teachers to develop and support mission, goals and outcomes desired for parent resource centers in Bronx schools ACTION STEPS ACTIVITY 2 Facilitate regular meetings with the school coordinator and community contacts Assist in formulating a plan for rollout of programs, including mission, goals, outcomes Identify and recruit potential parents to participate Develop online resources for the parent centers to ensure sustainability Develop fundraising and partnership opportunities August 2011 – July 2012 August 2011 – October 2011 August 2011 – November 2011 TIMELINE November 2011 – February 2012 November 2011 – June 2012 Research and submit grant proposals ACTION STEPS Cultivate relationships with parents involved in the centers who may become future leaders for the initiative Locate and design space for parent centers MILESTONES: GOAL 2 Submit grant applications Identify parents to serve as volunteers in the school-based centers INDICATOR Number of applications submitted Number of volunteers recruited TARGET Spring 2012 August 2011 – November 2011 INSTRUMENT PERIOD 1 Application Q3 2 Volunteer Agreements Q4 GOAL 3 Develop one-day service project in the Bronx community Community ACTIVITY 1 ACTION STEPS Coordinate with community leaders in the Bronx to develop the one-day service initiatives Coordinate with committee of community leaders to develop a vision, plan and timeline for the community project Research best practices for such programs at other organizations Develop simultaneous effort on Mercy College campus to complement community outreach Raise funds for beautification projects Host pilot project in Spring 2012 MILESTONES: GOAL 3 INDICATOR Host day of service and recruit volunteers from the community and Mercy College Secure resources for project GOAL 4 30 participants (15 from Mercy College, 15 from the community) at one school site in the Bronx $500 raised to support project TARGET TIMELINE August 2011 – June 2012 August 2011 – December 2011 August 2011 – December 2011 November 2011 – March 2012 March 2012 INSTRUMENT PERIOD 30 participants Volunteer record log Q3 $500 Cash / in-kind donations Q3 Develop and enhance student volunteerism and ethos of civic responsibility on campus Campus ACTIVITY 1 ACTION STEPS ACTIVITY 2 Create a community service clearinghouse to collect data on student service activities Develop a system for collecting volunteer placement info and disseminating it, as well as a method for tracking student volunteer hours Develop a handbook for volunteer programs and a college-wide training program Develop a plan for communication to the Mercy College community about service and engagement Host a community engagement award ceremony TIMELINE October 2011 October 2011 – December 2011 TIMELINE May 2012 ACTION STEPS Develop a community service newsletter to be sent to students, faculty and alumni about campus engagement opportunities and Spring 2012 successes MILESTONES: GOAL 3 INDICATOR TARGET INSTRUMENT PERIOD Develop database to track volunteer hours and commitments Community Service Award Ceremony occurs and is wellattended Community service newsletter distributed Database developed and rolled out to a pilot group of students Honor students, alumni and faculty for community participation Sent once per month during second semester to faculty, students, alumni 1 database developed Database Q2 50 attendees Sign-in log Q3 4 newsletters Newsletter Q4